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questions about DH's

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I have seen posts about other members making stuff for their DH's. My DH wants to buy a beenie, I have told him a number of times i can make him one since money is really tight and i have color he wants in my boxes of yarn so there would be no cost. But he wants to buy one. I have made hats for my 2 step sons who would where them in the shower if they didnt have to wash their hair, and our daughters love the stuff I make for them.


How do I get my DH to like or wear something I make for him???

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My daughter was the same way, I crocheted a hat the other day and one of her girlfreinds made a comment on how cute it was, I gave it to her. Well, now MD wants me to make her a hat too. Go figure. I would make one for him in the color he likes, then but it down in his area, so he knows it for him, and see if he trys it on. I shouldn't be too much work or alot of yarn, and you already know he isn't the type to wear it so if he doesn't like it, then give it to someone else who would like it.



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welp,,,,my hubby tells me he would wear something,but every time I find a pattern,,he doesnt like it. mebbe I should just crochet a polo shirt,,,with a mandarin collar,,LOL!

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I've seen lots of guys with crocheted beanies, I think it's part of the skater-boy look. But the men past the 20s might not see it that way. Funny, last week my boss and I were eating lunch (we're both 42), and two young guys came in. I was looking at one of them and trying not to stare, but it was because he had a crocheted hat that I wanted to try and guess what stitche it was made of. I was checking out the cap, not the guy!


I agree with the others that if he doesn't want it handmade, then it won't be a bargain to even spend $3-4 on yarn if the cap goes unused. Of course, if DH doesn't like it, the stepsons would gladly take it off his hands!


I've mostly knitted instead of crocheted toboggan-like caps for the men in my life in camo yarn. Some of them hunt and those that don't think camo is manly. The knitted caps look a little more unisex than crocheted ones IMO. (Bernat and Red Heart both have decent camo yarn that fits my tight budget and that I can pick up at Wal-Mart).

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Crochet items for DH. lately i've been making hats for co-workers. I was working on a blanket for DH. Still. It's a couple years in the making. I get tired of making squares. One of those sampler afghans. He asks about it once in awhile, so i make a few squares and go on to other projects. But, I made one of the "Bo the Snowman ornaments" for our tree. Right away Dh asked for a snowman! A whole snowman, not just the head. I thought that was cute! So I made a snowman doorknob hanger thing. I used this pattern http://crochet.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.geocities.com/pmshc/snowmandoorgreeter.html


When I was done, and showed him, he thought it was cool. So, my son asked for one, but a santa one. So i found the roly poly character patterns, from freepatterns central, or whatever. and made the santa one. just made the arms longer, to go around the door knob. I put jingle bells in place of the buttons on top, and bells up his arms.


But DH isn't one for wearing hats, besides baseball type caps.

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My hubby supports my crocheting fully - with the exception that he won't wear something I make! :lol It doesn't worry me though, as I know he's just not into crochet stuff, as it's not his style.

I did make him a blanket for Christmas which he loves. He proudly told everyone that he helped with it by adding his input and 'helping' me design it. I took that as the highest form of compliment! :lol

So I don't worry too much about making him crocheted wearables. I know he'd just feel bad if I spent the time on it and he didn't like it/didn't want to wear it. Instead I make the wearables for people I know will wear them. :)

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Sounds like I'm in the majority..my DH just complained and complained while I was working on other projects that I needed to make him a scarf that he could wear when he rides his motorcycle. I found the perfect yarn, made the scarf, washed and blocked......guess where the scarf is? In his underwear drawer....still not worn yet.... :rofl

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Please don't think me prejudiced. I have been an avid crocheter for 44 years, and an enthusiastic knitter for 39 years. I have never met a man who appreciated ANYTHING crocheted, but most will wear knitted items (making gloves for DH right now). I just don't think crochet has a "manly" look. Not sure how to explain it, but think about it just a bit and you might agree. Yes, there are exceptions, but not really very many.

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Please don't think me prejudiced. I have been an avid crocheter for 44 years, and an enthusiastic knitter for 39 years. I have never met a man who appreciated ANYTHING crocheted, but most will wear knitted items (making gloves for DH right now). I just don't think crochet has a "manly" look. Not sure how to explain it, but think about it just a bit and you might agree. Yes, there are exceptions, but not really very many.


Actually, I have a guy friend who is 18 and absolutely loves everything I make. Knit and crochet. He's very supportive, and so is my dad, and my cousins, and uncles, and other guys I've met over the past 2 or 3 years at our farmers market. They were the biggest beanie buyers.

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Please don't think me prejudiced. I have been an avid crocheter for 44 years, and an enthusiastic knitter for 39 years. I have never met a man who appreciated ANYTHING crocheted, but most will wear knitted items (making gloves for DH right now). I just don't think crochet has a "manly" look. Not sure how to explain it, but think about it just a bit and you might agree. Yes, there are exceptions, but not really very many.


I agree with you as well. I posted as much in another thread. i don't know what that element is but there is something about crochet - for the most part - that doesn't translate to males.


I am thinking of the skater hats - which I love - but they tend to look more like knitting.


I would like to give some thought to this, to see what makes a craft fit a certain demographic. I find it interesting that men -again for the most part and in no way universally - tend to agree about crochet stuff.

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One of DH's friends is in a band that's apparently doing pretty well. They headlined at The Roxy in downtown LA a few times, and they play locally a lot. Anyway, two weekends ago at a party, I was introduced to the other band members, and somehow it came up that I crochet (honestly, how on earth could that have come up in a conversation with 5 25 year old guys???), and they all asked me to make them a beanie! So I promised that I would make them some after Christmas... as long as they promised to wear them on the cover of their first published album!


So, when "Lungbutter" (horrible name, I know) becomes famous, look at their album cover to see my handiwork! :)

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Please don't think me prejudiced. I have been an avid crocheter for 44 years, and an enthusiastic knitter for 39 years. I have never met a man who appreciated ANYTHING crocheted, but most will wear knitted items (making gloves for DH right now). I just don't think crochet has a "manly" look. Not sure how to explain it, but think about it just a bit and you might agree. Yes, there are exceptions, but not really very many.
i don't know what that element is but there is something about crochet - for the most part - that doesn't translate to males.

I'm pretty sure you've not met every man in the world. :lol

There are plenty who happily wear/use crocheted things. My husband, son, and nephews for starters. It's all in how they're made and the colors picked. Doesn't have to look "knitted" but it doesn't have to look like an old lady doily either. ;)

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Ok so I am old... I can live with that.

....considering the alternative... :wlol


Darski, Now that can't be true. As my Mama says, your only as old as your mind makes you feel for that moment. And it depends on the guy as to how he feels about crocheted items. My brother wants me to crochet him a blanket like I made for my sister that I posted here. Joey is a hunter, fisherman. and he is a diesel mechanic. I would have never guessed that he would ever ask for something like this. Maybe, I will make blankets for both my brothers with their interests in mind and see how they come out.



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I haven't made DH a cap yet (he's happy with the Orange County Choppers cap I bought him a couple years back), but he loves the scarf and afghan that I made him. Also, I was making dishrags for Christmas gifts and to occupy time at my son's soccer practice. I got some rainbow ombre yarn, and he saw it and made me promise to make placemats for the table. Not caring that our dining room has a muted Southwestern thing going, I made them anyhow and proudly put them on the table. He's my biggest fan, well, besides my mother! My son also loves his afghan and I just made him a cro-hook cap. Cro-hook looks unisex enough, but it's so thick that gathering up the tube was a bit difficult.

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I think each person is different, and in my family of 3 boys (hubby and 2 sons) each one is very different. When I make something for one of them, I run the yarn color past them, it has to be just right or they don't like it. Black or Camo seems to the colors in my house right now. My hubby usually doesn't like stuff that I make for him, but he did ask for a hat like one I made my youngest son, and some slippers to wear. I made the hat for him and he wears it daily! the slippers I made and the puppy ate them so he is still asking for another pair. I plan on making them up in a few days since I am almost done with all my old projects. Now my oldest son, likes the stuff, but usually won't wear it if I make him something. Unless its a pair of hand knit socks, and he has big feet so those take a long time!

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In my experience all guys seem to like afghans/blankets. At Christmas we slept in my BIL's room and he had one I made several years ago still on his bed...I was thrilled :clap! But they don't seem to care for wearables. Of course, that could have something to do with my skill at wearables.


True story, my first attempt at making a stocking cap failed miserably IMO. It was crooked and had a big, well a lump at the top. I threw it in my reject basket to frog later.


Well, one cold morning DH is wearing this monstrosity! I was mortified! I begged him not to wear it in public. He promised to take it off once he got to work and I finally agreed. After all, don't want him running around with a cold noggin.


That night I make another cap. Much better this time. I gave it to him and he bunched it up in his hands and said "no thanks I prefer the other one" :rofl


Sometimes, I just don't understand him :D

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that's so cute! :-) Dh is asking me to work on his blanket some more. So, I have to remember to bring the books home! they are at work, becasue I was working on it there last time.


I have been wanting to make the love bugs, that were free patterns last year before valentines day, but I keep forgetting the pattern at work. That seems to happen to me a lot. I want to make something, but I can never find the yarn, or the pattern I want to use.

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