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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Y'know, I keep wandering past the computer and staring at the gorgeous pic of this afghan. I think I'm already planning the colors for my second one! I'll try it in more girly colors for my daughter- burgundy/rose instead of the terracottas, purples instead of browns. Hmm... gonna have to ponder. Oh, and finish the one I have yarn for first!


Just noodling...

Now back to my regularly scheduled-dishes. :blush

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I can't work on mine today and it's driving me bonkers! haha


I have a xstitch hospice square that I have to finish up today (hopefully). That is my last obligation and then I can stitch for me and my family the rest of the year! :clap :clap :clap


I have my afghan sitting on my chair in the family room and so every time I go into the kitchen it is calling my name. I have noticed that each time I pass it, the voice gets a wee bit louder though....do you think I should be concerned?:blink

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Julie B -

Not to bring you down any, but maybe you'd better do the first one before planning the second. These rows keep getting LONGER AND LONGER .. GEEZ, it takes a good half hour or more to get one round done now . ( In fact, I'm gonna time myself to see how long the next row takes me. Will get back to you on that . Anyhow, they ARE beautiful, but a LOT of work .....


and Nancy - No, I 'm not concerned yet... not til YOU start talking BACK to your afghan. THEN , I'll be a little concerned !:P

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I put it on the floor to snap a pic and my Janey decided she wanted it for herself.

Here is what it really looks like.........kind of blurry, sorry. I have a feeling I'll be running out of the orange/rust color. However, I think I have enough here to pick from for an alternate color. I'm appreciating the fact that this pattern is forgiving that way. :D


Cristin - Both Janey and your ghan are lovely. Janey looks like a real sweety pie!


I made progress on mine LOL :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol I won some more yarn on Ebay! I think I am going to make this one out of just a few of the colors that I have so far. 2 colors of blu, red, cream, and green. Then, it can be for my best friend because her new living room colors are in that range.


Oh well... back to work...


hee hee:devil

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Careful, there, them's fightin' words!! Quite a few of us are tea only drinkers! :lol




Hee hee... Hi Faith :waving My usual cuppa is tea as well but sometimes joe, too

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Ok guys - I am on row 68 . I have timed myself on the last 4 rows. It is taking an average of 30 minutes per round. Some are 25, others are closer to 38, depending on the stitch for that round .


Just my handy-dandy experiment for the night while watching the less-than-mind-boggling DANCING WITH THE STARS .


( I'd like to be on that show, but they'd put ME on America's Funniest Home Videos if I tried out for it ! )

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Hi Celeste !

Thanks for stopping by !

Well, I hadn't mentioned it before because these crochetalongs have become so addicting that I was about to overdose on them ! :lol

I had so many going at once and so many to keep track of , it was hard for me . I'm not a good Multi-Tasker at all . In fact, I started the Flower Garden one and have let is slide to work on this one, since I thought this one would go quicker .

Once I have this one complete, I plan on going back to the flower garden and finishing that one . The others are still going, but the majority of people in them have finished up and they have all slowed down a lot .

SO .... my plan is to finish up my garden, which will take me some time . I am aiming for a start date on the 63 MORE . Right now, it's just a date in my head. I haven't asked the Supervisors here if it'd be ok, but will do so once I get the other one completed .

SO .... to make a long story short, I hope to pretty much clean the slate with the next one, then will be ready to start 63 PART TWO .

Be watching for a post about it ~~~:hook

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Howdy ladies... well, more yarn arrived yesterday. Really pretty but I don't think the colors are quite right for my friend's house so I have ordered MORE! I'm off to the desert for a quiet weekend. Hope you all get lots done. I'm taking plenty of yarn and a desire to stitch to my hearts content!



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Howdy ladies... well, more yarn arrived yesterday. Really pretty but I don't think the colors are quite right for my friend's house so I have ordered MORE! I'm off to the desert for a quiet weekend. Hope you all get lots done. I'm taking plenty of yarn and a desire to stitch to my hearts content!



Have a great trip, Mare!!! You deserve a nice relaxing weekend! :)


I'm stalled on row 11 on my afghan - this is going to take a while, I'm making it for *me* so it has to be done around my other projects. I probably won't get any more done on it until next Wednesday because my father will be visiting and I can rarely get any crocheting done on weekends anymore.

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Hello Laces and Bobbles groupies....alls going well here ,,,but I have noticed that there are so many sc to deal with...:lol I made so many of them when I made the taz blanket that I think thats all that comes outta my hook even though I make something else...mann ' but oh well...I'm doing fine up till now...and I love all the ones i've seen here so far...so many beautiful colors coming together and even though it is the same project they each have a beauty of it;s own...keep up the good work girls!:hook

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I don't mind the sc too much. They go really fast as they are a no brainer! hahaha


Hugs and I'm hoping to get back to my afgan tonight! I should have this xstitch piece done by then if I get to it now and off of this puter!!! :think

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All right... I'm off and running! I have a bday party to do tonight, but I threw my back out this AM.:blink After everyone goes home tonight, I'm climbing into my chair with my hook and yarn and not coming out all weekend. My only concern is how much I will be frogging since narcotics and complicated patterns just don't seem to work for me. :flying I don't care- my goal is to get through the first cross stitch round this weekend (I'm slow). Afterthat I'll have to wait until the end of the month to get the next yarn I need, but oh well- I gotta get started!:bounce

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It doesn't look like I will be finishing this week. I am on row 44 and going pretty slow. I want to just relax this weekend so I may get some more done. My surgery is monday so I will be out of commission for a few days


happy crocheting :)

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It doesn't look like I will be finishing this week. I am on row 44 and going pretty slow. I want to just relax this weekend so I may get some more done. My surgery is monday so I will be out of commission for a few days


happy crocheting :)[/QU


I dont know if i could go without my crochet for long. good luck with your surgery.

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WOW, you guys are flying! yall have left me waaaaaaaaayyyyy back, im just on row 31 ( I think). Maby I will get on the ball this weekend and get caught up a little.I wanna see some more picks girls, I need some motivation~!

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