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Little ones' interest

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I've noticed something with my kids, and I was wondering if any of you who also have children have run into the same thing.:think


I mostly use my laptop, which I keep in the living room. That way I can keep an eye on the kids and use my computer at the same time. I've noticed a lot of times when I'll be checking out something in the Show & Tell threads, my kids are all up on me so THEY can have a look too.


"What's that, Mommy?"

"Did you make that?"

"Who's it for?"

"Who made it?" (when I tell them that *I* didn't make it but somebody else did)


I just find it funny. I come here for my own enjoyment, but obviously my kids are getting something out of it too!


Now tell me... do any of your kids do this or are mine just weird?


(And if my kids are weird, it's okay to say so... I already knew it anyway! :lol)

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lol My 5 year old is like that. We have a couple knit items of clothing and everytime one of us wears something like that she says "oooh did you make that" Then when I tell her I didn't she says "who made it mommy" lol so I tell her it's from the store she then asks "who made it at the store" :lol I thought mine was the only one like that.

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Oh myh goodness hun, my HUSBAND does that :lol , and the old, could you make that, will you make it for us, yeppers, and my 16 year old son is that same way, my laptop is in the LR also, my desktop died.

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my laptaop is also n the living room...my 7 year old watches over my sholder and and asks me to make her one of everything she sees and likes. so add that to all the things i see and like i will be making one of everything all you guys post on here. my 18 month old just likes to push the buttons. uggggg

have a good day

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my DS (he's 8) wants one of everything I make. ......uhh........even ponchos.......lol. but he likes the things i make. one time to make him laugh, becuase he was upset about something, we looked at the monster crochet site. he liked the stuff there too.


I've also showed him the flying spaghetti monster hat, and the chicken viking hat ...that got a good reaction! lol :-)

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I felt bad a few days ago because I was looking for a scarf pattern for a charity scarf. I started making it and my 3 yr old ds asked me what I was doing. He said he wanted it. I said I was making a scarf for a poor person who didn't have a scarf. He pointed out he didn't have one (and we live in the Yukon where it hasn't been above freezing for months). So now that I finished HIS scarf I am making a scarf for a homeless person.



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Lol! though my four legged kids don't "speak" per se, they do have a tendency to climb in my lap as I surf, and especially with the amigurumi, or blue things, they'll paw the screen. Don't have "real" kids yet, though dad keeps askin when... wonder why ;)


Cheers! Cynthia

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