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Bedspread Bonanza


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Morning everyone,



Tabby - How is your prairie star going? Can you start the Casablanca soon.


I am up to row 7 on the Casablanca. I will post a pic of mine on friday.


Wendy~I have finished over half. I just have the top two corners & the border left. I'm well on my way with the one corner so give me a couple more days & i'll be ready to join you. I will be buying my yarn for it tomorrow. :yay I'm still not sure if i'm sticking with the original colors or switching but i'll let ya know when I buy the yarn. I may use caron SS since it's so soft & it washes really well without those fuzz balls like red heart. My first quilt ghan is full of them after washing once & I washed it by hand. :angry Anyways i'm off to rest, I hope this yucky feeling goes away soon. :yes

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Evening Ladies!!



I love that pattern and think it would make a great bedspread,just watching that grow would be amazing and i cant wait to see photos.



I know just what you are going through...thats why i was away from here for allmost 4 months...just lost my mojo and couldnt find enything i wanted to do...hope you find yours soon...we need you here.



Cant wait to see yours to...and i hope you feel better soon...im just getting better and it was afull and im still quezzy :yuck



I am so glad you found a square you like and wow 2 done allready...cant wait for photos.



I am so proud of you and you should be proud to..concrats..:cheer



Sounds like we are running about the same on our Casablanca...im on row 7 to and was planning on putting up photos tonight...forgot about friday being photo day :think so i guess i will wait till then.


Hope i didnt miss enyone...i got so far behind while i was sick...so if i missed you it wasnt on purpose...love you all :hug So im off to make more squares and work on my Lacy Dimonds.

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Forgot to tell you that i ordered from Herrschners once and after waiting for 2 months i got mad and called...they shiped out a new order and i got it 4 days later...about a week later i got the first one they shipped...i called and told them that i got it and they let me keep it free of charge...but i swore i would never order from them again...i stick to Knitting Warehouse and Joanns now.

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About to go to bed. I took a break from the BS today and finished a preemie afghan and most of another one. I may get the second one done before quitting for the night. :hook My Dr. appointment got rescheduled for yesterday, but I never got the message. :blush Soooooo, I'll see him next Monday, instead. They're calling for sleet tonight. Winter weather sure gets interesting, no matter where you live.:wbrr

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Poor old Calamity Jane

I think she's feeling ill and a little bit drained .


Eat a popsicle for your poor sore throat

Don't eat the stick ,though ,like you would if you were a goat .


If you have a headache, take 2 pills and see

Maybe that will be the key .


If you have an earache ,lay on a heating pad

Then you might not feel as bad .


If you have a cough , take a cough drop

Or maybe even a slug of whiskey -- just don't get stopped by the cops .


If your stomach is ill, eat some crackers or toast

Maybe a little 7-up , but that should be the most .


Don't try to do too much for the family when you're ill, you see

Tell them "It's time for you guys to take care of ME " .


Plenty of fluids and rest will help you by far

And I'll bet you'll STILL beat me on your Prairie Star . :D

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My MoJo


Where'd I put my mojo ?

I know I laid it down somewhere


Is it in the closet,

or under the cushions of my chair ?


I may have dropped it at walmart

While walking through the aisle


Trying to figure out if a puke-yellow afghan

Would fit anyone elses' style .


I'm not sure what it LOOKS like ,

Maybe that's why I can't see


It might be on my couch

Staring back at me


Maybe I put it in the oven

With my tater tots the other day


Or maybe I put it in my drawer

When I put the laundry away .


I know I'll find it

You just wait and see


And when I do , just think of the fun I'll have

With my little own mojo and me ! :lol

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Makes no difference who you are ......


Anything your heart desires

Will come to you .....


( Sing along here, ladies )


Went to Walmart for my daily stop

Had to run and get some pop


Strolled by the yarn to look and see if anyone got desperate enough to buy the 3 baby-gag yellow/green yarn and GUESS WHAT ?????




Yarn stacked everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The walmart lady said they got 28 BOXES of it last night .

Guess it pays to go to the Head Honcho . :D


Gotta take that man some cookies or something . :)

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Julie - Way to go lady! :cheer Your poems gave a real lift to my morning. :clap 28 boxes of yarn. Wow! :yay You really lit a fire under that manager for sure. Did they have any good colors? Was there inspiration hiding in the batch?

I know what you mean about losing interest in things. I've got a counted cross stitch picture that is about 80% done and just can't bring myself to pick up the needle and finish it. I've been in the reading slump recently, too. I think I started and put down about 10 before finding one that caught my interest. I finished the last row of the preemie afghan this morning. It was nice having something that was done quick. Catch you later.:hook

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Julie-hopefully you will get your mojo back with all of that yarn inspiration (that is if he bought good colors). You definitely haven't lost your poem mojo though.

Athba-keep up the good work at school. I might be going back in the fall and I know it will be a lot of work.

Forines-Oma's blanket is what keeps me going to finish this BS. Although I will probably be here forever since I am making it for our Cal King bed and want some to overhang on the sides.

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Morning Ladies :ccompute


It is freezing here this morning and it took me this long to roll out of bed*I HATE COLD WEATHER*



Glad you got a kick out of my word...wasn't even thinking when i wrote that down because thats what the DH and kids always call it when i crochet or im in a slump...love the poems by the way...did you get eny new yarn??


So off to make me a cup of my English Tea and then sit around a crochet and dream about whats next when im done with the Lacy Diamonds...only one strip left on that one because im making it as a throw for the foot of me bed.

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To answer all your questions about if I bought any new yarn from the 28 BOXES ????


Let's just answer you back with this question : Payday is 12 days away .

Will half a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk last that long ?

After all, there's only the 2 of us here . When Cam comes, he can have my share . :lol

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Could I just mention something that might have a bearing on how people are feeling just now...





:( Seasonal Adjustive Disorder is very common at this time of year in North America as daylight is reduced and the light quality itself is reduced.


The effects can vary anywhere on a scale from listlessness and "the blues" on up to full clinical depression.


Just something to consider when we are feeling what we are feeling. Cabin fever is a very real effect.

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I agree Darski...i am one of those that do get that...i already only leave the house about 3 times a year(im a homophobic) so its even worse in the winter when i cant even go outside in my yard...thats one reason why my DH and Doc said its time for me to head south away from the Mountains and that i need more sunlight.And i am terrified right now about the trip down there and lets just say im barely dealing with it.

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Oh Shay, I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I have been very close to aggoraphobia myself in years past. It is very limiting when we are meant to have life and to have it abundantly.


You are on my prayer list. Love you girl :hug

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