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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I hear a bird tweeting today !!!!


It's supposed to be 60 this weekend ! How about that !!!


Supposed to rain, but I'll take it . Rain and 60 beats snow any day . :)


So,I'll be waiting to see some really nice photos here today for Photo Friday . :D


I'm getting a later than usual start in here. Had to keep Tab settled down over in the 63 group. She's getting a little rowdy again -- you guys know Tab -- a regular ROUSTABOUT sometimes ... :ohdear


Poking fun at a little old lady twice her age . You'd think she'd know better .....:sigh


Kids these days ...:2rock


Joking .... :lol


Tab- Wouldn't have you any other way ...:nahnah

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thanks, Tab:hook


Oh My Gosh Jude


That is SO pretty !!!!! Love the colors !!!


How are you liking it ? I know you usually say you like the more vibrant bright colors .


I think this is gorgeous !!!!


yup, not my usual colors...I'm already think of the next one with BRIGHT colors!


I do like the look of this one, though:D

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Linda- it must be great to have talent in so many things, you can just whip back and forth between them all .


Quilting is definitely one thing I won't be able to tackle. Me and sewing machines are not good friends. I am WAY too impatient with them ,and with no one to teach me, I'd toss it out the window ,then that'd be the end of it .


I have a knitting question for you : If you are knitting a CABLE( with only 6 stitches placed on a stitch holder doodad ) ,it says to knit the next 6 stitches, then to come back and knit the ones from the holder .


I GET that part, but do you put those ONTO the needle,then knit from THERE , or do you just knit directly from the holder ?


Thanks for any help in advance .:)

Julie, you can do it either way, I usually just knit them off the holder. I have a tendency to drop stitches if I switch them back onto the needle.

My early Photo Friday picture- I always get Sam to snap it thursday night so I can have it posted by Fri. A.M.


Here's the castle so far. I am 3 squares short of having enough for another block, but had to lay this down for my 63 weekend challenge . Will pick this back up when that is complete .

The castle is coming along just great, Julie. Very pretty.

2 face cloths and the first block for my ATW:hook

Judy, the face cloths are nice and I love the look of the ATW. Very springlike.


It's not raining this morning, but there is a thick fog shrouding everything. It's turning everything soft and vague, almost like you could step through it into another world where anything is possible, even dragons, elves, and leprechauns.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Tam and Shay ~ I hope you both feel much better soon! :manyheart


Linda ~ Your evening with Rosie sounds like so much fun. Love your description of the fog...how true!


Hi Miss Tabby! It's great to see you again. :hug I see that you and Julie have another contest going. :D


Julie ~ Your castle is going to be wonderful! Looking good. :clap I'll bet 60* will feel like summer to you after such a long winter. :yes


Judy ~ Your face cloths are lovely and your ATW is just beautiful! :cheerThe colors work really well together.


Hi to Nicole and Mary. :hi


No picture from me today. The tile colors are just not good...DD agreed and so I'm going back to the light and medium thyme. 'Hope to get started on the new colors later today.


Have a good Friday, everyone! :manyheart

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Thanks for the kind comments, guys -- the picture will show up better as it progresses farther. I just have almost enough saltines to do the next block down ,so maybe by next week it'll be a little more visible . These picture ones are fun, kinda like working a jigsaw puzzle .


Linda- thanks for the knitting tip on cables. I found a pattern that says EASY ,and it even sounds EASY ..

Now whether it'll BE easy is another thing. It's gonne be my once I get some other things done project .


Mary- sorry your background didnt suit -- I think the old tried and true will look just fine !

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My early Photo Friday picture- I always get Sam to snap it thursday night so I can have it posted by Fri. A.M.


Here's the castle so far. I am 3 squares short of having enough for another block, but had to lay this down for my 63 weekend challenge . Will pick this back up when that is complete .


Looking really good Julie...it looks so bright and cheerful.


2 face cloths and the first block for my ATW:hook


Love the colors on your ATW Judy...its going to be stunning.


It's not raining this morning, but there is a thick fog shrouding everything. It's turning everything soft and vague, almost like you could step through it into another world where anything is possible, even dragons, elves, and leprechauns.


Thats how it is here to Linda....it was so think this morning you could feel it on your skin....almost like you could cut it with a knife.


Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Tam and Shay ~ I hope you both feel much better soon! :manyheart


Linda ~ Your evening with Rosie sounds like so much fun. Love your description of the fog...how true!


Hi Miss Tabby! It's great to see you again. :hug I see that you and Julie have another contest going. :D


Julie ~ Your castle is going to be wonderful! Looking good. :clap I'll bet 60* will feel like summer to you after such a long winter. :yes


Judy ~ Your face cloths are lovely and your ATW is just beautiful! :cheerThe colors work really well together.


Hi to Nicole and Mary. :hi


No picture from me today. The tile colors are just not good...DD agreed and so I'm going back to the light and medium thyme. 'Hope to get started on the new colors later today.


Have a good Friday, everyone! :manyheart


Thanks Mary :hugFeeling so much better today...just going to spend the weekend laying around....got a ham in the oven so that should get us through the weekend without more cooking.


Tammy...hope you are feeling better to :hugmiss my knitting buddy.


Hi Nicole,Mary and Tabby!!

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I've been mia for the last couple of days. Got into the zone....crochet zone, just had to finish by grandsons afghan. I am ready to get on to other things.


Hope you all are feeling well and that those sickies are on the road to recovery.


Now to get caught up.


Nicole, loved your socks. Is the pattern one you can share? What yarn exfoliates, I could really use that??? Now about NASCAR...don't give up, last week was wild. Carl Edwards and Brad Keselowski got into it big time. I agree with you about Danica,and she is not the only female NASCAR driver. But, she has gone back to IRL for at least 3 or 4 months so it should be a lot more enjoyable to watch.

OK, so are you really color blind? If that's the case then I really don't have to worry about what color blocks I send you.;)


Julie, buttered door handles :rofl My neighbor waits until the cover of darkness, loads up her pickup truck with tumbleweeds, then drives thru the neighborhood tossing them out. Your castle is sure growing and looks great. Don't you feel like you are really building a castle? I made a counted cross stitch Indian Chief as a retirement gift for my former boss. It was 18 x 24 on 18 count. Took 9 months. When I was done I felt like I had given birth to a really old indian. :yes


Judy, the dog bone pattern sounds cute. Where did you get it? The ATW looks wonderful. I've always wanted to tackle one but they just look soooo big. Midnight Knitter :D


Tam, Congrats to your son on his wrestling. My grandson is in the middle of vollyball season. He is 6'3" and skinny. I thought he would go for basketball but he prefers VB. Hope you are feeling better.


Julie and Tab, I saw the 63 club on your signature line a few days ago. I spent all one night reading every one of the posts. That group IS wild. I have 3 of the books and had just ordered the fourth when I saw your CAL. Don't have the courage to sign up for it yet, but I will keep reading.


I'm going to Bingo tonight with my BFF's. First real outing for me since my hospital incarceration. It will be a year on Easter Sunday that I was admitted. Had bad leg infections, was a resident for 2 months. Had to learn to walk all over again. But now, no more wheel chair, no more walker or cane. I can navigate all alone...just a little slow. Looking forward to the fun, now let me see....N-36, BINGO.


Next project for me will be Nemo. Graph pattern for my great g-son. He luv, luv, luvs him some Nemo. Both of his parents work at Disneyland so the whole family loves anything Disney.


Here is the finished afghan for my middle grandson. It is a Bernat pattern, called Modern Quilt. At first I thought it looked kind of asian, then it looked kind of african, but now, after looking at the photos, it looks like piano keys. Go figure.:think


Have a healthy and great weekend, will check in later.



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My photos for the week...didn't get to much done,just some work on my Yo-Yos and my son-in-laws afghan.....spending the rest of the weekend on the square hoho that Julie has going.

Very pretty, Shaylen. :clap :clap :clap


Diane, have a ball at Bingo. Love your afghan, too. :clap :clap :clap


I'm almost done with the third strip of the wedding flannelghan. It has rained, complete with thunder and lightening, off and on all day. I'm finding that going slowly on the flannelghan with the big hook hurts the least on days like the last three. At least I'm making progress on something. :hook


Tomorrow is the sewing and quilt expo. :sew We're getting together at 9 am and going from Rosie's house. Will fill you all in after we get back.


Have a great weekend, everyone. :hug

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wow nice jude,


I have not worked on my ATW in a while.. I am 3 colors shy, I been making up the Saltines and storing them in boxes by color, then i'll join them all.. I just cant join as i go as i'd get lost as to where i was lol.

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Thanks Shay !!!

Boy ,that blue afghan is gorgeous ! Is that pattern called Bargello or something like that ? I thought I saw one on here once called that, but maybe I'm mixed up .




Diane -- I really like the afghan you posted ,it's so different. Very unusual pattern, but real nice. I think a man would especially like it, but I do too .


And ,boy you must have patience to work 9 months on a cross stitch picture !




Hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow !!! Take some photos if you're allowed .



Hi Ann- I don't know if we've met yet or not .

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Thanks everyone...I was surprised at how clear the pic came out!


My photos for the week...didn't get to much done,just some work on my Yo-Yos and my son-in-laws afghan.....spending the rest of the weekend on the square hoho that Julie has going.

Beautiful!!! :cheer:clap


Judy, the dog bone pattern sounds cute. Where did you get it? The ATW looks wonderful. I've always wanted to tackle one but they just look soooo big. Midnight Knitter :D

Here is the finished afghan for my middle grandson. It is a Bernat pattern, called Modern Quilt. At first I thought it looked kind of asian, then it looked kind of african, but now, after looking at the photos, it looks like piano keys. Go figure.:think

Beautiful!:clap Very modern:yes

wow nice jude,


I have not worked on my ATW in a while.. I am 3 colors shy, I been making up the Saltines and storing them in boxes by color, then i'll join them all.. I just cant join as i go as i'd get lost as to where i was lol.

Thanks! I follow the chart for each block...and my upper right square has a long tail hanging from it so I know which end is up:lol

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Linda - We had some pretty bad fog here this morning, too. Plus, we had a thunderstorm this afternoon. It's pretty early in the year for that here, but it's keeping with the current trend...not normal weather! Can't wait to see the finished wedding flannelghan. I need to do some more work on mine this weekend.


Mary - Howdy! I'm sorry the colors didn't work out. It sounded good on paper. :(


Julie & Linda - I'm learning how to knit now, too. I've tried off an on forever, but just couldn't get it. So, I'm taking the beginning knitting class here at the 'Ville. I'm actually working the knit stitch already. It's very exciting. :yes


Shay - Good looking projects! I really like the blue one. The yo-yo's look good, too....must take A LOT of patience. I'm envious. :cheer


Diane - Sorry, the pattern is from the Toe-up socks class I took at the 'Ville. So, I can't share it. I think there are other similar free patterns though. The sock yarn I used is definitely exfoliating! It's Bernat Sox yarn. The reason it does such a good job is because it's acrylic and nylon (I'm allergic to wool). It is just rough enough to be sturdy, but softens up well after washed. Since it's crocheted, it creates a warm, thick fabric. Then, with natural sweat, something really cool happens to the feet. They come out very soft. Not pleasant to think about why, true! :D Oh and I'm really color blind. It's very rare for a female to be color blind. Both parents have to be color blind to produce a female that's color blind so my mom, is too. So was her mom and dad. It goes down a long line. As long as I don't marry someone who is color blind, it will stop in the female, but go on to any males. I can tell that square isn't blue though, but it was funny that you mentioned I'm not color blind because I am! :lol Have fun playing bingo!! Another gorgeous afghan from you...you have an amazing talent. :yes

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Nicole -

I havent yet tried any of their classes here. It sounds like they are good and work well to help you .

Maybe i'll give one a try sometime if I ever get enough of my stuff wrapped up and completed so I have time to devote to one .


I'm glad you are enjoying knitting .It's really fun to learn ,at least for me. I used to remember seeing people knitting a long time ago and wishing I could do it, but I never knew anyone that I could have asked for instructions when I was ready to learn .


I *think * I finally got the hang of it, at least to a small degree . I am nowhere NEAR ready to tackle a clothing item or anything like that, but I can at least knit and purl ,so it's a start .

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We are supposed to get rain today, but they said that yesterday and none then .


It will probably catch up with us today though .


At least it's warm . Was out without a coat ! Did that feel nice !!


On the crafting front, I achieved a total of ZILCH yesterday, so today is get it in gear day .


Cam has strep throat ,so won't get to come up, but I may go down for a short visit and to take him a toy so he has something new to do this weekend .


So that leaves me here all day with nothing much else to do.


Sam has to get a haircut, renew his driver's license and change oil in both cars, so he has stuff to keep him busy .


I need to get on the stick with my 63's ,then once it's complete I plan on putting lots more time into the castle . I have yarn for several more projects in mind, but castle gets bumped into 1st place then .


I just have to push myself on the 63, because it is a challenge to keep going on those, when the squares don't all turn out the same size ,etc. It CAN easily frustrate you if you let it .


So, thats it for me today -- what's on YOUR agendas ?

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