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Join the Crochet Olympics

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Thank you...I'm not sure I'm going to continue with the the Crochet Olympics or be a member on this site anymore...I just got dressed down by a couple of other members and I really don't feel all that wanted around here...half the time I feel ignored (save for this tread) and the other half the time I guess I just don't really fit in...I thought I did, but I guess I don't...


That's terrible. I think your cardi turned out beautifully, and I've loved having your input, especially for the Olympics!! :hug

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Thank you...I'm not sure I'm going to continue with the the Crochet Olympics or be a member on this site anymore...I just got dressed down by a couple of other members and I really don't feel all that wanted around here...half the time I feel ignored (save for this tread) and the other half the time I guess I just don't really fit in...I thought I did, but I guess I don't...



Please don't leave. You are a valuable person to this forum and this group. Take a day or two (take a breath and calm down) and then come back and I am sure you can think of many reasons for staying. I am new I know that and it is maybe not my place to say, however I do honesty believe that you are going to miss this forum and we will miss you if you leave. I don't know why you were slammed by those members, but I'm sure it was just a bad day :thumbdown for them. :D Smile and remember, we all are valuable and valued on this forum. Don't let them drive you away. I think a group hug :ghug is needed...I hope that helped.


Besides I LOVE your cardigan. That shade of yellow is sooo soft and the yarn I know is soft. You look great with it on, like a beautiful yellow rose, petals and all.




P.s. The photos of my progress on the HK backpack is on my blog.

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...and I just had stopped crying and now I'm starting again...but it's different now...thank you so much for the support, it truly means alot to. I'm so glad you all like the cardigan...it's very nice to wear, I can tell you that...


Yes, I would miss this place...I'll bounce back and knock out the cutaway jacket...your posts have renewed my spirit. I'm sorry that I reacted badly...I was just caught completely by surprise. I'm not new to sites likes this...I'm an old pro on a few other sites (very non crochet...) so believe me...I was just as shocked by my own reaction...


Anyway..I'll not do a Michele Kwan (man I feel so bad for her) I'll not retire from this site nor from the Crochet Olympics...I really was seriously enjoying myself with the Crochet Olympics...

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Glad you'll be around, LeAnna. :) I look forward to seeing your olympic project.


I've made good progress with my Lush Carpet Bag. It's been fun to make. :)

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LeAnna, :hug You must remember that this a large place with a lot of varied people. There is no way you will ever please them all. The majority are really great people and worth putting up with the occasional grumps. Don't let a few spoil it for you, they aren't worth it. I love the variety here, I can't respond to everyone ( wish I could ) but I would never get anything done. But I enjoy reading whats others are doing. I have always enjoyed your posts.

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Thank you Kathy...I'm getting better...and I know this is a large place...and apparently there's been a misunderstanding on my part...it's quite possible the flaming was not directed at me...and now I feel like a complete idiot, but you have no idea how relieved I am at the same time...


You know, I'm going to be home on Vashon Island in April for one month...maybe we can do a phone date?

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My olympic event is to crochet 100 granny squares for Project Linus afghans. Well, drum roll please, I have crocheted 50 so far. And I must honestly say that I don't think I will want to make granny squares for a very long time after the olympics. I am getting all "grannied" out. But I will continue. I promised Jimmie Lu that Afghans for Amigoes could have anything over 100. I know that I can't keep this pace up because I'm sure you all know how life has a way of interfering with crocheting. But I am pleased that I've really made alot of progress. I love what everyone has been posting. Keep on crocheting!!!:yay :yay :yay


Oh, I just have to post that the first two events in the Olympics were won by Germans. My mother is on cloud nine! (I grew up in a divided household- Dad is American, Mom is German. Us children never knew who to cheer on, the Germans or the Americans.)

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Way to go Karin!!!!! Viel Gluck to your Mutter regarding Deutschland in the Olympics...


I'm cheering Germany, Canada, USA, Australia and The Netherlands in the Olympics...I have friends and/or family in those places...

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LeAnne I'm glad you are going to stay with us...


Taking a break and getting dinner ready. Being Sunday have a couple of the neighbors over to eat...So, after dishes are done maybe I can get back to work. I think i may finish early... Here is were I'm at now..th_100_0873.jpgFront is almost done...

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Okay, having shaken off the meltdown, I'm back in fighting form...I started the cutaway jacket...if any of you have the Lion Brand Vintage book, it's in there under that name..."Cutaway Jacket..."


I'm on row 8...and will be going back to it in a second...


Okay...Go Everyone, I'm so proud of all your progress!


Go Team Wearables!!!!!


Gimme a C!

Gimme an R!

Gimme an O!

Gimme a C!

Gimme an H!

Gimme an E!

Gimme a T!

Gimme a V!

Gimme an I!

Gimme an L!

Gimme another L!

Gimme an E!

What's that spell????



You are truly all wonderful...thank you very much for your support tonight...

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Thank you Kathy...I'm getting better...and I know this is a large place...and apparently there's been a misunderstanding on my part...it's quite possible the flaming was not directed at me...and now I feel like a complete idiot, but you have no idea how relieved I am at the same time...


You know, I'm going to be home on Vashon Island in April for one month...maybe we can do a phone date?


It is surprising how on online relationships affect us, isn't it? I never expected to care about people online but we make true friendships online as well as locally. I recently had an online friend to pass away unexpectedly and was absolutely stunned at the affect it had on me.


I'm glad you're going to stick around! bearhug.sml.gif

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I've been actively involved with sites similar to this (but non crochet, started when I was prepping my wedding) going on 5 years. I have met many, many people and are good friends with many of them for almost that whole 5 years...online relationships are just as "real" at the "real life" relationships...


My online friendships truly have saved my sanity since I've been over here in Germany...you should see my Christmas card list...a good 1/4 to 1/3 goes to online friendships...


It all started with a wedding site...and then many of us moved to a general site...if anyone had told me that I'd have these friendships, I would have thought them crazy...

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Thank you for the big hug Barbara Jean...


So...isn't it sad about Michelle Kwan? Did anyone watch the short program for pairs iceskating last night?

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Thank you for the big hug Barbara Jean...


So...isn't it sad about Michelle Kwan? Did anyone watch the short program for pairs iceskating last night?


It's so disappointing for her and for all of us who were looking forward to see her perform. She is just so lovely on the ice.


I wasn't holding the remote last evening so didn't get to see much of the Olympics. ;) Ben was flipping back and forth. Most of the time he was watching the Pierce Brosnan James Bond movie.

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Le Anna your project for Crochet Olympics is gorgeous! Great job! GL with your next project.


That is so sad about Michelle Kwan. I feel so bad for her. She has wanted this for so long.


My project...


I am moving along well. Finished the body part, finished one front side & I am almost finished the back part. I still have 3 rows on the back, another front side, the body sides, sleeves & trim...ack..I better start crocheting more LOL! I hope to get a pic up soon of progress.

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Oh and I have to add...the money I spent on the Lion Brand Vintage Patterns for Today book...money well spent...when I get done with the cutaway jacket, I will have made 4 things out of that book...I made the muff (it turned it really cute), this cardigan, a shrug (that I really, really liked) and now the cutaway jacket in progress...

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I was watching the skating last night. So much pressure on the skaters! I felt bad for the Chinese team, they really could've won the gold this year, they've been so good in the past. Too bad, they injured and only manage to place 5th or 6th. On the other hand, the Russians are sooo good. I can't believe their tenacity after doing that head at Skate America! :eek



I feel bad for Michelle. Too bad she's suffering from injuries too. I would've liked to see her skate again.:)

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Okay, so Michele and Barbara Jean, can you refresh me on what you are making?


Yes, I'm making a baby poncho with yellow and green baby yarn.


I must run. I need to get dressed for church. The pastor will fuss if I'm late. (He's my hubby. :lol )

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