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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Ok, I wanted to get a lot more of this done today but I am haveing a problem...


On round 26 I have 66 sc on each side(youdo count the sc on each side of the ch 3 in the corners right? I did, technically there is 64 sc between each corner) and I can not get the ch 1 spaces in round 27 to come out right. I keep getting 24. What am I doing wrong? I am going to put it down tuntill I get a reply cause I dont want to mess it up




Oh, and thanks Julie, I started working over the ends today and I think I like it, Much less work!


OMG. I feel like such an idiot! I had it in my head that I was suposed to have 28 ch 1 spaces on each side of Round 27 and I kept comeing out with 24. I looked back at the pattern and you are SUPOSED to have 24! Where in the world did I get 28!? Thanks for the bid for help though Julie, I apreciate it!

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Is there another name for this pattern? I found Afghans for all seasons on Amazon, but this pattern is not listed. Leisure Arts- check; Book one-check.... Hmm. It is listed as 1993 and has a green and white Mile a Minute on the cover. Is this the right book?



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Is there another name for this pattern? I found Afghans for all seasons on Amazon, but this pattern is not listed. Leisure Arts- check; Book one-check.... Hmm. It is listed as 1993 and has a green and white Mile a Minute on the cover. Is this the right book?



Julie, it is indeed listed under another name in the afghans for all seasons book - it's the Stitch Sampler on page 90. Here's a link to the one you want on Amazon here (hardcover) or here (paperback).


I purchased mine used, hardcover, and I have a paperback somewhere that is well used (I can't find it - lol) - I love the hardcover because it actually stays open when I'm using it.


Anyway, I hope that helps!

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Glad you got the pattern figured out. this one has so many changes, so many different stitches and so many rounds, if you're not at the same point as another person, you almost lose track of what you did that many rows ago. I'm glad you were able to figure it out though !

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Thanks Faith... that's exactly what I needed to know! And thanks for the links. I really like the hardbacks also. I'm trying really hard to build my library of patterns with full sized books rather that booklets, and hardbacks just last better. My daughter is learning how to crochet, and I have a feeling these books will be put to a lot of use. Library binding is perfect!



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If you hvae more than 64 sc in row 25 on each side, it won't turn out right. Remember, row 25 is just sk first sc (after you've done the corner), then 2sc in next sc and repeat that across to the next corner. Maybe you did 2sc in a row instead of skipping next sc somewhere? Hope this helps.

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I am dying:bounce to join you all in here, even though many are finished. When I first saw the afghan in one of my pattern books, I sort of glossed over it, but as I've been seeing all your beautiful WIP's and all the possibilities:dreaming



My niece loves Indian and Morrocan patterns and I keep thinking this would be a great afghan with that beautiful medallion in the middle. I am going to go searching for a color scheme!:gallery


I hope to be back to join you. Are there others just beginning?

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Shelain - Sorry I wasn't more help, but I'm glad you figured it out :)


Diane - No one is done yet. Some people are getting there but no ones all the done. Please do join us. i know there are several girls who are planning on doing 2 of them, I know I am. I love this afghan.

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OK, I know there was a great, zoomable pic of this ghan from the pattern book on the board somewhere... if it was the one from the poll it isn't accessable any more. Does anyone know where this is?




I might just have to get going on this one... so much for waiting until next month, eh?

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Here's my update finally. I've been SOOO busy, but have been getting one or two rows done a night. I'll start row 38 (yes, the one before the bobbles) tomomrrow night.






*click on pics to enlarge*


I am SOO loving the colors in this one. The pics truly don't do them justice. They are very jewel toned and the cream color just make the others pop!

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Very nice work, Nancy ! I like it a lot !


and welcome, Diane ! Glad you decided to join us . Let us know what colors you pick .


Sorry about the picture being down. I cleared them all out of my folder after the poll shut down, Julie B -


I am HOPING to have mine done within the next day or two, so you'll actually have a finished project to see . These last rows go SO slow, because it is getting so big .

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I am SOO loving the colors in this one. The pics truly don't do them justice. They are very jewel toned and the cream color just make the others pop!


Wow, Nancy, that is really pretty! Nice going!

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OK, you guys are having too much fun in here. I have purposely avoided reading this thread because I love this pattern but was intimidated by it, but the post count was racking up so quickly I thought I'd come find out what the chatter was all about- you guys are a riot! Now of course, I want to get in on it. Sigh. But hey, I'll be here as soon as I can wrangle some yarn/pattern money. <back to lurkdom>


:welcome Hi Julie... don't feel like you have to lurk just cause you haven't started it yet. With my schedule, I'll be lucky to get started on this before the next millenium :lol .


Grabacuppa and join in the fun! :coffee

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Morning Ladies :hug


Feeling much better today so im going to start working on it again today,i have been real lax the last few days.


Love the colors Nancy,cant wait to see it done.


Im on row 60 so Jullie is flying ahead :cheer,way to go cant wait to see it.


Whats the next CAL going to be Julie?? I decided not to do the Scirpture Afgan,i just cant get into squares.I am doing the Cathedal window but thats going to be one of those in between things.


Welcome to all the new ladies,get those hooks burning :hook

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Grabacuppa and join in the fun! :coffee


You must have a hidden camera pointed at my computer chair- I don't think it's possible to read c'ville w/o a cuppa joe!


From the pics I can see, I think I'm just short two colors . I hit the jackpot with the pattern (sh! don't tell hubby!) so I think I should be able to at least get started soon, and get the other yarn as needed. Then I will be legit!

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You must have a hidden camera pointed at my computer chair- I don't think it's possible to read c'ville w/o a cuppa joe!


Careful, there, them's fightin' words!! Quite a few of us are tea only drinkers! :lol



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Hi Shaylen


My next crochetalong is going to be to get my hiney back over to Grandma's flower Garden and get busy on that ! I started it, then moved on to this one, since I thought I could get this one done quicker than that . SO.. that's where I have to head off to next ! You're welcome to join in over there if you haven't already !

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Careful, there, them's fightin' words!! Quite a few of us are tea only drinkers! :lol




I'm with you Faith! I'm a tea only gal! Nice BIG cup every morning when I read c'ville.:tea

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Well, I stayed home today -- sort of a mental health day if you will.

I ended up not feeling so great anyway, imagine the irony of that. :lol


So, I got up to round 29 today. I'm really getting fed up with all this counting! But the pattern is really interesting as I watch it unfold, so it's worth all the counting and re-counting I guess...LOL


I put it on the floor to snap a pic and my Janey decided she wanted it for herself. IMG_9247.jpg


Here is what it really looks like.........kind of blurry, sorry. I have a feeling I'll be running out of the orange/rust color. However, I think I have enough here to pick from for an alternate color. I'm appreciating the fact that this pattern is forgiving that way. :DIMG_9249.jpg

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