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Bedspread Bonanza


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Uh Oh ,Jessi !


How many squares have you been getting per skein ? Hopefully you will have enough to at least do the squares, then if you need border color, it might look ok if it's a little off the other color, but if the squares were off, they'd probably be pretty noticeable .


We'll be waiting to hear what happens ... :yarn

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I think I got about 5 squares out of each skein so I'm pretty sure I don't have enough for the squares. But good idea Julie. If the color is off a bit maybe I can arrange the squares so it looks like I did it on purpose;) I might not even be able to get to the store til this weekend. Good think I have lots of other projects to work on!!

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Good luck, Jessi -- maybe if you can stagger the other color around a little it may not be quite as noticeable. Hope you can find a color as close as possible to what you have already used .




Tabby- it's ok to take a break once in awhile ! Thanks for stopping in . I am pouring it on with my PS - on section 4 of the white now !

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Way to go Julie!:cheer:clap Can't wait to see your progress. Glad you found that elusive Mojo and got it back. I took a break this week to do an amigurumi octopus. Now it's back to stripes.

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Thanks , guys .

I have 2 white sections left to go, but decided to work on the next colored section on one side for a little break, then will go back to get the whites done a little at a time. I am hoping to have big progress by our Photo Friday -- only one more day to go, so I'd better get on the stick . :)

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Julie-I can't wait to see what you have done.

Knic-I am so glad that you decided to finish that blanket as your BS. I can't wait to see the finished project.

I can't wait until Friday to see what everyone has done. I might have to post mine late tomorrow night, since my DH takes the laptop to work with him during the day. That way you can see it during the day on Friday. Otherwise the pics won't be up until after 5 sometime on Friday.

Keep up the good work everyone. We can do it.

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Good morning, ladies


We are getting snow here today -- not sure how much is out there yet, it looks like maybe 3 inches or so, but it's not done yet, so who knows what we'll get total ?


Anyhow, it's a good day to stay in and crochet . Hope to get my last 2 white sections done before posting my photo .


Tomorrow is Photo Friday .Hope to see some nice photos of your progress !

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It has been quite a week here . My hubby had to drive through that nasty weather in Pa yesterday. He drove by that really bad accident. Then a little further up the road was a white out. Anyhow, he made it tough that and is in WV now. He will be heading to Ga when he takes off in a little bit. MY good friends from church's daughter was in an accident and totaled their car. And one of my buddys fell and broke her ankle and possably her arm. What a week! I hope it all goes better over the weekend.My DH comes home tomorrow. Yeah!

As for my BS I now have 2 rows complete and sewn together. I will get a picture posted later tonight or first thing tomorrow.

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Morning everybody. Sounds like you have really been making progress everybody. Can't wait for all the pictures tomorrow.

Hope your friends are all okay, Melissa. :hug Hope your hubby makes it home okay and that you can have a good weekend with him. :drive

You can have the snow, Julie. :snow I don't want it. I had enough of it when I lived in Minnesota to last a lifetime.

I'm off to get the day moving. :wash:tea Happy crocheting everyone.:hook

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OK, I want to know what you people did with Mon, Tues, and Wed. :2nono:wlol

Where did y'all put those days because I sure didn't notice them going by...So I've only got today to make some progress on my Coronet Bedspread... :sigh


Ok, I can do this. I'll just go and watch the snowfall and fall and fall and fall. :snow

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:hook Good morning all!


I'm with Darski, where did the week go :think ? Some days I'm amazed at where the day went. If it was here, I didn't notice!


Julie - I'm glad you found your mojo. I feel mine slipping away.


Darski - amazing job on the doll clothes. That turned out really nice.


As for me, I'm sick with the latest strain of whatever bug is going around. I don't know if I'll have any progress to show tomorrow or what. I'm off to try to seize the day!



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Wow, Melissa

It sounds like when it rains , it pours at your house. Hope everyone is ok and your hubby is home safe and sound soon . I'm not sure how this storm is tracking and what direction it's hitting next. It is still steadily snowing here. The roads aren't too bad though -- at least it's just snow and not freezing rain. THAT stuff is scarey .


As for my PS, I am now working on white section number 5. I am determined to get those last 2 sections done today .


Can't wait to see everyone's progress tomorrow !



Hurry, Darski ~~~~:lol

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hello everyone


i`m happy for the working ladeis and sad for those who lost thier mojo`s



because of my diffrent situation of my town our weekend starts at wed. and fri. is the last day of weekend so we start working in sat so i felt the week



i`v been working on the snowflake afghan i decided to do the snowflakes then complete the hexagons which make me feel i`m working faster and its really works fast

i`ve done 3 snow flakes in no time :)

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Hey everyone....would this CAL still count for me if I have a friend work on the squares for me? She noticed that I am disabled (temporarily:( ) and she felt bad that I had to put all my WIPS on hold. She worked up a square in no time flat and it looks great.....so maybe if possible...she will work it for me and I get the credit on crochetville? LOL I even tried working with my left hand and felt really awkward....it wasn't pretty:blush

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