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hi,,probably a silly question,,but one i have a big problem with...does any one else have a real problem with starting projects and NEVER finishing them??? i always seem to be more interested in the construction of a new project, especially when it uses new techniques,,and then once i see how it's made or i can see what it will look like when it is completed,,i tend to want to move on to somehting else...i do this so much that i have tons of projects started and cant' go back to them because it's been so long,that i lose the yarn and forget what hook size i used or some other excuse...just curious if it's just me or if it might be common among other crocheters....

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All the time! I have actually sent WIPS to my sister Niqita in MN to finish for me! I'm trying to finish one thing at a time now!

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Oh absolutely!! I've been fairly disciplined this last year, in starting one project and seeing it through to the end before starting another. It has taken a lot of will-power!!


My husband used to tease me all the time about my "Unfinished Projects" closet!! :2blush

And looking at my signature line, you can see I'm starting out 2007 back to my old ways!!

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Not a silly question- that's probably the most common thing for a villager to confess to!


I keep myself to one or two projects at a time, usually, but it is very, very easy to start and leave a project once the mystery is gone. You're among friends here.

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I am hopeless when it comes to this. I find a pattern I really like and I have to start it then I do it for a bit and put it down. When I feel like crocheting again I normally am not in the mood to keep going with it so I start something else. I now have a whole draw full of WIPs.


I just tried my hand at free form and I LOVE it!! I can crochet whatever I want in whatever yarn or thread I want and I can create lots of little scrumbles then join them together to make something or just make one big continuous piece. Although I haven't yet cured my wip addiction I find it keeps me interested and I'm sticking to one thing.


Well I have started two freeform pieces. A toaster cover which I am half done and because I just used scraps with it the colours are all crazy so I wanted to try a scrumble with a colour scheme. That scrumble is gradually getting larger and larger and I plan to make it into a throw for my crocheting couch. It is whites, creams, blacks and greys and looks really nice! So until I make them I am trying not to start anymore freeform projects. It is alot easier as I am still interested in the project being able to do whatever I FEEL like doing and not having to follow a pattern and only use one type of yarn.


My handbag is dying and I need a new one so today I plan to go and look in th op-shops and get my self an old handbag with good handles and freeform crochet on to it and that will be my handbag. That means another WIP though. :sigh:blush:rofl Oh well, what's a girl to do??

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I've never been one to start a project & not finish. I usually work like crazy to finish whatever I have started right away. I didn't realize thats what I do until I see everone else talking about wips. I have never done that-I think maybe 2 times that I left a project to come back to later. I've been crocheting for 16 yrs. Maybe I know if I leave it I'll never finish it!

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man I am exactly like this. It's a sickness lol


My hubby is always teasing me because I NEVER finish anything. Actually the baby afghan and baby layette is the first REAL project that I finished and on time...it took sooo much willpower and it got boring for me and i couldn't wait for it to be done with and those were just small baby things LOL


I think I have at LEAST 15-20 WIPS, it really does frustrate me that I can't finish something...but I get all gung ho about doing something and do maybe 1/10th of it and it seems to take "too long" and it's daunting to think of how much longer it will take me so it ends up being put down.


I started a Blue Star CAL and am going to push myself to finish that and while I am waiting for my book and yarn to come for that project I'm forcing myself to continue working on a ripple that I started a few months ago. I am 26 rows into it lol and running out of dark blue =x Its a ripple that is 2 rows white, 2 rows country blue, 2 rows dark blue (navy).


So now I have a problem..I want to finish WIP's but I dont have nearly enough yarn to do that lol Especially this ripple, I'd llove to finish it, my hubby really loves it, but we made a new years resolution to stop buying unnecessary things and try to save up some money...this is necessary right? =) I mean the blanket wont get finished if I don't buy more yarn =)


If you wanna see just a FEW of the projects I started, I took a few pictures of them to show my mother...apparently she had no idea I could crochet and actually make things? LOL Anyway here they are...http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/kitanna25/album?.dir=/9343re2&.src=ph


You can see the blue ripple there, I've added about 10 rows since then so...umm thats progress I guess =)

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