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Do your eyes burn from yarn?

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I know it sounds like an odd question.

I find that when I am crocheting or knitting, if I inadvertently touch my eyes, they burn and tear. So I've been wondering whether it is due to some chemical present in yarn or perhaps the dyes used?

Anyone else with this problem?

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Yep! I'm glad you asked. I didn't know if I was getting fibers in my eyes and they were irritating my contacts, but this happens to me a lot when I'm crocheting for a long time.

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Wool yarn or acrylic or cotton????


You could be allergic to that type of yarn. Those little fibers can be so pesky!


I'm not allergic so I don't have the problem, but that's what comes to mind when I read your post.:hook

I forgot to mention - any one of the above. All ordinary brand, mainstream yarns...

and I wear glasses - no contacts. The tears can really start flowing.

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Sounds like an allergy or particles from the yarn flying in the air irritanting your eyes. Doesn't sound like a strange question at all.. I wonder the same thing myself sometimes especially with some of the bounce back or furrier yarns.



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When my eyes get itchy, I figure I've just strained my eyes. I've never attributed to the yarn, because my eyes get like this from reading alot too...when I first read the post I thought, if my eyes were burning, I'd figure it was the chemicals in the yarn...but I would figure I'd smell something. I know that's not necessarily the case though. There is such a thing as overusing one's eyes. Normally I don't have a problem with this unless I've been focusing on reading or handwork for literally hours...4 plus...

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Yes, I know about eyestrain...


This is not it, though. I don't get the burning until I touch my eyes after handling yarn. And then the tears start flowing, to the point that I look like I am crying.:lol

I really think it's something yarn might get treated with or the dye.

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Yes! for the longest time I thought it was pollution in the air where we were camped. Then I happened to notice the microscopic particles of fuzz that were settling on my glasses. It makes no difference what type of yarn it is because it always happens. Very annoying! I thought I was the only one!:hook

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Gee whiz! I thought it was just eyestrain...I never thought it could be the yarn.


I get burning eyes often, doesn't matter if I am using acrylic, cotton or whatever. I figured it was a combo of doing too much for too long.

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Acrylic is derived from petroleum. Some people can only have contact with natural fibers. It could also be a chemical finish such as on new clothes, which is why it's important to wash clothing before it is worn.


If the irritation is from little pieces floating around, an air filter might help. I have recently switched to Holmes Harmony air purifiers. I bought two small ones at BrandSmart for ca. $40 each,including tax. They are quieter than the Honeywells I had before, and work about the same. They have negative ionizers which cause the particles in the air to fall down onto the floor (or the furniture); this along with the air filter means there isn't stuff floating around to get in one's nose or eyes, etc.


Hope this helps.

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This is a revelation, I know I am allergic to newspaper print ink as many

times as soon as I start reading the evening paper I start to sneeze and my eyes water.


You don’t want to be around me when I reading the Sunday papers. lol


Tampa Doll (Mary Jo) has algeries to everthing. We discovered about 10 years

ago, when she was have frequent headaches, she went and had test done.

We never related it to all the crocheting she was doing, with different yarn and dye colors.


So now after medication, inhalers and monthly allergy needles for the last 8 years. With the approximate cost of thousands of dollars she can sit all day and crochet without any side effects. lol I’m a lucky Guy lol

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This is a revelation, I know I am allergic to newspaper print ink as many

times as soon as I start reading the evening paper I start to sneeze and my eyes water.


You don’t want to be around me when I reading the Sunday papers. lol


Tampa Doll (Mary Jo) has algeries to everthing. We discovered about 10 years

ago, when she was have frequent headaches, she went and had test done.

We never related it to all the crocheting she was doing, with different yarn and dye colors.


So now after medication, inhalers and monthly allergy needles for the last 8 years. With the approximate cost of thousands of dollars she can sit all day and crochet without any side effects. lol I’m a lucky Guy lol

Oh, how horrible. :( Good thing she got relief:)

I don't think is allergies in my case but maybe I am tranferring some tiny fibers to my eyes and those irritate, or the finish (like Gran said), or the dye causes irritation.

I must become more careful about touching my eyes. (It's advice I normally give my kids, after all:lol )

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Hmmm... no haven't had that happen but sounds like perhaps you may be rubbing small fibers into your eyes that are causing the irritation... I wear large-framed glasses so it is not a 'habit' to reach up and rub my eyes, but I am allergic to EVERYTHING as far as makeup, etc., anything near my eyes.


I do find that I tend to move my work closer to my face if I am getting fatigued or doing 'fine' work... a couple times while cross-stitching I have pulled the needle through so close to my face that I hit my glasses with it! Coulda taken an eye out if I hadn't been wearing them:eek

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That doesnt happen to me, and this may seen like a funny suggestion, but I have seen people out in the street with these big plastic glasses on. They shield the sun and even go around to the sides. Maybe this type of glass could help the fibers from getting into your eyes. Although, I think I have only seen them in a darker shade - but it may be worth looking into.

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Maybe we need some safety glasses :lol




That doesnt happen to me, and this may seen like a funny suggestion, but I have seen people out in the street with these big plastic glasses on. They shield the sun and even go around to the sides. Maybe this type of glass could help the fibers from getting into your eyes. Although, I think I have only seen them in a darker shade - but it may be worth looking into.


Yep Safety Glasses :lol My hubby has a bunch laying around here

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My eyes don't usually burn. The only strange thing that happens when I crochet is my mouth gets extremely dry. My mouth dries out and so do my lips. It seems that no matter how much water I drink I still can't seem to wet my whistle. When my lips get dry like that they tend to get chapped in minutes. Now in addition to yarn and hooks and all the other crochet necessities, I have to have lip balm close at my side. Maybe I'm the only one this happens to...my friends think I'm crazy!

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My eyes don't usually burn. The only strange thing that happens when I crochet is my mouth gets extremely dry. My mouth dries out and so do my lips. It seems that no matter how much water I drink I still can't seem to wet my whistle. When my lips get dry like that they tend to get chapped in minutes. Now in addition to yarn and hooks and all the other crochet necessities, I have to have lip balm close at my side. Maybe I'm the only one this happens to...my friends think I'm crazy!

I don't think you are crazy.

Maybe when you are concentrating you leave your mouth open? Some people do that - some clench. Perhaps get someone to observe what it is you are doing then you could make a conscious effort to avoid it.:)

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