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200 Crochet Blocks Crochet Along


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Hi Tina!


Um, yeah, we did see that before, but that's ok! It's not so oddball, or, heh, heh, wonky, as I like to say!


I have to say, that square is the closest thing to the sun I've seen all week. I think all of New England has been moved to the Pacific North-wet with out being told. Can't remember the last time I saw the real sun.

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Sorry! My brain isn't all the way screwed in lately.... :blush


I hope you see some sunshine soon! :sun (Does that help any?) :P




Hi Tina!


Um, yeah, we did see that before, but that's ok! It's not so oddball, or, heh, heh, wonky, as I like to say!


I have to say, that square is the closest thing to the sun I've seen all week. I think all of New England has been moved to the Pacific North-wet with out being told. Can't remember the last time I saw the real sun.

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It is still a pretty yellow..:)


I am going nutty joing these things together. If there is one thing that I find boring it is the joining. :D


Ok I have now done 46 of 49 blocks... I have 3 plain one to go.


I have now joined up 29. I will have 20 more to join.


I may finish during the week.


Vik how is yours coming along?

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ok, now 14 left to join. Would have been less if I hadnt have stuffed up the placement of a few and had to pull them out. :think gggrrrr


Son said to leave it cos no one would notice, but I couldnt do that...


please, please encourage me as this is really driving me bonkers.

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Holy cow, cupcake. It seems like you just joined the CAL with 9 squares, and now you're almost done! I managed to get another square done last night to bring the grand total to 24. Dang life keeps on interupting me. I vow to get one a night done, minimum until I'm done. Ack, that's 32 squares = 32 days! Better crank it up a little!Happy Mother's day to all the moms in our CAL!

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Hello everybody!

Cupcake, just a little more patience! One step more and your afghan will be finished!!! :cheer GREAT!!!


I´m so sorry I had to stop everything... I couldn´t even update my blog or... But things will be better next week, I hope so...

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1. you know some of your squares are the smame as mine. I have done a similar corner thing. I do like your colours.

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Roo, it's difficult to say without knowing what going to go next to those center blue squares in arrangement 1. But I like where you're going with it.


Now I'm up to 28 squares. I did some power crocheting over the past two days! Whoo hoo!

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I got bored of the joining and went and made some tea cosies as a diversion. I will get back onto tho.:D I am a "binge" worker. Good thing I dont drink!

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Sometimes you have to break it up a little so that you don't go crazy!


Thanks for reminding me, I'm going to go see if you posted that tea cozy pattern.

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Hey Cupcake, the same happens to me with the joining! I´ve joined 28 so far... what means I have 21 blocks in the waiting list! :( plus weaving in the ends... plus the border...

:manyheart Hugs

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I'm upto 13 squares now. Which design do you like best, 1 or 2?



I think I'd need to see a little more of what you're planning, but on a gut reaction, I think I like the top one a little better. However, they're both beautiful, and I love the colors!


One of these days, I'm going to do more than just look at this book...

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phew, I have one last row of seven to join. I am nearly there. Cant believe how quick I have knocked this one up. I guess the border could take a while tho. Any thoughts on borders??


Must say my colours look very drab compared to yours renegade.


My next post may be that I have finished joining. :manyheart

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My poor lil CAL thread, way down here in the forum basement.


I'm happy to report that I've cranked out four more squares, all of them are Granny with a Twist. When I get off my lazy butt, I will post pictures of them! They are not as busy as some of the others. I needed some plainer squares to alternate with the busy ones.

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Well in amongst the Geckos and lizards I finally joined up the last of the squares tonight. There was a 2 hour special on the Miners who were rescued which gave me something to crochet to...


Now for a border.. mmm. What shall I do?

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I can't wait to see the finished 'ghan! Do you speed crochet? How do you make all those squares, geckos, snakes and tea cozies and have time for sleeping, eating and all other nuisances of mortal life?

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I can't wait to see the finished 'ghan! Do you speed crochet? How do you make all those squares, geckos, snakes and tea cozies and have time for sleeping, eating and all other nuisances of mortal life?


hehe and I work full time in a high powered job ! I find cos work is so full on the crochet is a great relaxant at the end of the day. :lol

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I am new to a crochet a long and wanted to find out what squares have been done and where you are at. Can someone give a brief explaination?





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Hi there Greg. I think we are all at different stages of the game. So please join in as the more the merrier!


Here is my joined affair!


and guess what? Just I spread it out on the floor to photograph it along comes Billie. I tell you I swear that cat thinks I crochet for her benefit!




I took Twinnish's advice and joined the centre in the lemon. Twinnish must have known something as I finished the brown with about a metre to spare. Because the brown is recycled I was a bit worried that I may not be able to match it. I know the colours are a bit dull, but my son really likes it.


So my CAL friends. What sort of border do you recomend?

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Wow! That is beautiful!!!! I love how the yellow edging in the center makes it stand out! I wouldn't call those colors dull. They go together beautifully! It's too bad you ran out of brown, because that's what I would edge it in. I wonder how a yellow edging would look? I'd keep it simple. Fantastic job, cupcake! I think your kitty agrees with me!


Hi Greg! We're all working on squares of our choice from the book. The book is our common ground in this CAL. Some of us are further along than others. I'm about halfway done with mine. I have 30 something out of 56 done! I need to have bionic hands installed so I can crochet faster.

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Hi there, I do have some more brown that looks pretty much the same. I just didnt want to mix it in the body. It is starting to get quite cold here so I will be able to work on this at night.

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What counts as "quite cold" where you are? It's May 23 and I'm still quite cold and pretty sick of it. Of course, it's not in the 30s (that's F degrees!, 0 Celsius), but still in the 40s and 50s (5-10 Celsius), bbrrrrr! I'm in New England, though, so I don't know why I get myself aggravated about it! We have about 2 months of warm weather here per year, it seems!


Back to the 'ghan. I think it would look nice edged in brown, nothing elaborate, don't go all Terry Kimbrough on it! Just a couple of rows of.... some stitch. That's real helpful, huh?

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What counts as "quite cold" where you are? It's May 23 and I'm still quite cold and pretty sick of it. Of course, it's not in the 30s (that's F degrees!, 0 Celsius), but still in the 40s and 50s (5-10 Celsius), bbrrrrr! I'm in New England, though, so I don't know why I get myself aggravated about it! We have about 2 months of warm weather here per year, it seems!


Back to the 'ghan. I think it would look nice edged in brown, nothing elaborate, don't go all Terry Kimbrough on it! Just a couple of rows of.... some stitch. That's real helpful, huh?


Quite cold is minimum 8 max 21 predicted for tomorrow.


That is 47 F - 70 F. Sorry I am a sook, but this is really cold for me.:D


btw who is Terry Kimbrough? I have wondered about doing a few rows arround ala the striped square . Do you think that might be too over the top?

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Quite cold is minimum 8 max 21 predicted for tomorrow.


That is 47 F - 70 F. Sorry I am a sook, but this is really cold for me.:D

Yeah, I think I'm turning into a sook in my old age!


btw who is Terry Kimbrough? I have wondered about doing a few rows arround ala the striped square . Do you think that might be too over the top?


Terry Kimbrough designs gorgeous, intricate afghans and puts multiple rows of elaborate edgings on them:




Click on the picture for more detail. I have this book, but haven't made anything from it yet. I've heard the edgings take as long, if not longer than crocheting the body of the afghans. They're gorgeous!


Making the edge like the striped square would look great!

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