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Crochet Pattern Roundup! (CPC’s brand-new sister)


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Update on Jan 21st: Go

here and scroll down to find the latest button, if you want to link to Crochet Pattern Roundup.


Introducing the place to find and feature crochet patterns for sale…


Originally suggested by mimicat, staffed by RachelG of CPC/KPC as well as her sister (who, again, did all the coding and database work), and hopefully embraced by you.


In a nutshell, it’s a:






Crocheters are always on the hunt for more patterns. I happen to know that for a fact! ;) Of course it’s just getting started, but now (and especially as it gets more established), we can all go there to find a selection of patterns.



Place to advertise



Designers can list their patterns…Crochet Pattern Roundup is an alternative to e-bay, etsy, blogs, (even sites), and also can be used to send potential customers to your own already established crochet website.


I’m excited about all of the possibilities…and I hope this new site benefits a lot of you! I will be promoting this site as much as I can by e-mails, link exchanges, a prominent mention on CPC, and making sure the search engines pick it up.



I am not trying to brag, but I can illustrate how these things worked for Crochet Pattern Central, as far as Google is concerned. If you like, go to Google and type in free crochet patterns, crochet patterns, or crochet pattern. :blush:)



Comments/questions about this new site? You can either post in this thread, or write me via CPR or CPC...or pm me.



I realize you may be thinking…why would I want to advertise on a site that is brand new, practically nobody knows about it, and it has a Google page rank of zero? Good question, and I don’t blame you a bit for thinking it. I honestly have to say it will take some working together…realizing the possibilities…knowing you’re a part of something new…and realizing that I’m doing everything I can to make it work…for you. My reason for making this is site is not to get rich or to become known as “that Rachel with all those sitesâ€. I intend to use anything I make from CPR to cover expenses to keep it, CPC, and KPC online. This new site is basically for one purpose…to help designers, and to make it easier for customers to find online patterns.



And now because I am terribly longwinded…



In doing research for this site, I went back through all of Crochetville’s Clothing Show ‘n Tell pages (and there are 35 of them). Let me tell you, I revisited so many threads showing off gorgeous creations that could (and would!) sell if the designers would write down and offer their patterns. No pressure, of course. :hug


Thanks for listening!

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Rachel, I do both crochet and knit. I make many of the patterns up as I go along, never writing anything down. I do not sell what I make. But, IF I decided to write down a few patterns to sell, what would be my next step? How much would it cost me to start? Please inform us beginners. Thanks.

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I think everything you need is outlined in the terms and conditions:




...but, please, feel free to ask here as well! They sound like a bunch of rules...but really, I have to put all that in there just so everybody is informed. The process is actually rather simple in the end...and I can lead you through it if and when you (or anybody else) is ready.


As for how much it costs...it is in that link also, but it is $5.00 a month (30 day period). I don't like charging this much, but I have been told it is very reasonable, and, if you think about it, if you charge (for example) $5 for your pattern, you only need to sell one to cover the fee, PLUS you got exposure. This is going to be a picture-heavy site, which eats up more bandwidth.


I may not have as many categories as people would like. I can't have as many categories as Crochet Pattern Central (no fridgies, no sachets, etc) but I WILL consider new categories if there is enough interest.


I look forwarding to seeing what you come up with! If I haven't answered your question(s), let me know.

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Rachel, when I first wished about a site such as this (CPR), I knew you were the only person who could make this possible. And when I saw your new site, I thought it was just perfect - it far exceeded my expectation! Gwen is super-talented too, her designs are fantastic! You both make this site truly remarkable. Congratulations!:yay

and thank you!:hug

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Thanks, Mimi. :hug I don't believe I'm the only person who could make this site, but I'm happy to help in any way I can.


Yes, I love Gwen's designs too... I have a tan Winking and Blinking Top with brown beads. Now I'm thinking I have to have the Long Sleeved Motif Top...I love the sleeves. :lol

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Hope you like it, Julie!


Yes there are buttons here, but they're a tad bigger than the normal buttons y'all have on your blogs. I just couldn't fit the text in the way I wanted it. (Plus I'm not any good at buttons.) I'll have to try to see if I can make time to create a smaller one.

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What a great idea! I'm going to bookmark it and put it on my regular daily "must see" list of sites! And thank you for all the hardwork that I am sure went into this... along with my main addiction, CPC!!! :lol

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what a wonderful & creative idea to start up this new site Rachel! Many crocheters have their patterns on their personal blogs or websites but if I don't remember to bookmark a site or pattern, I can never remember where I found it! lol...And there are lots I probably miss altogether. Not to mention wading through bookmarks to find a pattern if your bookmarks are like mine :lol


I am definelty bookmarking it to visit "CPR" regularly! A central place to find terrific patterns is a genious ides & I wish you lots of good luck with the new website. This is great for th designers & great for those looking for a pattern.

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what a wonderful & creative idea to start up this new site Rachel! Many crocheters have their patterns on their personal blogs or websites but if I don't remember to bookmark a site or pattern, I can never remember where I found it! lol...And there are lots I probably miss altogether. Not to mention wading through bookmarks to find a pattern if your bookmarks are like mine :lol


I am definelty bookmarking it to visit "CPR" regularly! A central place to find terrific patterns is a genious ides & I wish you lots of good luck with the new website. This is great for th designers & great for those looking for a pattern.


Don't get me started on my bookmarks! I have EXTENSIVE lists of knitting and crochet sites to check up on every month.


Glad you like CPR...I'm dreaming big things for it! :)

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