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Some crochet scarves are becoming....

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I think it would look great if the loops were a little bit smaller. I also agree though that the way the model is wearing the scarf kind of looks silly. I don't think that is unusual in the modeling world, though.


I think if the scarf was hanging long it would look quite a bit different and probably change quite a few opinions on here. I am pictureing it wrapped around once, under a black or denim jacket. I like the colors of the yarn and I have actually eyed that yarn many times, even picked it up and drove around with it in the shopping cart and then at the last minute decided I didn't *need* it. In fact, I almost bought some of that for my wool swap partner, but she didn't want bulky, so I nixed it.

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Well that's one way of wearing something to hide the small slops and drips while eating a meal. Nope I wouldn't wear it. I think to wear that would make my 5 ft look like 4.:2spin


That is hilarious:laughroll I guess I'd better whip some up for my teenage son! Might save a couple tablecloths, not to mention his shirts... which come to think of it are all black and have skulls on them, so I suppose a little gravy doesn't really matter now, does it!

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If I saw someone wearing that, I'd feel compelled to save her from whatever that thing is that's strangling her.


This thread has evoked more giggles :rofl

I can't believe that photo got past the editors or that someone at Lion didn't say, uh, the scarf is eating her head. It's probably a gorgeous scarf ~ what a pity that it may end up doing more to scare people away than draw them in!:faint

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to tell the truth I LOVE it! :D I'll probably make it this weekend while I'm curled up with tea and nursing my cold!


Hope you feel better:tea and can't wait to see how the scarf looks straightened out! I bet it will be gorgeous... it's just the funny comments and the way it's portrayed in the picture...


I put up a picture of my new hat that I made, and while it got quite a few looks, it didn't get many comments (I'm thinking people are subscribing to the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" adage) but it really is a cute hat:sigh... I guess it just didn't photograph well... sorta like the scarf:confused

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um I would wear it before I would wear these fugly slippers that have been discussed and debated on another thread:




Maybe not so loopy, but it looks snuggly warm to me, and I just loove the wool.


I think it needs to go with a jacket and a bit of cold wind tho!


It is 35 degrees here and I am in a sweat just looking at it.:lol

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well just because you dont like it doesnt mean other people dont..



i actually own a scarf like that.. bought it at a high end boutique here in town so i could replicate it.. i LOVE it and i get compliments on it every time i wear it .. i have also made much money on these scarves..


the thing about that picture is she has it wrapped twice around her neck.. think about it..


maybe you would like it better only once or hanging straight


Maybe I would like it better if it were displayed differently. They way they show it in the photo, I do not like it. Like someone else said, it reminds me of a lion's mane.

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See, I think it's things like that which give us a bad rap. I could definitely hear, "Did you make that? It looks like it", come out of someone's mouth. I know, different strokes, but to me it looks like the cat got hold of her ball of yarn, and she just decided to wear it.


I was thinking it looked like the "after" picture of my 4 dogs playing with one of those rope toys.

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My first thought was "Yeah I'd wear if I were the Cowardly Lion in a productions of The Wizard of Oz". Glad to see I'm not the only one that sees 'lion'. :lol


Sure different people like different things and that's great. It's great that not everyone likes that scarf either. Nope, I'd never wear it. Not wrapped around be once or twice. Not hanging straight. Not wrapped around my butt. Not in a box. Not with a fox.

I don't have to think about it and I don't need anyone assuming I didn't. :P

But if someone else wants to wear it, more power to them.

Personally I do like the socks much better. :)

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Never, would I wear it. So funny to see this posted today, I was in Michaels the other day, another lady said to me, oh so many choices, and then said, picked up some of the yarn used in your picture, and asked me what the heck it was, we both laughed and I explained it to her, she said " it looks like a mistake" they put yarn in washer and that is what came out, lol. We all have different thoughts on all this neat stuff out there. But again, I have no use for it.

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I think it's pretty cool.

I think the rest of the model's outfit makes the scarf look less stylish than it really is... it just looks awkward to me with that shirt... picture it with a simple slinky dress or something...pretty glamorous and funky, if you ask me.

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i have to say lion has a way of displaying their items in some of the most non flattering ways ..

lets remember that thing they did last year with the models wearing unitards and postiioned in some ways that even my yoga instructor wouldnt attempt


:laughroll I remember those Elizabeth! The ones with the freaky looking silver collar and cuffs? They look like they're from some bad B sci-fi movie! Or MST 3000! Those poor models :ohdear I hope they get paid well!



And thank you Paulette for your concern :hug I am feeling a bit better and I'll definitely post pictures when I'm done :manyheart

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