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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Thanks Patricia:), I think I'll start joining after each round. I'm new at all this and I want to keep it as simple as possible. I can only hope that it will turn out half as nice as the ones I've seen posted here:hook

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Yes its a Grandmothers Flower Garden but I'm using a different hexagon square than what the others were doing on the GFG CAL. I'm up early (thank you Danny) and I'm definately going to get pictures taken today. I was up late (thank you hubby) so I have about 12 more hexes to join today! :D


So cool that you have a "Daniel" too. My danny already has his fair share of afghans for when he wants to get married and have plenty of time to make more!--- lets hope it's not at least for 25 more years (he's 6 mos old :P )


Feels like a zillion more to go! LOL


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my daniel is 22. i think you'll find that daniels are very good people. they have easy dispositions (most of the time) and are compassionate people with a good sense of humor. he may also grow up and rub the top of your head everytime he passes you.:lol i like mine.:hug

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i've not done any on my ghan this mornig. i slept in :blush . and now i have to haul off the trash:yuck and mow the yard. i'll be back to check in later. i hope everyone is enjoying the day. :cheer :cheer

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It seems it took hours to catch up on here! I have had a very busy week and it isn't going to slow down either. My youngest dd is going to prom this weekend and next weekend too (she is trying to break a friends record of going to prom the most times) so this year she is going to two (different schools...duh!) but both boys are "just friends" too. Any way I did get all 80 starter squares of my Attic Windows quilt ghan done. I also got 10 blocks finished which is one strip. The afghan is 10 strips of 8 blocks. But that was three days ago and I haven't been able to pick it up since. Hopefully tonight while watching survivor I will be able to do something! It sounds like everyone is making some kind of progress anyway. Sorry there were too many posts for me to answer individually, but what an exciting board this is, and everyone's work looks great! Well, it is off to bed for now (I work nights, so I have to sleep days). I'll check back in later.

Theresa "2"

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only 2 rounds? for shame:2nono
Dazy, I appalled even myself - so last night, I got determined, and.... *BIG drum roll, please*



Here's a closeup - you can see the color I'm going to use next:



(interesting color changes; the background is a white towel, not mint...) but the pink and orchid look fairly true to color :think )


Until last night, I just couldn't convince myself that the stitches of round 2 were symmetric around the center - but when I got going, the pattern logic got much clearer - even the joining. Having some fun now!


(I know Julie kept mentioning "patience", but it never occurred to me to read the experience note at the top - :eek I'd never have tried "advanced experience needed" on my own, with good reason - without y'all's help and encouragement, I'd still be stuck on the first diamond.....Thank you :ty Ines, AJ, and Dazy!)

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Julie I tried to get registered on the ezboard and everything seem to be okay but I could not see where it said to apply. Am I looking in the wrong place? I sure want to be on there with the rest of ya'll. Thanks!!

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ha ha ha Dazy

Haven't gotten my yarn lined up here yet... So many skeins to choose from... And if ya think I am kidding on that one just ask my hubby lol... He once sorted my yarn according to color and boxed 10 boxes of yarn plus the crochet thread I have.... And that isn't all of my stash I have bought more since then....


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:eek:eek:eek:eek My GOODNESS!


You guys who have these enormous stashes -- it's just SO impressive!


And I thought I was doing pretty good with 6 or 7 bags in my closet! :blush


I've got NOTHING on you guys! :lol

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wow, theresa. 2 proms in one year? twice the stress and rushing around. my son only went to one a year, but he went 3 years in a row and took a total of 6 girls.

first year he took his girlfriend. second year, he took a friend. then another friend broke up with her boyfriend and didn't want to go alone, so they invited her to go with them. and she gave boyfriends ticket to her cousin in another town. so he ended up with 3 girls that year. the last year he went, the neighbor girl asked him to take her and a friend and since he was out of school, i told him he could pay for his own tux, dinners, and flowers. he had no idea what that stuff cost us. he thought he could get all the flowers for about 10.00 and a tux for 25.00. after all, he was just using it one night. wake up, daniel! welcome to the real world.

patricia, i like your colors. i'm just razzing you, ya know. gotta give you a hard time. i've read about the prairie star on here and it scares me.:scared

i got some yard work done this morning and the trash hauled off. don't have to mow the yard. the gas was pouring out of the carberator. and i don't think thats a good thing. i guess the grass will have to grow up and fall over. i supposes i could use the push mower, but theres more than an acre and part of it is on a hill. i'm gonna crochet. the heck with it. :tup:cheer

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:eek:eek:eek:eek My GOODNESS!


You guys who have these enormous stashes -- it's just SO impressive!


And I thought I was doing pretty good with 6 or 7 bags in my closet! :blush


I've got NOTHING on you guys! :lol

i have 9 skeins. total. and one ball of size 10 white thread for when i get brave and try little thread projects. so far all i've tried is a bookmark and a lucky penny keychain.

someday i'll play the lottery and win the first time.:yay then i'll go ape-crazy buying yarn and books (and plants). but not right now. i don't feel like being bothered by all the wealth and fame.

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hey, tabitha. i checked out your blog and your quiltghan is gonna be very pretty. how far along are you? i'm over half way making my squares. i'm beginning to think i can actually finish this thing. someday. i may have to put a few rounds on it after i get it done. i'd like for it to hang down the sides of the bed a little and i'm not sure of the finished size yet. sorta guess-timated it.

and i think the gentleman in the tie looks very spiffy.:)

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....patricia, i like your colors. i'm just razzing you, ya know. gotta give you a hard time. i've read about the prairie star on here and it scares me.:scared
Hi, Dazy! :hi:hug never took it as anything else.... and actually, I felt kind of complimented that you trusted I would know the difference between teasing and (:no )stuff. If I'd read about the prairie star instead of just jumping in with both feet (guess where into? I still haven't gotten the taste of shoes outta my mouth..), I might have reconsidered, too..... But now I'm glad I strolled in, blissfully ignorant of what I was getting into - it's going to be fun to finish. I also want to do other diamond motifs, like the tumbling blocks - that's a really neat pattern.


I may never leave the quiltghan CAL at this rate.....:hook

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The apply button didnt come up on me the first few times either but it finally did. Ill go tell Julie over there about it though so maybe she can resend an invite to you . If youve already figured this out then im sorry.

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Hello every1!:cheer

Patricia~Great job, you can do it!

Dazy~Thank you, i'm about 76/336 squares:eek , i'll try to post an update pic. soon. That spiffy guy is my 4 yr. old, my heart & soul:blush . It's too hard to keep up with what every1 is doing so, can you remind me what ghan you're making? How are you coming along?(duh, you already said half way, sorry, my bad). I'm sure you're alot further then me, ugghhh. Oh well, it's all good:hook.

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Oh Patricia! Those colors are stunning! Someday I'm going to try the PS. I've started my 2nd quiltghan. Its called Squash Blossom and I am doing it in orchid, dk. purple and watercolor Red Heart. Lots of 2 color squares so it will take awhile.


I tried ezboard too and I can't get on. It keeps coming up and saying something like "name already taken." Well, duh! Yes the name was taken by me but it won't let me through so I just gave up. I really enjoy it here at the 'ville anyway. Used to it by now!:lol



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I am behind in posts as usual. Everyone's quilt looks fantastic. I have done little with mine after I did add a 6th point to my star. Lynn, I can't wait to see what the Squash Blossom looks like. It sounds very interesting! Well, I'm headed for bed. See you all!:night

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<HUGE SIGH> Tonight I finished the bulk of the white motifs on my PS! :woowoo I won't say "all" because there are two in each of the four corners at the end. But still, I'm having myself a little bit of a *fiesta* here! :yay:party:yay:party:yay Come join in! I'm passing out margaritas! :mug


I'm trying to figure out how to sign up locally on the other board...I have CityGirl on another local board, and it would be a major PITA to keep switching back and forth...so I have a request in with Nancy. I'm not leaving here, but I will see you guys over there! :hook

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Hi, Dazy! :hi:hug never took it as anything else.... and actually, I felt kind of complimented that you trusted I would know the difference between teasing and (:no )stuff. If I'd read about the prairie star instead of just jumping in with both feet (guess where into? I still haven't gotten the taste of shoes outta my mouth..), I might have reconsidered, too..... But now I'm glad I strolled in, blissfully ignorant of what I was getting into - it's going to be fun to finish. I also want to do other diamond motifs, like the tumbling blocks - that's a really neat pattern.


I may never leave the quiltghan CAL at this rate.....:hook

i've always liked the tumbling blocks. are diamonds hard to make?

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