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Valentine Mystery CAL ..Day #6 Post 354, 329, 308, 284, 124,202


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Ok - to clarify....even though I am sure this is what you were saying...


Row 8: white sc 10 (in the 10th stitch would pick up red, correct?)

contrast sc 7 (in 7th stitch pick the white back up, correct? in the 2 loops)?? And so on........

white sc 10

chain 1 turn


I was just changing abruptly to the diff color - I was thinking taht since this is a graph it would be different than a standard color change, but guess it is treated just like a regular color change eh? I hope I am making sense. LOL

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can someone take a picture of what it should look like after row 10? I think it might help to have a visual. I'm a very visual person although i think i'm doing ok, but would be nice to see what it's suppose to look like...



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OK guys! Here I am! Going to post #202 to see what trouble I can get into this morning. This is just sooooo much fun I can hardly stand it! :cheer:clap:hook


EDIT: Let's see, I forgot which hook I was using! Oops!

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Yep I just started crocheting about 3 weeks ago. Since I started I have completed about 8 scarves, almost done with my first afghan, several pot holders and dishcloths, and a quarter of the way through a giant graphghan. I love crocheting so much that I have already spent a fortune on yarn. Probably over $300 in 3 weeks :eek. I must say that I get several looks when I am out buying yarn since I am a guy. One woman even asked me why us men can't leave well enough alone and leave crocheting to the women. I am just glad that is not the response I have gotten here. Everyone here has been terrific. This has done wonders for managing stress! And I work a job where i can crochet at work so I have been averaging about 11 hours of crocheting a day! :hook


I can't wait to get todays instructions!


Greg: You should have told her to shut up and get back in the kitchen where she belonged! :lol

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Ok - to clarify....even though I am sure this is what you were saying...


Row 8: white sc 10 (in the 10th stitch would pick up red, correct?)

contrast sc 7 (in 7th stitch pick the white back up, correct? in the 2 loops)?? And so on........

white sc 10

chain 1 turn


I was just changing abruptly to the diff color - I was thinking taht since this is a graph it would be different than a standard color change, but guess it is treated just like a regular color change eh? I hope I am making sense. LOL


Yep... regular ole color change!

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Is that what I'm doing wrong? Is it really that simple??? Just move the tail to the back and keep going?


No, that doesn't look good either. It gets all wonky. Can somebody please explain how to do this tails thing? I could start over and carry the red, but then I wouldn't be learning this...and even if I never ever ever ;) do it again, I'd like to learn how...




Another question: on row 7 - are those contrasting five stitches supposed to be centered above the stitch on row 6?



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Make sure your counting the chain 1 as a stitch and going into the 2nd st ..also.. that little lost sttich at the end of the row that usually looks lost... as long as your coming out with 27 sts. you'll probaly be fine...


It's that sneaky little lost stitch at the end of the rows. On row 6 when you sc 13 you actually finish in the 14th st, which puts my cc (contrast color) in the 15th st. But you're saying the cc is supposed to be in the 14th st?


So, then on row 6, you have the turning ch1 which is the 1st sc + 12 sc (=13 sc), then cc in the 14th st. Is this correct?

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No, that doesn't look good either. It gets all wonky. Can somebody please explain how to do this tails thing? I could start over and carry the red, but then I wouldn't be learning this...and even if I never ever ever ;) do it again, I'd like to learn how...




Another question: on row 7 - are those contrasting five stitches supposed to be centered above the stitch on row 6?




Let me try...I hope someone chimes in to help ...I'm writing this as I crochet to maybe explain it better...as you do your 13th stitch don't complete it as usual..with 2 loops on the hook,take the contrast and leave a long tail in the back.. then finish stitch 13 with the contrast...make the next stitch in the contrast but don't finish that stitch..lay the contrast ayrn to the back and bring the white to finish that stitch... then crochet the next 13 stitches ..chain 1 turn.... on the next row the third contrast st. should be over the one contrast on row 6..


Does this help any??? I'll try again til we can get you going... just let me know,,,

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I agree with Snappish there about putting previous posts of daily instructions in the body as I will be out of town until tuesday. I will be able to do this CAL by wednesday. It will be so easy if I can look them up on the first post and catch up. Direct urls or posts numbers will be fine either way. Thanks for doing this CAL!

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Here are a couple of sites that give instructions for changing colors that you may find helpful:



Scroll down a little to "Carrying Colors"



See "Hints for Changing Colors" about 2/3 down the page.


Sometimes you don't need to carry a color along the back. In this CAL, we need to listen to Lea for when to carry the color along the back.


If you look at the Christmas Mystery CAL, you'll see the tree is in the center so there's no need to carry the tree color to the end of the row and then back again so you can pick it up. If you just leave it in the correct place, it'll be there to pick up when you need it again. That probably makes no sense at all!


Oh, well! I hope this is helpful to someone.



Found my post that said I was using size H :hook! Whew!

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Oh, Paula, I'd like to encourage you not to give up! Google "crochet color change" or something. I'm sure you'll find something out there to help.


Maybe taking a break from it will help. Hope you stick with it!

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Lea. My first contrast stitch is off center. Is this right? Or do I need to go back and re-read and re-do??


You might want to just work through at this point... Remember either the Amish or Shakers make an on purpose mistake in their work since they believe God is the only perfect thing... we can roll with that if you'd like :D

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