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Have you ever done a pattern you hated?

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:eekI can't believe it but I'm making a thread doily that is so boring it's almost like work to get going on. It's (so far) nothing but chain 9 2 trcs and chain 14 2 trcs, etc. The fact that I hate doing a trc after a long chain (nothing to anchor to) is probably making this worse . . . :blush The only reason I'm spending my time on this (and if it were my first thread doily I'd never do another) is because this specific pattern was requested by someone I love very much. :manyheart


So I was wondering, have you ever done a pattern that you absolutely dreaded coming back to?

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I did a doily in thread last year (was it really only a year ago?) It was torture. I hated working on it, had to FORCE myself to finish it (it was for someone) by saying if I finished a round I could go ahead and work on what I wanted.


It wasn't so much the pattern, although it didn't help that I only found out months later it had an ERROR in it. I just can't work with small hooks and thin threads anymore thanks to dear ole Auther Itis. I gave away all my thread and most of the steel hooks. I think the few I have left are due clay handles.

Now I know I don't even like working with fingering weight yarns, so they're gone too.


I feel your pain, I love TRC's IF there is something to anchor them to. Reward youself with time on a project you love for every round or half hour you complete...or a big box of your favorite treat when it's all done. Or better yet, Both! you deserve it.

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Unfortunately the patterns I've worked on and hated are hovering around as UFO's... with the kids and work and the fact that I crochet for PLEASURE, I just don't 'take requests'... I know that's selfish, but I try to remind myself that I do art because it makes me feel good, so whether it's a crocheted item, mosaic, cross stitch, mixed media, if I'm not enjoying it I just walk away... I think it goes back to the third afghan I made about ten years ago when I first taught myself to crochet and which I was so proud of and gave to my mom as a gift! She re-gifted it to an aunt!:eek and I was so hurt, I just crochet for myself and my family... but man, do we have a lot of afghans around here! And shawls. And hats. And wrist warmers... and UFO's and WIPs!!!:manyheart

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I have been working on "Here's my Heart" from Annies Attic Award Winning Afghans. I have never seen such poor pattern writing in my life. there is a central love heart with 10 different swatches of stitches around it. The final stitch numbers do not add up. I am sooooo over it. It has been thrown into the back of the cupboard and I doubt will ever reappear again


I will count to 10 now and calm down 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10


I will get off my soap box now

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I started the Rainbow Afghan in January thinking I would enter it in the County Fair. I immediately hated it but persevered as long as I could stand it. Now I have about 45 Rainbow motifs - not enough to do anything with and too many to discard. I bought all the SS in matching dye lots and don't want to use the rest of the yarn IN CASE I ever finish it so it just sits there, haunting me. Maybe someday, maybe not.

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I have a lot of projects that started out as afghans and ended up as pillow covers, sweaters that became vests etc. Sometimes its the pattern or the color or even the yarn. Partial projects can be donated to animal shelters because the animals don't care if its a square or a sleeve. I found frogging some projects just too hard or too much work. I hate ufo's though I have SO many of them. Life is too short to do projects that bring you no joy and sometimes each of us need to simply walk away or give away these projects. That said I'm going to put an edge around yet another " pillow " good luck and have a great day!!!!!!!

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Yes, I've done a few patterns that only because it was requested by a friend or family member was I continuing on the piece...it would take serious strenght of character to keep pressiong on when really I wanted to just frog everything and burn the pattern...fortunately, in the end, it would be worth it because the recipient would be over the moon...


One of the Annie's patterns from one of the magazines had a kitty clock...and unless someone requested me to make it, I never would have made it. But I did...but man, attaching the paws was a pain and even worse was trying to make the clock actually run right...but eventually got it all figured out...


There are others, but that one is the only one that comes to mind.

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I did a 300 flower motif afghan as a gift for someone. Each motif used 3 colors and then all the connections. So much weaving in of ends! It was so b-o-r-i-n-g. But so beautiful.


Then about a year later she told me her grandson was in neonatal intensive care and they used that afghan to brighten his surroundings.

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I've never completed a crochet project that I hate, although I have done a lot of sewing that bored me (but it is quicker to finish sewing projects than crochet).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a stained glass squares afghan. I thought that the pattern was really pretty in the book. Until I started to work on it. It was the most obnoxious pattern that I have ever followed. I made it and gave it away as a wedding present to my cousin and her husband. They loved it. She is a fellow crocheter (taught by me!) so she knew how hard it was to make. I will never make another one though.

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If I am working on a rough pattern I usually don't finish it I just rip it out and wind up the yarn or thread. It's like reading a bad book or boring one slam it shut and be gone with you.

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