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Crocheting With Hair

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Oh my gosh!! I also thought I was the only one with this problem! :thair


I crochet with my hair pulled back but it doesn't stop me from crocheting them right into my finished work! I was working on my Dad's afghan and watching something on A&E (probably American Justice) and my mind wandered. "If my Dad kills someone and uses this afghan to dispose of the body, my DNA will be all over it and I'll get arrested!" :scared


:rofl What an active imagination I have!

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Well, I knew I wasn't the ONLY one because it happens to my sister, also. But WOW.....so many hairs...so little yarn. Luckily, I usually catch mine in the first stitch or two so it's easily removed. Thanks for the stories.

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"If my Dad kills someone and uses this afghan to dispose of the body, my DNA will be all over it and I'll get arrested!" :scared



I had to laugh when I read this! I joke with my husband all the time about how if one of us ever gets murdered, the other would be the prime suspect with all of my hair everywhere. When DH was in Iraq the first time, he wrote me a letter and started out by saying he was picking my hair out of his wool socks and thought to write me a letter!:lol

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Never had this problem... my hair is always braided, that must be the reason...

I once saw a lady on Ripley's Believe it or Not who crocheted an entire outfit out of her own hair (she collected it from brushings since she was a little girl and spun it into yarn). It was kinda freaky.

Interresting... how did the fabric look like? was it beautiful?

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  • 9 months later...

I realize this is an old thread but I saw it and had to add my .02! Yes! Yes! and YES! My hair is long, (down to my behind) and it is always turning up in my yarn. My grandmother, who taught me to crochet as a kid had a running joke about this (my hair was long back then too) and she used to laugh and say there was a 'little piece of Kelly' in everything she made...she too fought the battle with my hair. LOL, other people have this problem...I never would have guessed...

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I have straight, thick Korean hair that sheds like crazy. It gets into my crochet all the time without me knowing it. I don't discover it until I have to frog, and then it tangles my yarn, forming an ironclad wrap that will not break. I have to cut it carefully with tiny scissors.

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I have that problem also. My hair is very long and very fine and no matter what I do to keep it out of my way when I crochet (I generally have my hair twisted up and secured at the back of my head with an elastic hair band, kind of like a bun), I STILL seem to get a strand or 5 in my work :eek It's very frustrating. I usually keep a pair of tweezers with me for when that happens, it is easier to get my hair out of my work :P

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If you read any of the Laura Ingalls' books, she made her mother a "hair collector" on year for Christmas (By the Shores of Silver Lake) for just this purpose. They would collect their hair out of their brushings, save it and ... well, they don't mention what was done with it, but since they stored it neatly (instead of stuffing it in a bag), I assume they were spinning it and then doing some kind of needlework?


BTW, I have 3' long hair and ALWAYS work with it up. The up-side to long hair is that it usually sticks out if there's a piece already caught in my work, so I see it before it's ALL stitched in! LOL!

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You know in sewing, many seamstresses put a piece of their own hair in the hem of their custom garments so they will always be with it. Creepy if they are not related to the customer loving if they are family.

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*ahem* er...yes, that's part of the reason I have such a short haircut now...the shortest I can go with my cowlick of course. :rant I know how you feel though, and if you don't catch it soon enough, pulling it out is frustrating, because it breaks!!!!! :thair grrrrr so yep that's why my hair is short! :D

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You know in sewing, many seamstresses put a piece of their own hair in the hem of their custom garments so they will always be with it. Creepy if they are not related to the customer loving if they are family.


:yuck blech! :yuck that's just wierd! but...at the same time...makes sense... Find the needle in the haystack, find the hair in the hem... :lol could be very entertaining

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I have straight, thick Korean hair that sheds like crazy. It gets into my crochet all the time without me knowing it. I don't discover it until I have to frog, and then it tangles my yarn, forming an ironclad wrap that will not break. I have to cut it carefully with tiny scissors.


ah yes I forgot about that...:scared I HATE that. :bang

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My friend at work and I joke that we always put a little of ourselves in everything we crochet. It is inevitable that my hair ends up in whatever I make. I do my best to remove what I find but there is always at least on strand. My family jokes that I just can't let anything out without a bit of me attatched.


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Crocheting hair can really suck... especially when it's still attached to your head and you get the hook all tangled. :blush I was young and bored. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


I usually crochet with my hair pulled back but sometimes I forget. When I do finally remember (after yanking a hair out), I usually just grab a knitting needle from close by and twist my hair up into that. It works until I have time to grab a hair tie although sometimes I've forgotten I've got a knitting needle in my hair. Very embaressing when taking a 4yo DD to school.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I tried doing that plastic bag-thing, but inevitably a kid would come along and open it up, dumping the contents or inadvertantly allowing everything to spill out. I have long hair (that has always been prone to shedding), and have 4 little girls with long-ish hair who shed, too! It drives dh up the wall. I'm not very good at keeping up with all the sweeping, vacuuming, lint-rolling, etc. so I'm always finding hairs crocheted into my work. I pick it out as best I can, but I guess I never thought about anyone getting that grossed out about it. Hair in my food--yes, disgusting. But I'm so used to seeing hair on my blankets/clothing, that I don't think it would bother me a bit if someone gave me a blanket with hair on it. I'd just pick it off and throw it away (as long as the hair wasn't, ummm, you know-*that* kind!!!) lol

glad I'm not the only one with this problem,though!

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