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Crochet -a- Quilt


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AJ - Wow, that's just ungrateful of them! If I had been in your shoes I probably would've wanted to cry after crocheting my fingers to the bone for the past week. At least you know many of us here think your afghan came out beautifully! :hug

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Happy Easter everyone. Hope your day is going great.


AJ sorry to hear about their reactions. You really did an awesome job for them not to appreciate it, that is wrong. I hope you have a better time on your trip.


I have been steadily working on my blocks. Should have number two and three done tonite. The Wal-Mart stores here look someone blew up the yarn department. They have nothing and I am really thankfull that I had the blue and yellow in my stash. Plus getting more of that yellow on ebay helps.


Ok I know this has nothing to do with quiltghans, but I am so very proud of my daughter :hug and I wanted to share with everyone what she did. She finished her first afghan :hook and I think it is gorgeous.:manyheart Ok I tried to make it smaller and I


cant seem to do it. Well anyways....Have a great day all.:ducky:rabbit

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Oh, AJ! :( . At least your MIL recognized it wasn't something you'd *bought*. We all think it's gorgeous; your family may have been too caught up in the stress of a toddler birthday party, and hopefully, will come to their senses soon and shower you with the recognition and praise you so richly deserve! (you could provide them a link to this thread..... :wink)


I'm not giving up (!) on the PS and you and Ines are mostly the reason why, so ::flower:cheer:ty to you both! (and thanks, everybody, on the technical help - couldn't put it to use last night, but will try again today, and report back on Monday, late)


I'm heading out, too, to visit family, so wanted to make sure I dropped by and said Happy Easter! to everybody before I left. This morning, our music went great, the drama and dance team delivered their usual awesome art, and the weather couldn't have been better - The Lord outdid Himself today.....


See y'all Monday night - I'll come prepared with paper and pen to take notes on the gazillion posts between now and then....

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AJ and All,


I've seen these discussions before..but never had an idea what type of person had received the seemingly ungrateful comments.

The whole concept bothered me..up until today. Now.. with just the short time I have been part of this thread and feel I have gotten to know what type of person you are AJ...I find myself greatly relieved.

I have had my epiphany !:idea

If I am able to explain it, is another story. :P


I believe you have " Planted the Seed."

It's about much more than the yarn and stitches themselves.

As the years pass...when the recipients have bad times...times which cause reflection, and wondering who in the world REALLY cares about THEM..not the stuff.. they already know there ARE people that truly care about THEM.

Any dufuss can see how much time, effort, and love went into this gift.

Isn't THAT what it's all about ?


In our society today.. we do not know the proper way to express these feelings as a recipient. So we say things that fall very short of what we feel. After all.. What would people think if we expressed all of that..even if we knew how to say it ?

I know I'm as guilty as the rest ..in my past. I felt awkward and said things like..nice fabric softener.. did you make that ? I was well aware of the gift givers efforts.. I had no idea how much effort it took.. but I knew that person spent TIME and LOVE.. which was presented to ME. I even felt unworthy. Very awkward. And being young.. I worried excessively over keeping up appearances expected in each social circle.


Forty years later....I still have those gifts tucked away.. carefully wrapped in perfect tissue paper, folded perfectly and in the original box. To be taken out and touched on occasion. I sent some with my daughter after she had her first child.. so she would understand and not toss them in a frenzied cleaning ...during one of those moments . She values them highly..but a bit differently She knows others cared very much about HER.

Hind sight being 20/20 I know the givers of such precious gifts.. WERE the people I COULD count on in the blackest times.


AJ, You have planted a most precious seed. :angel


-Pam L- widow

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Brandy - love your daughter's afghan. That is so pretty ! What's the name of the pattern ?




Patricia -

It sounds like you had a wonderfil day today-- I hope your short trip goes well and we'll hear from you soon !


Pam - Thank you so much for sharing the story of the handmade gifts you have received over the years. I'm glad you have a daughter who will also treasure them and take good care of them as she grows older .

That was very well said . :manyheart

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Patricia I am reading your post re Prairie Star. I think you are joining the first round in your first hdc ... this is easy to do as it can get quite crowded in the ring. Check that you are joining rd 1 with slst to 1st single st. Then you dc in next 3 st. This means that your 3rd dc should be on top of tr and not in 3 ch space. When you get to the end of this round you have 1dc in tr, 1dc in dc, 1 dc in hdc and then you sl stitch to 3rd ch of 5ch loop. This gives you the V stitch on top of the sc st.


I think that this may be the stumble. I have included a photo of a beginning of row 2 ... my 3rd dc is on top of my tr. Click the photo or the url site for larger view.


I hope this helps.... you have probably worked it out by now.





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Happy Easter everyone. Hope your day is going great.


AJ sorry to hear about their reactions. You really did an awesome job for them not to appreciate it, that is wrong. I hope you have a better time on your trip.


I have been steadily working on my blocks. Should have number two and three done tonite. The Wal-Mart stores here look someone blew up the yarn department. They have nothing and I am really thankfull that I had the blue and yellow in my stash. Plus getting more of that yellow on ebay helps.


Ok I know this has nothing to do with quiltghans, but I am so very proud of my daughter :hug and I wanted to share with everyone what she did. She finished her first afghan :hook and I think it is gorgeous.:manyheart Ok I tried to make it smaller and I


cant seem to do it. Well anyways....Have a great day all.:ducky:rabbit


Brandy that is a beautiful afghan and she should be mighty proud. I love the colour combination and I believe this lady takes after her mum ... she too does wonderful work. My daughters are both artistic but get them to crochet and they become lost. Yesterday my youngest was asked if she crochets and she replied that she doesn't because crocheting makes her cry. She went through a time when she was interested but never progressed beyond sc...

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FORINES - your daughter's afghan is beautiful! Congratulate her for me. She is very talented --- like her mom!;)


AJ - I am so sorry you did not get a PROPER reaction to that beautiful afghan. Some people just don't know what to say I guess. I am sure your neice knows it was done with tons of love in every stitch.


PAM - what a beautiful sharing story! Thank you.



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AJ-- I am so sorry about the reaction you received on your lovely afghan. You know what I have found out is that sometimes the reason they act like that is because they are really jealous because they can not make something as pretty and breath taking as that. So don't really feel bad feel proud that you have the knowledge and inspiration to make something from your heart:heart :bheart



Brandy your daughters afghan is simply beautiful :yay you are to be real proud of her. Which I am sure you are. :cheer:clap

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Just a quick note and hopefully my cable wont go out again before I get it posted.


Julie- The pattern is called Plaid Winner and it is from Afghans for all Seasons by Leisure Art. It is extremely easy pattern.



I didnt think she would finish it, but I would not let her start making her purse until she did get it done. She is only 14 and I am soooooo GLAD :yay that she enjoys doing it. My son knows how to crochet to, but doesnt quite like to do it. Hopefully when he gets older he will pick it up again.

Pam- That was very beautifully said. I have friends who dont like what I make or could care less. But my kids and hubby appreciate and that is all that matters to me. They will someday have it to pass on to their children. YOu are so right.


Thank you all for the nice compliments on my daughters work. I am letting her read all the posts so she knows. Well off to check on the ham.

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Rosette - I have that book and I know what pattern you're talking about. Plaid Winner looks like a simple pattern in and of itself, but I don't think I'd have the patience to do all that weaving! Then fringe on top of that! *cringe* Congratulations to your daughter! :clap

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Rosette - I have that book and I know what pattern you're talking about. Plaid Winner looks like a simple pattern in and of itself, but I don't think I'd have the patience to do all that weaving! Then fringe on top of that! *cringe* Congratulations to your daughter! :clap


That weaving is not so bad. I did one back in Jan. for my sister-in-law in black and orange...She is a Harley Babe....:devil My daughter got the weaving done in three days...But she worked on it solid. When I did mine it took me about a week between doing this and that. YOu should try it. REal fast work.

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your daughters afghan is beautiful she as well as you should be proud at what she has accomplished at her age.




I have a webcam I may have to try and get it hooked up and figure out how to post it on here that way i can share like you guys do.



reading the reaction you got made me want to cry. ppl who dont realize the time, effort, thought, and love that goes into something like that amaze me with their reactions sometimes.


everything that has ever been made for me or my children i appreciate greatly and save them for years to pass on to their children.


hope youall had a wonderful day today.

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Brandy...I love your daughters ghan! I almost bought that book last week, but decided to get yarn instead...so now I will HAVE to go out and get that book!


AJ...I agree with what everyone else has said...sorry I can't remember who posted the wonderful story about not knowing how to appreciate love made things...but it was beautiful! I guess I have been through the same thing somewhat. Long story short, the neices and nephews are now asking me to make things for their kids like I made for them!


We just got home from my brothers house for Easter Dinner and my daughter (15 yrs. old) has 2 goats that we bred last fall.....and they both had their babies today while we were gone! They are so cute. Two boys and a girl. I am going to try to go to my blog and post pictures in a few minutes, if you want check them out! We are so excited! Gotta go!


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FORINES - your daughter's afghan is beautiful! Congratulate her for me. She is very talented --- like her mom!;)




Lynn that is the quilt made by Brandy's daughter. I wish it was a quilt made by my daughter... This thread is so busy that as someone said before I need to take notes on who is who and who is making what.

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I am completely insane! Guess what I bid on AND won tonite? CLICK HERE


Tee Hee! I couldn't stop myself. It's so gorgeous! It's just like the prairie star but the edging is completely different. I have been tossing this one around and around and finally just went for it! UGH! I must be crazy!

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Donna, that afghan is gorgeous! Rest assured I won't bid against you for it though. :lol I love the border right around the star...it's very different. This star pattern (without that particular border) looks very familiar to me. I'll have to check my patterns to be sure. I'd love to see your afghan when it's done. Do you have any idea yet what colors you'll use?

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I am completely insane! Guess what I bid on AND won tonite? CLICK HERE


Tee Hee! I couldn't stop myself. It's so gorgeous! It's just like the prairie star but the edging is completely different. I have been tossing this one around and around and finally just went for it! UGH! I must be crazy!


Donna that is stunning. I love ebay. I just bought more yarn and waiting to see if I win a pattern book that I bid on. Excellent buy....:clap

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Thanks to Theresa, Linda, Diane, JulieKay, and Brandy For the encouragement on the Prairie star, I finly got the pattern figured out, it wasnt the conecting the squares it was the stitches just didnt come out to the number they where supposed to be. But I did finally get it right after the 15+ trys. I do have patience. Brandy your daughter ghan is really pretty. She done a really good job.

I am not starting it yet as I have some other stuff to do first.When I do I am going to sew my blocks together, I dont like the way mine looks crocheted together, It cant be any different than the gfg I done it . I just like the flatter look.

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AJ -


I am so sorry you had that disappointment. If they only understood how much love and effort goes into something skillfully hand made, they might react differently. Some people just don't get it. There are those that do, those that don't, and those that can learn to appreciate something. Maybe your sister-in-law and her mother are those that have NO background with artisans or hand made items other than yours. (There also may be some jealousy there.) I am glad there was someone there who could show an appropriate reaction. I remember making an afghan for a friend of mine's new baby. She was mildly thankful, but her mother was so enthusiastic, that my friend began to sit up and pay attention and appeared more appreciative. I think she needed to be TAUGHT before she really understood the value....


ANYWAY, I hope the rest of the day went well and you had a wonderful Easter. The Easter Eggs in the picture are beautiful!


BTW, I haven't read anything beyond your post, so I am sure there are many people who wrote before me who may have said the same thing.

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Brandy -


I want to add my compliments to your daughter's afghan. I KNEW it looked familiar, and when you mentioned the pattern, I remembered it from the book. It looks fantastic in pink! Great job. You must be proud of her.:)

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:) Evelyn,



I knew you would figure it out. I am so glad you gave it another try. Now we have a nice little group still working on this one. I do find I keep joining the diamonds wrong, but at least there is not much to rip out to correct. I THINK I have the hand of it now, but I am just about at the light section with the side-ways diamonds. I will go at it tomorrow after a night's rest.


Good night everyone!

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Donna -looks like you found a beautiful new pattern to try - it does look like prairie star, but the off white section looks almost solid, like sc or something. Can't tell for sure from the photo . We'll get to see it better when you make yours and share a photo with us !


Diane - so glad you got the prairie star figured out now. It gives me a little more hope that I'll be able to > :think ?


Celeste - I think this will be quite a thriving group for a long time to come, so there should be others here still working on it long after you get to it . A lot of the ladies want to do more than one pattern, so hopefully when they finish the first, they'll stick around and ~~~ along with us some more !


My Monday morning progress : I was hoping to have mine all put together by now, but it is taking longer than I thought it would. I should have it done one day this week, depending on how much time I get. With my grandson here, I don't have much extra time ,so we'll see. It'll be one day this week though .

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