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Bedspread Bonanza


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JulieKay - thanks for the info. I've decided to download and install version 2 of Firefox thyis evening to see if that makes a difference. While that's working I need to make dinner for the DH and me.


And darski - if you can't find any of those 6 year olds, let me know. Maybe I can convince my neice to loan us her oldest: he's a handsome darling and so bright that he's scary sometimes.


Everyone - I probably won't be back on til tomorrow afternoon, so 'bye for now. Have fun talking and :hooking.

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Julie~You have me dying over here :rofl. I like your list of things you'de catch, lol. And i'm glad I don't own a wagon. :lol

Ann~I know nadda about puter stuff so i'm no help there. I just call my Hubby for all of my troubles. :D

Darski~:rofl Too funny.

Wendy~Thank you! :manyheart

Tracy~Hello and Welcome! :)

I have gotten half of another motif done. I would've had more done but you ladies just keep calling me ( I can hear ya). LOL. I hope to get it almost done by the end of this evening. I'm off to watch some TV and crochet a bit more. Plus, I think my Hubby wants a turn. :devil I'll be back! :yes

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Welcome Ann. :hug This is a fun Cal. I'm getting to know people and get lots of support with my crocheting addiction. :ghug Not sure how well the Greenbriar BS shows up in my signature, but it's done in ivory thread and ivory on white is what it is. I haven't accomplished much of anything today. Sigh. Some days are like that. I did spend a bunch of time with my kitty this afternoon, giving him sots of loving, so he's much happier. :cat The dog got left upstairs and now she's clingy.:dog

Julie - I have a car but no baby weight yarn. :flower Can't really justify the purchase just for the experiment. I would think that if the balls of yarn are the same weight, that the baby weight would have to be longer by quite a bit, but have no idea how much longer.:confused

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Hi Linda, You have days like that dont you. You need to do things but just dont feel like it or you run out of time. Im sure your cat appreciated the attention. We have 2 burmese cats, they are brother and sister. The girls named them after their favorite drinks. Milo is the girl and Cocoa is the boy.

I have to watch when I crochet as Cocoa likes to play with my yarn and take off with it.

I cant wait to see some pics of your bedspread. I admire anyone that crochets in thread.

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Well, let's just put it like this :

The faster you go, the more ITEMS you may snag along the way. Let's say if you go over 35, you may end up with an old lady in a HOVER-ROUND wound up in your yarn . Look out when you stop the car- she may not be too kind to you when you interrrupted her trip to the Grand Canyon by getting tangled up in your ball of yarn . You'd maybe wanna bring along a cooler of beverages and a couple dozen donuts in case you catch some LIVE ones . They may be a little calmer if you offer them a bite to eat while getting pulled along behind your car . :D

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Good Evening All! :manyheart

I'm almost finished with my second motif. I just have another 3 rounds to go, yippee! :woo I get to see how it will join, oh boy that might be a chore. :eek

As for the yarn, i'm almost done with the second motif like I said and i've used about 1/2 - 3/4 of a skein. I'm hoping to get another motif out of it. I'll let ya know. :think I don't think it's too bad since the motifs are 13". :yarn

Have a great night all. I'm off to get a bit more crocheting done and then i'm going to get the mosters to bed. :night

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Tabby - your really moving with those motifs. I cant wait to see more pics.


Well while you were putting your boys to bed I took my girls to the local pool. Its quite hot here so I said I would take them for awhile. We had lunch and then they swam some more and now I have come home to do housework I no longer feel like doing. I could do with a nap actually.

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Thanks, Wendy. Yeah, Sarge, my cat, just loves it when I work around him with yarn. He thinks the yarn is an extra special play toy just for him. :cat He goes nuts over catnip, too. I gave him a large dose of catnip as a Christmas present and he acted drunk afterwards. Trouble, our minature schauzer, has FINALLY learned that when the handwork comes out she is supposed to curl up and take a nap. That I will NOT be tossing her ball or her squeek toys for her to chase for a while.:dog That this is going to be QUIET time for a while.

:goodorbad I will finish the green and purple afghan before starting the striped popcorn BS. I will finish the green and purple afghan before starting the striped popcorn BS. I will finish the green and purple afghan before starting the striped popcorn BS.:goodorbad Sure I will. But I want to see how that new pattern looks. I just want to do a little bit. Just a little. And I'm so tired of weaving in the yarn tails on the green and purple one. I need a change. Really I do.:goodorbad Shall I be good? Or bad? Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

When doing the yarn experiment, you have to watch out for the little old men with canes, too. Walkers and Joggers can grab hold just to see what the rest of the people you snagged are doing. And right now the kids are on Christmas break and are also out and about and catchable.

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Juliekay, I will wait for one of your other friends to try out your yarn snagging adventure. As I said, I don't think my boss would want me driving the company car in that manner. I could just see what I would snag in the area I drive through getting to work, more so considering that I drive past the senior citizens home on the way, then the high school, oh and lets not forget the dog park, and train station. Couldn't you just see me driving down the road in my BMW with Fido and an old lady with a walker, and then kid that thinks he's a vampire being drug behind. Then the sherrif in his fancy new Charger with sirens blazing chasing after me. Be a great way to bring attention to my work. I can just see my boss standing there with his palm out waiting for those keys and the look on his of "What in the hades were you thinking" on his face. Pink slip in the other hand. Yeah, I don't think I want to be unemployeed just yet. But it would be a great way to get fired.

Well, I finished the first motif with 2 strings together, and I must say I knidof like the way it turned out. I am glad I got the first one made, I was having trouble with the last round, but finally figured it out. I will post pictures tomorrow if I get the time at work. All additional large motif's attach to the first one, so it will be a new adventure with the second. Then of course there are the little ones that fit in between the corners of the big ones. Hoping that Sunday will give me more time to work on it.

Well, it is after 11 here and I am exhausted and tomorrow will come early again. Good night all.

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Wow I feel like I have missed alot since I was last on. I have one and a half squares finished and one other square I need to rip out and recrochet, since I changed to the pattern in the book I got the other day. I love all of the pictures everyone is puting up and I will try to get pics of my squares in claret up soon. It looks like I will need 10 skeins of Caron One Pound since we have a Cal King bed. Oh and for the earlier questions. I like Caron One lb. I think it is softer than RH, but everyone has different opinions and different preferences. That is what makes life so interesting.

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Okay, well I posted a pic on my website of the finished square that I have done for my BS. I hope you enjoy. The square is laying on top of our sheets so that you can kindof get an idea of the color scheme. I just have one question. Has anyone crocheted a duvet before? I was kindof thinking about turning my BS into one for our down comforter.


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Jimmie-Can't wait to see yours done in black and white-- it should be a really neat idea !


Tabby- you are going to town on this. Can't wait to see more progress on yours .



Wendy-wow, that seems so strange that you guys are swimming over there. We have to wear coats over here right now. I'm not complaining ,though. We have actually had a REALLY good winter weather-wise so far .


Linda- what a dilemma ! You have 2 projects both wanting your attention . What's a girl to do ?

And thanks for mentioning the little old man with the walker. I forgot about him .


Tracey- your driving story was funny ! I could just picture the strange cast of characters you'd end up with at the end of your drive. What a fine collection of people you'd have ! :lol


Jewel - your squares are going to be so pretty ! Nice work !

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Hey Wendy -

I'm trying to think if that's the one they had on here awhile back. I only watched a few little bits of it ,but didn't see it from the beginning, so those kind of shows are hard to get into if you miss a bunch, then try to figure out what's going on and who's doing what .

I like shows like that, but if you miss the beginning, you are totally lost .

I can't remember what this show was called, but it seems they had teams and clues to find along the way .

We are at kind of a dead tv time right now. American Idol starts I think next week , then the new Survivor will probably start early in Feb . Amazing Race will be back on around then too, and this one is All Stars Amazing Race, so it oughta be a good one !

Right now, there's not much on at all . :no

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Ok I guess you are all waiting for more pics. Its amazing how we go through the pages in the hope that someone has put a picture on the board.

I have 2 squares done now and would like your expert opinions based on what my hubby suggested today.


He said the squares looked great but maybe it needed another color. Should I do a row of cream around the squares then sew them. Or should I do some of the squares in cream and scatter them in the bedspread. Or thirdly dont do anything and just have the one color.:think



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