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Five Day Charity Squares Crochet-A-Long!


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On days when my home is a mess and I want to crochet or knit I reward myself for a chore done with sitting down to work on something! Today I have homework and will be doing the same thing! By the end of the day I will have my homework and my squares goal completed! :hook:yarn:hook

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hey if 1-12" sqaure equals 4-6" squares, I need to make 3-12" squares for my WIP (finished 2) so I guess I am at 13 - 6" squares. I will be completing one of the two WIP's so I should be able to start back up on Thursday:D


:cheer :cheer Go Team :cheer :cheer


Maybe we can do this every other month Lavendar......:hook:devil

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I am making some progress. I need 35 squares for my lapghan; 7 each of 5 colours.


So far I have 7 burnt orange, 2 orange, 3 peach, 4 cream and 2 white so that's 18 so far. Considering how nicely I have to treat my wrist, that is not bad.


I am enjoying this push to get this 'ghan done.

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Hello! I'm only on for a few minutes, but I thought I would post my update! I have now made 20 squares, meeting my two day goal!! :clap

Keep up the GREAT work! We have three more days to go! :cheer

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You know, a 12 inch square is equal in area to 4 six inch sqaures. so you are not doing too badly for an unwell particpant.


Thanks, that does make it look a lot better! :hug

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Ok, yesterday I finished up the 12 inch square and started making 10 inch squares, I got 6 completely done, and I have one round left on another. Bringing my total squares so far to:

3- 12inch

6(almost 7) 10 inch


Today I'll be working on 8 inch squares! :yay


BTW I'm not hiding ends as I finish them, what is everyone else doing with ends, I'm going to hide the ends either Friday or Saturday.

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so, craftygirl2, what is your current count? You must really be up there by now.


I almost envy your ability to crochet that quickly, but I do what the good Lord allows and I'm grateful for that.


You go girl :hook

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so, craftygirl2, what is your current count? You must really be up there by now.


I almost envy your ability to crochet that quickly, but I do what the good Lord allows and I'm grateful for that.


You go girl :hook


My current count is 56 squares...

ty for asking....

and NO, I am not weving in ends either...that will be my weekend fun...:blush

Everyone is doing such a great job...





GO TEAM GO !!!!!:cheer:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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I have 34 granny squares done so far. I'm going to make a child's sized afghan. I'm always amazed at how many squares it takes to make one afghan. 34 sounds like a lot but that isn't even half as much as I need. I'll be traveling to California Thursday so hopefully I can do some more squares then (if the motion sickness doesn't get too bad).


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I got a late start since I started at like 11 pm yesterday but I have 4 done and 1 half done so far. I did learn that I can crochet while brest feeding so by the end of the day I should have a decent amount done. This is definatly good for a stash buster but now I really want to go out and buy some nice comfy looking gray yarn and make a few lap gahns to send to my local retirement home and a nice lap gahn for myself.

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Hello! WTG everyone!! We are making GOOD progress with our squares and sounds like a variety of kinds too - NEAT!! :yay

I just counted mine up and I have 31 so far! Mine are a mixture of colors, mostly two or three each, and made from the basic granny square pattern (my favorite)! I'm using up some of my STASH too!!

Keep on posting!! We're all doing GREAT! :bow:woo:yes

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I have 6 done so far, I hope to have a total of 10 done by the time I'm ready for bed. Mine are all the basic granny square pattern and I'm doing them in single colors (I'm not too good at swithing colors yet) I'm gonna look for another pattern though and try something a little more complicated. I would love to test out a few patterns and find something I really love to make the gahn I want to make.


Has anyone made a gahn out of just one big granny square? I thought about doing that with the basic pattern but wasn't sure how it would look so if anyone has done something like this could you let me know how it came out and if you like it?



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Hi! I've made 27 6" squares (regular granny) for Project Rest Assured, and I hope to make a few more tonight. My son is teething, so we'll see how much I do get done by the end of the week... We're going out of town over the weekend, and even though this CAL will be over, I'm looking forward to crochetting during the 6 hour car trip. :)


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Hey everyone...

I just got counting my squares and guess what ?

I have 73 squares done...:)


There is another Lapghan finished ( just have to assemble it )


now , off for the next 70 squares ( my Goal again )





GO TEAM GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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sounding pretty good cg2. It would be wonderful if you could get the squares for two complete lapghans in this 5 days.


I got my count up to 28 at this point so it is going well for getting my lapghan squares done this week.

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You are doing a wonderful Job....Keep up the good work....

Yes , it would be great if I could get another Lapghan done this week...

( I am trying real hard at it...)

I posted about an hr. ago...I now have 4 more done...

( so, 77 all tog. )


I think I can do it.. I still have time b4 I go to bed....might get another 5 0r 6 done...:)



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Hello again! Even though I'm not in the contest I have my personal goal of 50 this week! As of bed time last night, I am up to 38 squares!! Two more days to go, everyone! Keep up the GREAT work! :cheer

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