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Death of an I Hook--a euology

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I hear taps... I see prayer links...

Sadly, all I can think about is the song...


"Another one Bites the Dust!"


SHHHHH... Don't tell... I am a serial offender as well... I MUST BE STOPPED!!! TWO plastic hooks in ONE MONTH!!! I do not undertake my evil bidding alone... I have since sought the help of a 90lb Labrador... I have to say... He is a good pupil... Teeth marks in an aluminum crochet hook is no easy task. and he has taken out a plastic one too...


As mentioned above, thanks for the much needed laugh!

To be honest, both of the times I broke the hooks, it wasn't even while crocheting... those were the first and second times I have ever broken a hook.

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:laughroll This has got to be the funniest thread I have ever read, with each post it gets funnier but enough of the sillies....time to be serious now, after all this is NO laughing matter :2nono


The little I hook gave all it could, gave it's life for the life of a project.

How sad to have to hold the little guy/girl while it took it's last breath

At least you were with it until the end, thats says something about you.


May the hook rest in peace and look over you and your future projects with love and protection.


We are all here for you:ghug



Holy Moly I've truely lost it!!!!!:coo

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:eek i did not even think that was possible. Poor little I hook you were pushing him till his little :heart couldnt take anymore.


You can have my I hook if you want.........I have 3 of them:hook


Sorry but just had a thought............here is what your other hooks are thinking :tryme


:rip lil' I hook.



This absolutely cracks me up!!! :rofl :rofl


Now I'm visualizing all the other hooks whispering among themselves and plotting their revenge :devil .


Was there a memorial service or was the little guy cremated :fire? Did the other hooks even get to say good-bye :( ?


My co-workers think I've lost it - I'm reading this thread and LOL!!!

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I thought I saw your pic in Crochets Most Wanted.....its only time before they track you down!


Hey! Now there's an :idea idea - we should have a section here titled

Crochets Most Wanted. Then we would all have a place to report all the mis-haps! :angel

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I have not decided what to do with little I hook, so it rests right now in a quiet, secluded bookshelf behind glass doors, awaiting its final resting place. I thank you all for your kind condolences. It helps to get through this knowing I am not alone. And I am surprised to learn that I am not the only hook killer. Perhaps we need to form a support group to deal with the pain and guilt and shame.




[My dogs haven't chewed up a hook yet, but one did kill two cell phones (and a rug, and about 10 pairs of shoes, and about 20 books, and, and, and... and it's that little Stinkerbelle's 6th birthday today!!).]

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I'm also a hook killer. The first hook, I thought it was an old plastic "bone" hook (size E). When it broke, it looked funny. I found out it was REAL bone (maybe 100 yrs!). I'm so bad! The second hook, was a metal doily hook. It didn't really break. It got bent in half under my rocking chair. I tried to straighten it, but it hasn't been the same since. Now I only use metal hooks size G and up.

Ellie 13

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