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hook case idea! lol

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great idea for hook storage, and chocolate is always a good thing. Any ideas for large hooks or long knitting needles?

I have several cro-hooks and a few cable tunisian hooks that are all much bigger than a minis tube.

I saw some wine bottle tubes in Michael's. they might work for afghan hooks or knitting needles. I use an old metal Band-Aid tin for my yarn needles, stitch markers, etc. But I don't know if you can get them any more.

Ellie 13

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Those mini mm candy come in two sizes. A small tube that is perfect for the yarn needles and the longer tubes that is perfect for the steel crochet hooks. Thats what I used mine for. But the chocolate scent only lasts for so long. :(

Pat A.

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I was out shopping with my teenage daughter today when I spotted the larger tube of mini M&Ms and asked her to pick one up for me, but immediately added that I did not want the chocolate, just the tube! She thought I was nuts so I explained my plan and she happily ate the chocolate for me!


I use a plastic container from the Crystal Light powdered drink mixes to hold lots of my hooks and things. (the container may be from a generic drink mix and not Crystal Light-I can't remember, but it is plastic with a resealable lid)


I will use the M&M container for a few hooks-on-the-go! Thanks for the idea, as well as what to use the shorter tubes for too! I have a few short tubes and will go put my needles in those!

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For longer hooks and knitting needles, I'm thinking of the incense tubes. Some fancy incense are stored in long and pretty metal tubes. You can use the incense for some extra serenity and keep the tube for your hooks :D kill 2 birds with one stone :hook

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:D i picked up a green one today, my son and my hubby ate all of the chocolate.

glad everyone likes this idea, i was thinking that im giving some free advertisement here for the minis:D i should get payed or something:lol


i saw those crystal light cans too, and wonder about them, but then i decided to get the 'on the go' packets instead, it was my first time trying it and well i really didnt like the rasberry lemonade flavor....:blush

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For longer hooks and knitting needles, I'm thinking of the incense tubes. Some fancy incense are stored in long and pretty metal tubes. You can use the incense for some extra serenity and keep the tube for your hooks :D kill 2 birds with one stone :hook


ooooo thats a good one too, i have several of those tubes too, i got them in an Indian store really cheap. ;)

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My daughter got me incense sticks last year for Christmas. Three cans that are about 12 inches high and about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. You have just given me the greatest Idea to use them for my hook caddy. Some of my hooks are long, for the shorter ones, think I will stick mm minis in the stocking for the kids then get the containers after they have finished. A little fabric should hide the mm's logo.



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hmmm... My larger hooks are 14" long, so I am trying to thing of something long enough to hold them. I am thinking of trying to make a case out of fabric, mybe easier than trying to tax my brain. :lol

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That's a great idea!

I'm a sucker for saving containers for some use that I'll find sometime.


Now I have a problem. That tube is a perfect hook carrier, but I have no kids and I need to lose weight. Do I buy the M&Ms.......

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"Some of my hooks are long, for the shorter ones, think I will stick mm minis in the stocking for the kids then get the containers after they have finished. A little fabric should hide the mm's logo."



The M&M label peels off really easy and usually in one piece so you are left with just a colored tube-no logos or advertising!

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I found a tin on clearance at the book store a while back. It is about 9 inches long and about 1.5 inches deep. It holds all that I need it to. Hooks, scissors, stitch holders, tape measure, pen, pencil. I think is was supposed to be a pencil holder but it is tin so it won't bend or break.

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