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Valentine Mystery CAL ..Day #6 Post 354, 329, 308, 284, 124,202


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Let me try...I hope someone chimes in to help ...I'm writing this as I crochet to maybe explain it better...

Does this help any??? I'll try again til we can get you going... just let me know,,,


I know how to switch colors...that's not my problem. I must not be doing a good job of explaining myself. I can carry the yarn from the beginning and follow your directions easily enough...but the leaving the yarn hanging and then picking it up again from the opposite side is not working out for me. I tried going in around the opposite direction when I make my pull through, and I tried just laying the yarn tail over the top to bring it back to the right side. Both ways make the stitching all lop-sided and wonky.


When I do row 6, then turn to row 7, the yarn tail for the red is hanging on the opposite side. How do I get it to the right side without making my stitches look crazy?



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ohh..maybe that is what is making some of my stitches look funny. I just pull it (the tail) to the wrong side when I am on that side...it does seem kind of awkward and I was trying to figure out a clever way to do it and keep the stitches looking good.


maybe we are being too critical? LOL.......


I'll take a pic of mine....

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Someone asked to see photos of what we should have so far. This is what I have after row 10. I think it looks ok except for the little bit of a jagged edge on the one side of the pink, but I think I am learning that it will just be that way regardless of how I do it. I think it's just part of the anatomy of a crochet stitch. Anyway, I would love to see others progress at this point. And I can't wait for tomorrow! :hook



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When I do row 6, then turn to row 7, the yarn tail for the red is hanging on the opposite side. How do I get it to the right side without making my stitches look crazy?




Your going to need to bring it forward... and in the beginning it looks wonky... after you become comfortable with it you will find what works best for you...Your a bit of a perfectionist aren't you dearie:P


Greg... looks great... keep on hookin':D

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Ok, I have done the WW one. and after seeing the other pictures, I have confirmed that either I rip it out or I turn mine into a ladybug ROLF.


I'm not giving up, just looks like I started a stitch early ( or 2) in Row 8.and I did not '3rd loop' to introduce the other color after the first inital color introduction.


My grandmother used to say " You have to be a good 'ripper' to be a good crocheter' Meaning that in order to become good at crochet, you must do allot of ripping out. Wise Wise Woman LOL

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Greg's looks better than mine:(



ROFLOL - Greg's looks WAAAAAY better than mine!!! :lol :lol



OK, if that's really what I'm supposed to do, I'll do it again. I frogged it all earlier out of frustration, but I'll get it going again. It really did look wonky, though. If I can't get it to look more like Greg's I'll just do a normal tapestry carry and start from row one carrying the red. I can't imagine that I'll want to leave tails like this again, so maybe I don't have to force myself to learn this...:P


:D Judy

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Someone asked to see photos of what we should have so far. This is what I have after row 10. I think it looks ok except for the little bit of a jagged edge on the one side of the pink, but I think I am learning that it will just be that way regardless of how I do it. I think it's just part of the anatomy of a crochet stitch. Anyway, I would love to see others progress at this point. And I can't wait for tomorrow! :hook


Looks great, Crochet Daddy! And I bet those jagged ones are when you worked the wrong side. Maybe you're right...just the anatomy of the crochet stitch.


And WOW! I wish I had $300 to go shopping at Hobby Lobby! And to those women who look at you funny when you're shopping or say something unkind to you, just tell them ... oh, just don't bother with 'em!


MyissaG and Suzy, yours look great, too!

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Thank you..I just wish the jagged look would stop! I do believe you're right, though, about the wrong side causing that. Grr.. They can send a man to the moon - - do you think there's a technique to get it to look smooth??? LMAO

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thank you all for showing your pictures, im still not getting it, but i'll keep trying...lmao i'm sitting and crocheting in between laundry and cleaning since hubby is coming home from a two week class tonight instead of tomorrow night...i'm hoping i can get it all done and have a chance to sit and put all effort into it tonight after the my kiddo goes to bed....

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WOOOHOOOO I am getting it!!!!



Had to keep rippin' Quite a few more times. Seems as though I am having more trouble actually starting the alt. color in the correct stitch, but now that I am really watching, I can rip out & re-do sooner.

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all right, I'm on my second one--I'm going to try to make 4 of whatever-it-is to maybe give my girls for v-day. I think I'm doing it right, but I'm seeing the jagged edges, too. Like someone else said, I'm just accepting it as the way it's going to be with this technique. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished!


Any idea how many days this CAL will last? Wondering if I'll have time to make more before V-day if I feel the need to gift some other people with whatever-it-is.....:D :D :D

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Hey! What are you supposed to do with all the tails from dropping one color,using the cc, then picking up the main color again. I'm not sure about this?

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You might want to just work through at this point... Remember either the Amish or Shakers make an on purpose mistake in their work since they believe God is the only perfect thing... we can roll with that if you'd like :D


I did not know this about the Amish or Shakers making an on purpose mistake in their work. I might just leave it off center now!!LOL Will give it some character!!!

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Ok, I have done the WW one. and after seeing the other pictures, I have confirmed that either I rip it out or I turn mine into a ladybug ROLF.


I'm not giving up, just looks like I started a stitch early ( or 2) in Row 8.and I did not '3rd loop' to introduce the other color after the first inital color introduction.


My grandmother used to say " You have to be a good 'ripper' to be a good crocheter' Meaning that in order to become good at crochet, you must do allot of ripping out. Wise Wise Woman LOL



Ya know, being able to rip out our mistakes is one of the beauties of crocheting (just think w/ knitting how you have to make sure you don't drop a stitch from the needles when ripping, to me that would be way more difficult). Then, you can just re-pick up the crochet stitches eazy peazy. :D


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OK, I think I've got it. Took a bit of figuring in the beginning, but it looks like everyone else's at this point!:cheer Thanks for the pictures. I'm also a visual learner so they were extremely helpful!

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