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Crocheted Ugg Boots!


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I saw another post last week about these. They look cute and would be fun to make. I wonder where to find the sole, though. Designers must not know knit from crochet b/c I always see things mislabled.

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Believe it or not, I actually saw some boots identical to these about a month ago at Nordstrom's in the Mall of America. I don't recall what brand they were, but the top was entirely crocheted just like these.

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I saw another post last week about these. They look cute and would be fun to make. I wonder where to find the sole, though. Designers must not know knit from crochet b/c I always see things mislabled.


Perhaps you could contact a shoe repair place? They obviously have suppliers of different types of soles and maybe someone could work out a deal for a pair if they really wanted to make them. Me personally, I am definitely not an Ugg boots kind of gal. :lol

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Knitty Gritty did a show awhile back where they took a pair of pumps and made knitted boots out of them. you can check it out HERE eventhough those are knitted the basic concept would be the same.


It looks like a fun and fairly easy project to adapt to crochet if you wanted.

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Designers must not know knit from crochet b/c I always see things mislabled.


It's not the designers with the problem, it's whoever writes up the ad copy, and the buyers. I see crocheted - and knitted - items mislabelled all the time! Unless they engage in one of these crafts (which we can only guess, usually), they're not likely to know the difference, even if it is obvious to us!


From what I've seen, the vast majority of mislabelled items appear that way because whoever did it believes that anything with open lacy stitches is crochet while "solid fabric" type stitches must be knit.


As long as those items are out there and selling like hotcakes, who cares?! :lol:hook:knit:shop

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