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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good morning, peeps.


Here are the 1st 2 ATW blocks, joined and bordered

WOW! That is beautiful, Judy!


Good day, everyone. I got another late start on the day today. It seems like it's only on the days when I don't have any set plans or duties that I realize how extremely tired I am. Most of the time I just keep doing what has to be done and keep plugging away.


I'm about half way through my book now. Not bad, considering I just started it a few days ago and it's 1,000 pages long. Now you know why I haven't gotten much crocheting done. :lol :lol :lol


It's overcast, drippy and chilly here today, so I'll probably stay in and vegetate today. Have a good day, everyone.

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Thanks for the complimennts, everyone.

I haven't done any crafts today yet, but will be remedying that now (if that's a word).


Going to make more squares for the enlarged blanket...no knitting today. Don't feel capable of concentrating...

Oh - want to start the baby gift, too! That's easy....


I took Sparkie for a walk and then went out this morning to get away from some issues here. I left the "issue" home.:devil

It was rejuvenating.:)


Be back later:manyheart

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Judy- your ATW is looking so nice!!! Love the color combo!!:)


I had another long day at work and didn't get in till about 7:15. I don't have a day off till next Saturday. Let me tell you, these "12 day weeks" wear me out! But, I can't complain, because I really like my job- it's just that with the special project I've been assigned to we have to work the last weekend of every month.


Luckily, my DH did the laundry and folded and put it away. He also ran the dishwasher and put them away. And he ran the vaccuum. :clap


I worked on 2 granny squares Friday night and haven't picked up :yarn and :hook since. :(


I did stop at ACMoore on the way home from work- they had a 20% off coupon plus they had lots of different yarns on sale for $1.99. And after working all weekend, I felt I earned a treat! :yes And what better treat than yarn?:c9


Good night ladies!

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Julie, the book I'm reading is "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. It starts in 1123 although most of the book begins about 10 years later in England. It deals with the politics of the times both secular and religious and how the two intertwine. The characters are well developed and so is the plot. I'm finding it fascinating.


I drooled over cakes and pies and cheese cakes and pastries tonight but left the store without buy any of them. I'm really trying to behave with my diet. It's not at all easy some days. I'm working on it. :sigh


Judy, I'm glad the walk with Sparkie helped. :hug


Joanne, here's hoping the week goes quickly and you get a good rest next weekend. It was nicely of hubby to help out.

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Thanks, Joanne. They really are soothing colors.


Linda, Sparkie is such a love...he's REALLY attached to me now. I didn't hink he could be closer, but he is. He;s definitley showing that I'm his "person"...he almost never goes in to the living room to sit with Phil if I'm not in there too. Only if Sparkie wants to share his squeaky ball with him.

I recently started Pillars..., Linda, but put it aside after a short time...maybe I should pick it up again...:think

I hear a movie based on it is coming out this Summer.

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Quickly stopping by "the House" before I head out to work on this rainy Monday to wish everyone a "happy" day!

I hope your day goes well....see ya later.

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Checking in to say good morning and I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Linda - Good luck and good job with your diet, it's not easy, and I'm glad you are enjoying your book.


Joanne - It's rainy and dreary here too :(

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Checking in to say good morning and I hope everyone has a wonderful day!



Joanne - It's rainy and dreary here too :(

You, too, hon.

...and ditto on the weather:P

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Morning all -

Well our girl just left, so we are back to just the 2 of us again . We had a nice visit with her though,so it was good to see her and spend time with her .


Our weather here today is grey ,but it says it will be 70 by the weekend ! WOW,that will be great for this time of year .


I need to spend some time getting the house straightened up this morning ,so will check in with you all later --


Have a great day .:)

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:sun......... Good Morning................

Hope everyones day starts out awesome and ends even better!

I hava shawl I'm knitting that I have to set aside today due to running out of yarn. :(

So I will be working on other things... like a few saltines... a croknit square for a blanket... and getting a little work done on some jackson squares.

Whats everyone else gonna work on today?










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Hey Miss Tam

I am working on squares for my castle -- it is coming along really well .Trying to keep the MOJO going on it before I give out .


That'll be my main thing I'll be concentrating on most of the week, plus I'm working on a knitted dishcloth .

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Linda-thanks, I think I read that a few years back -- they have a part 2 of it now, right ?

I havent read it yet though .

Yes. Rosie's John said there's another book that follows it.


Julie, you've got an extra incentive on the castle ghan. Cam!


Good morning. I got to sleep in a bit longer than usual this morning, which was nice. It's gray and overcast here today, too. The temp is 52*. I now have three rows done on my thread piece. I think I'll be working on it and the flannelghan today. I've got a headache today, so time will tell how much I get accomplished.


Sounds like you're going to be busy, as usual, Miss Tam.


Good morning, Marisa.


Hope work goes well for you today, Joanne.

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Morning...have lots to do today, including lots of crocheting. Have at least two little mini high heel shoes to make and making big progress on the Heirloom afghan...but also have a ton of other non crochet stuff to do...it's gonna be crazy from now until I leave for Virginia on April 21st, then of course the cross country trip back with the Hub-E! My birthday is in May and I think this year for my birthday I'll want a week of not worrying about doing ANYTHING! But we'll see how that goes.


Hope you all have a good kitten day (something my Hub-E says...he use to say it to his cat, then to me and then I ran with it myself...)

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Morning all - just another quick check in to see how you all are doing . It sounds like most all of us are starting out with a busy week .


I still have laundry that needs caught up and a few dishes to do, then back to the castle .


Will check back in sometime this afternoon later --

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:sun......... Good Morning................

Hope everyones day starts out awesome and ends even better!

I hava shawl I'm knitting that I have to set aside today due to running out of yarn. :(

So I will be working on other things... like a few saltines... a croknit square for a blanket... and getting a little work done on some jackson squares.

Whats everyone else gonna work on today?



Started the moon and stars ghan for my friend...


Have a great afternoon...BBL!

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Hi Ladies. :flower It's a beautiful day here and I have windows open! Cheeria's Spring cleaning has rubbed off on me and I'm on a roll now. :lol We'll see how long it lasts. ;)


Judy - Your ATW is wonderful! What are you making for the commissioned afghan?


Diane - Wow! You are very speedy on the Amish Star...and I noticed you left the black squares for last. :) I have to have bright daylight and a bright lamp to work with black. :yes


JoAnne - I'll bet you're exhausted from working such long hours/days. :hug Yay for your DH helping with housework. :)


Linda - I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend. You deserve it! :manyheart


Julie - It sounds like you had a good visit with your DD. 70* this weekend in Ohio! :cheer


Okay, back to cleaning cupboards and doing laundry. 'Hope everyone is having a good day. :manyheart

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Started the moon and stars ghan for my friend...


Have a great afternoon...BBL!


Will you please tell what is a saltine? I keep seeing you all talk about them but really don't know what they are.

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Hi Everyone. Hope your day is going well. Been lazy this morning. Playing on Facebook (my bad), making squares for 63 afghan, and winding yarn. Got to get a move on and pay some bills before the mailman gets here.

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Hi Wanda

When we say saltines, they are just the regular old 2-round granny squares used to make the quiltghans patterns ( the link is on post one for them ) .


I started calling them that because they are the size of saltine crackers.

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