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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Ines It is awesome!!! I have one question .. are you joining as you go like the prairie star or are you whip stitching them? The colors look very nice!!!







Thank you Vims. The Rosebud Ring afghan is really beautiful and I will make it eventually. I was just to eager to try a quilt block. I did not realise how many squares I would have to make.:eek I am just finishing the smaller ones. This is the grand total.... 586 of the smaller squares and 96 of the 2 tone squares.


I have posted one of the 4 squares I managed to make of the Rosebud Ring so that you can see what it looks like. It was rather difficult to see it on the instructions sheet.




I am whip stitching after I have completed the squares. I am now beginning to join as it breaks the monotony of making squares.


How is your PS progressing? Cannot wait to see the next stage. Like you I sometimes wonder why I am on this Afghan Quest as I live in the tropics and the winter barely gets cold enough to make a difference. I just love making them and most of the friends I give them to use them as decor and throws. I like mine folded on a shelf when I am not using them and they add to the country look of my house.

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Hope you all wake up on the right side of the bed this morning and the sun is shining and you have something good for breakfast . :)

Great way to start the day .


Anyhow in response to the last few posts :


Frann - I think it'll be ok if you have the hole in your beginning flower or star .. I always call it a flower ,because that's what it reminds me of. Mine didn't look bad with a hole in it, I just didn't know if it was supposed to look like that or not. I don't blame you for not wanting to take it all apart . That would be a problem with this afghan, if you make a mistake way back someplace, you pretty much have to dismantle most of the diamonds to get to it .


Vims- We're all waiting for a photo of your progress. When I woke up this morning, my radar zoomed in on YOU .... Look out ! No, I'm just joking ... I have so many people that are so active in this group, I have to make a rundown in my head of everyone and try to recall if anyone has "left the building " that we haven't heard from in a few days so I can check in. I remembered it's been a couple days since I heard from you, so I was gonna put a shout out for you this morning, but surprise , here you are !

I will post a photo of mine once I get the 2nd color on -- I have the center flower done and 2 of the next color .


Mary Ann- it sounds like you have jumped in with both feet on this. We are glad to have you with us .


Forines-- your squares are SO pretty. That will make a gorgeous afghan ! Your work is so nice and neat too .

And my gosh, you deserve the SQUARE OF THE WEEK AWARD ,for BRAVERY IN THE LINE OF DUTY .

586 squares PLUS 96 SQUARES ? Holey moley-- that's a pickup truck full of squares !!!!!


Hope you all have a great day today . :manyheart

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Good Morning all....Hope this finds all in good spirits.


AJ I have used ss in the past and liked it for a while. Then I switched to RH due to Walmart quit carrying it for a while. They wash well and are really soft if you use fabric softner. I would rather use RH for afghans due to the last alot longer. Plus you would be surprised at the colors you can find online for the RH yarn.:hook


Forines That is simply stunning.:manyheart I love the colors that your family picked out for you to use...:c9 Great Job!!



Hope everyone has a great day. As for me I get to go to work and crochet. Til Later!!:manyheart

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Hi, all! just now caught up w/ reading through the posts and enjoying the pics - beautiful work, everyone!


I found my camera :yay :yay :yay finally - hiding in the basement, of course, so I'm off to take a few pics and figure out how to post 'em. thanks to recent discussions on that, should be able to, if the board closure doesn't prevent it. Talk to you soon! (I clicked on the quick reply button to write this - we'll see if it actually posts


(edited: yep, looks like we can still post - but the admins may need to shut that off, too, so I won't stress if it doesn't work later)

(and hey - if you post something in quick reply, then click to edit it, then click on the go advanced option, then you can get to the regular reply window w/ smilies and everything....)

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Hi Gang

I hope this post goes through to you all . I am not sure what's happening with the threads and if we will still be able to post in here or not .

I will leave my email address on here. Please contact me that way regarding keeping in touch with our CAL til we see what will happen here .

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Hey Julie you can run but you can not hide. You did a great job today organizing the group and if you decide to leave it open I will stick my head in there also . :manyheart

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i just thought they closed it down so we'd get off the computer and get busy on those quiltghans:lol . or, maybe we've been smokin' on this CAL so much that it overloaded the systems.:rofl

i went running around with my mom today and bought too many flowers and found 2 leisure arts little books in the clearance aisle at walmart. they had quite a few books, but i had already overshot my limit (see first part of post:blush ), so i was a good girl with the little books. they were marked down to $1.50 each, so i got ripples for baby (always wondered how to do a ripple) and granny's delight afghans. there area couple in that one that i'm thinking about.

i'm gonna finish checking out the rest of the 'ville, then getto work making cell phone pouches for a flea market thing i'm doing next saturday. gotta make money to buy more books. or plants, or yarn.:scrachin

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:cheer:clap:cheer:clap I am so happy that the board is back and running. I really enjoy this board and would really hate to see it gone. I was afraid that now that I found one I really liked something would happen. But it is back and I want to personnaly give all of you that run the board and big Texas applause:applause :applause :applause :applause :applause :applause for doing such a good job. It takes people like ya'll that makes it fun and enjoyable to be here. Thanks again for all that you do. :hug:yay
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....so I'm off to take a few pics and figure out how to post 'em.

got all wrapped up today - so no pics, but I got something even more important done: *(drum roll, please)*


JulieKay, I got another UFO done: I mailed my 'Ville Afghan square postcard to QMare! :yay (long story) It was a postcard of Great Falls, Maryland, where the Potomac spills over and around some dramatic rock formations (I know; pretty small potatoes compared to Yosemite Falls, or Niagara, but we're on the coast, here! [can you say "sea level"?])

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Thank you Vims. The Rosebud Ring afghan is really beautiful and I will make it eventually. I was just to eager to try a quilt block. I did not realise how many squares I would have to make.:eek I am just finishing the smaller ones. This is the grand total.... 586 of the smaller squares and 96 of the 2 tone squares.


I have posted one of the 4 squares I managed to make of the Rosebud Ring so that you can see what it looks like. It was rather difficult to see it on the instructions sheet.




I am whip stitching after I have completed the squares. I am now beginning to join as it breaks the monotony of making squares.


How is your PS progressing? Cannot wait to see the next stage. Like you I sometimes wonder why I am on this Afghan Quest as I live in the tropics and the winter barely gets cold enough to make a difference. I just love making them and most of the friends I give them to use them as decor and throws. I like mine folded on a shelf when I am not using them and they add to the country look of my house.


Thanks for replying Ines!!! I love your rose bud ring square!!! I will definitely post a pic today as I was out of internet connectivity yesterday and in a few hours have to go to the dentist!

Just getting caught up with all the activity here and I am thankful the board is up and running.:yay




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i just thought they closed it down so we'd get off the computer and get busy on those quiltghans:lol . or, maybe we've been smokin' on this CAL so much that it overloaded the systems.:rofl


Dazy you are too funny!!




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OMG, I was *convinced* I wouldn't get my quiltghan done if this thread ceased to exist. Glad to have the cheering section back! :cheer


Me too!!! without you guys I would bever have done even this much!!!






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lets face it, left to our own devices, we'd all have big heaps in our closets and piles in the corner. but as a group, we're a lean, mean crocheting machine.:yay:cheer

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I was out of town yesterday (visiting a 3 week old litter of puppies from where my new puppy will be coming from in 4 more weeks) so missed everything. I am just glad it all got worked out and we can continue to crochet along on our quilts!:hook



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:eek Wow, has this thread EVER gone two hours between posts?:eek


I'm off in a little bit (when my gab-a-lot sister in law :rolleyes:blah lets me get off the phone) to buy yarn - either for my 2nd Prairie Star or the Americana Afghan.


I still haven't decided which I'm doing. I figure I'll let the yarn:yarn do the deciding ;) Whichever yarn appeals to me the most :D



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well, i'd been here sooner, but i had to go paint a friend's guestroom. she had heart surgery last fall and had to stop. she wanted to finish it herself, then after she finished painting the top half, she found out that she had used the wrong shade of green paint and her room was a sloppy two-toned mess. she was so upset. so i told her i'd come over today and fix it for her and hang her curtain rod brackets. she gave me 6 big clumps of hostas, so i had to dig those too. busy morning. this afternoon, hubby and i have to start cleaning out his mom's storage unit so we won't have to pay for that anymore. MIL hadn't been paying on it, so we found out yesterday that we owe $135.:(

anywho, i'll be back and forth today. maybe everyone is busy working on their ghans? NAHH :lol:devil .

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well, i'd been here sooner, but i had to go paint a friend's guestroom. she had heart surgery last fall and had to stop. she wanted to finish it herself, then after she finished painting the top half, she found out that she had used the wrong shade of green paint and her room was a sloppy two-toned mess. she was so upset. so i told her i'd come over today and fix it for her and hang her curtain rod brackets. she gave me 6 big clumps of hostas, so i had to dig those too. busy morning. this afternoon, hubby and i have to start cleaning out his mom's storage unit so we won't have to pay for that anymore. MIL hadn't been paying on it, so we found out yesterday that we owe $135.:(

anywho, i'll be back and forth today. maybe everyone is busy working on their ghans? NAHH :lol:devil .

Dazy, what a kind thing to do for your friend - sounds like you have a very nice relationship... what a bummer on the storage area! (both the cost and the labor) we've had a temporary (:rofl) one since we moved in 2001. the idea was we needed a place to put stuff as we shifted operations from one house to another.... Sigh. 5 years fast forward.... still there, still costing us (packrat-itis is a very expensive illness). I got a little done on a 63 CAL square (I usually only crochet at night, so I'm slow), and today's effort is get out in the beautiful sunlight (nice weather here today) and take true-to-color pics. Then figure out how to post.

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