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Don't know if I love it or hate it...

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Looking for patterns on eBay and couldnt' decide if it was amazing or apalling... any thoughts?




I've never bought from this seller. It's an e-pattern and I really like that... I love original and different designs... and THAT is definitely different... anybody ever made this pattern or something similar?

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I could NOT wear it. But I think it is absolutely lovely. It's just not me. I would feel like a little girl wearing Mother's clothes for dress-up. I know someone else who is making it right now. She says it is a bit of a challenge.

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Maybe it's one of those things that looks loveliest hanging in the closet. I can't see wearing that and yet..I'm oddly facinated by it.


I think that's sort of where I'm at... I honestly can't decide... it definitely caught my attention - page after page of patterns and then WHAT THE HECK IS THAT:scrachin ???

I can definitely see it on this funky wire dress form thing I have... really hard to describe ~ it's a 'piece of art' (possibly a piece of junk by some people's taste!) and I have a lovely sheer dress on her and an old fashioned hat... :garden I could TOTALLY see this scarf on her! I could possibly see it on me.:2blush

Yes, a rather curious garment:sher

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I've never bought from that seller either, but did take a look at their feedback and it's all positive.


I myself love the scarf!

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Personally, I think it looks like she's moldering. I've seen things like that in the bottom of forgotten coffee cups. The random bell pulls kinda scare me as well. It's a good idea, a flower garden scarf...but this just didn't pull it off.

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Actually, I kinda like it. It is definitely busy. But I think it still manages to be pretty. I think it would be best to wear it with a plain dress like she has it modeled, because any pattern, print, or exoticism on any other piece of clothes would push it over the top. But yeah, I like it, and I like it much better hanging and not wrapped around the neck. --nikki

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It's not something I would wear because I don't think I could pull it off, but I rather like it. Of course, I've got a thing for reds these days so it makes a difference perhaps that it's in shades of red. I like it.

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I like them, especially the blue/purple one. A few years ago I probably wouldn't wear something like that, but with all the funky yarns that have come out since then and due to my never-ending quest to try them all, most of them end up made into scarves, so I'm intrigued by different ideas on how to use them.

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i think if you need to question it too much, it's not for you. if you lookj at it and say i love it, got to have it, would look great with... then you go for it. it you just want to try it for the challenge or artistic value, go for it. otherwise, it could just end up in a collection of patterns that "looked like a good idea at the time."


as for me, i would enjoy the challenge, could certainly see myself wearing it with a funky casual outfit and would just get pleasure from seeing it hang in my closet. almost like a piece of art. :hook

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I love it. :manyheart


20 years ago (when I was in my funky state), I would have bought it.


However, I now wear old, fuddy duddy clothes. I have nothing to go with that. Hubby would call it "gaudy." I've never spent $8.00 on a single pattern before. There's so many more projects on my to-do list.


Needless to say, I'm passing this one up. However, I'll have dreams about it tonight.

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i think if you need to question it too much, it's not for you. if you lookj at it and say i love it, got to have it, would look great with... then you go for it. it you just want to try it for the challenge or artistic value, go for it. otherwise, it could just end up in a collection of patterns that "looked like a good idea at the time."


as for me, i would enjoy the challenge, could certainly see myself wearing it with a funky casual outfit and would just get pleasure from seeing it hang in my closet. almost like a piece of art. :hook


Well, I fell in love with it and BOUGHT it!!!!!! :ebay It is definitely something I WOULD wear, it has amazing artistic value (to me) and looks like a fun challenge! I would enjoy seeing it draped over the post of my bed while not in use, too! There are so many amazingly beautiful yarns out there, some of which are real boogers to work with, but could be managed in a 'controlled' setting! :2nono

The pattern is very well-written and I realized after purchasing it that I HAD purchased from the seller before... She gives very detailed instructions and includes lots of pictures and also a very nice letter explaining how 'giving away' or 'sharing' original patterns really puts the independent artist out of business (I don't blame her). Total download was 16 pages!!!:ccompute

I was just so curious what you all would have to say, after the, um, Lion Brand Lion Mane Scarf thread! :scrachin

I plan for this to be a 'backseat' work in progress... already throwing those little partial skeins of reddish-hued yarns into a basket and I'll just make a motif here and there... about the curtain-pull tassles, though, somebody had mentioned they were a little over the top, and I will really have to look and see how it all falls together before I decide whether to make/attach those to it!:rolleyes

Thank you all for your opinions and observations! :hug I love this place!:manyheart

I'll be sure to post some pictures when I make some sort of substantial progress... you all really don't want a picture of my basket of yarn scraps, now do ya?:woo

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I love it too and I hope you post a picture of you modeling it when you get it done! I would love to see it! I just might keep an eye on that pattern and try to get it too!

Good Luck and Have a ball with it!:cheer


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Hi, I've been lurking, but this is the thread that finally got me to register :) I fell instantly in love with this scarf and ordered the pattern as soon as I saw it on Ebay. I have several of her patterns and they are all wonderful. The scarf is fantastic, the directions are very clear, lots of photos. It's easy to make, looks like it would take forever, but it really only takes a few hours. I love it!!

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I know the seller!! As somebody mentions above, the Lilianna Pineapple Jacket is also her design.


As for this scarf, ask anyone who knows me well... They'd tell you I prefer, for the most part, soft colors and dainty accessories.


But lately...I don't know, maybe it's all these bright colored fun yarns coming out...my style is getting a little "funkier". Therefore, if I was in the right mood, yes, I'd wear it.


Of course, I fall for anything with flowers on it. :rose

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I've used this pattern. It's not really my personal style, but I thought it was fun to make, and a great stash buster. My MIL and mother both really liked it -- I made it in various shades of purple.


Barring the main body of the scarf, this pattern is more of a guideline than a real pattern pattern. She gives you directions for making the individual flowers, but encourages to sew them on however you like them best.


Like I said, I bought this pattern through ebay and another of the same lady's patterns, the Marilyn sweater. (The sweater pattern I bought through Annie's Attic though.) I have no complaints about dealing with her through ebay, and I have been pleased with her patterns, all in all. They're clearly written for the most part, and the two I have bought come with a good number of pictures to help illustrate (pictures of the piece in progress, not symbol charts).

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