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Does anyone else have son's (or other children) that crochet?

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Both my boys (7 and 9) love to sit with me and crochet. My oldest is currently learning DC and my youngest seems to be enthralled with chains and SC's.


My oldest doesn't like to follow patterns. He says they're too boring, so he makes up his own designs. I have a couple of mini-baskets and "coasters" that have all sorts of shapes.


Anyone else have children like this???






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I want kids like that. LOL Actually, my son has expressed an interest; we just have to sit down and do it. He's 6. Knowing his interests, I have a feeling at some point I'm going to have to show him how to make chain mail (if I can manage to remember how myself as it's been awhile).

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When you're ready to teach and he's ready to learn, there's a wonderful book out that's geared specifically towards younger kids. It has some really cool projects for kids as well as wonderful diagrams of the main stitches. I don't know where mine is right now (my oldest was using it last night, and now *poof*)!!!LOL I do believe it's called Teach Me To Crochet and I believe it's by Leisure Arts.



Good luck! :hook




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My 9 year old son loves to chain stitch. I think he must have created miles of crochet ropes. So far, he hasn't had the patience to learn any other stitches.


My 12 year old daughter loves to crochet, as do her friends. She's made a bunch of scarves, hats, hair scrunchies, little purses, and stuff like that. She likes to make up her own patterns for them. She sold about $60 worth of stuff at a Christmas craft show held by my dh's employer, including the actual show and some follow-on orders for baby/toddler hats.

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I have an 18 mo son that I plan on teaching to crochet. Does that count? lol...


My 15 yr old DD looks horrified when I even MENTION the idea of her learning how to crochet. I don't know why she acts this way...it's almost like creative snobbery. She happily WEARS my creations though. Silly teenagers.... :shrug

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Amy- Congrats to your daughter!!! :cheer That's a great accomplishment for one her age!


Maybe your son and mine can join their chains and create a chain around the world!!!!!! :lol



Photojenic - teach that boy young! It's probably easier that way!!!!





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I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old both boys...I also have a very large plastic bag full of yarn they have tangled up with my P and S crochet hooks. I always buy extra yarn for projects because I know they will want their own ball and hook. I hope when they can actually follow direction that they will still want to learn actually how to crochet.

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My son will be 3 at the end of the month and I cannot wait until he can be still long enough to learn to crochet. He's already shown some interest which thrills me to no end!

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my 11 yr old daughter is learning, not much patience, tho. and i think the 19 month old will be VERY interested...she likes to sit with me while i work and 'make' her own creations with a hook and yarn.

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My 17 year old leftie can crochet Tunisian, but he is doing 'weave it squares' now and seems to prefer them. I taught him originally because he had co ordination problems and his occupational therapist thought it would help with his fingers and hands. Especially as he found writing difficult.

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My 12 year old brother crochets and my 9 (soon to be 10 [Jan. 9]) year old brother is trying to learn but he's got stiff fingers. My 7 year old sister wanted to learn but found out its much easier to ask me for things :lol She'll start making Hello Kitty things soon, she is just like me, we LOVE hello Kitty.. See Picture Below of me 20 years ago.




Yup, Thats me crying my eyes out. My dad and little brother look so cool just watching me cry don't they =P Actually I think I was annoying my brother :lol


This is a pic of my 12 year old brother wearing a hat he made.




He's making a blanket now for my sisters dog I think. I know his To-Do list is growing =)

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Both my eight-year old son and five-year old daughter recently learned to crochet to make cat toys for our new kitten. It's the first kitten they've ever had (our three geriatric cats predate the the kids and managed to stick around for years...until recently) and they're astonished to have a cat that actually plays with them instead of just sleeping.


So far, they've both turned out a series of joined-up chains with very long tails that the kitty is more than happy to chase after.


(Yarnster, I had to show the picture of your twelve-year old brother to my son to prove that boys DO crochet and that they can make stuff that's much cooler, in his opinion, than scarves and ponchos.)



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my daughter who is 21 crochets with me all the time. we often sit and crochet and talk(when she is home which is not as often as i would like) but we do enjoy crocheting together. only problem is she is always borrowing my hooks and somehow they all wind up in her craft bag:devil , but i tried to teach her a few years ago when she was a teenager, but have faith, she will want to eventually:hook :hook

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I taught my son who is 35 now how to crochet when he was young. When his wife was pregnant for their daughter he taught her to crochet. He started a baby blanket she worked on it and I finished it while in the waiting room while she was delivering. He still crochets and has made a few blankets for expecting women at work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, my son learned how to knit late Thanksgiving so he could make a scarf for his teacher for Christmas. This year he made a scraf just to make one, but he also learned how to purl also. He has tried to learn to crochet but has a hard time with it, my dad also knows how to crochet.

Good luck and bless your boys for learning how to crochet.



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LOL cute picture thank you for sharing. Question is ..now was Hello Kitty that scary 20 years ago lol ???

My dds are in their 20s now but they still have some of their Hello Kitty things.

And the Smurfs, Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears. All good things come back..

I taught them both to crochet when they were in Jr. High School. One still crochets and creates some very pretty baby afghans as gifts.

Great talent to pass along.



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It depends on the child if they want to crochet and stay with it. I have 5 children ages 28-16. My girls,:hook:wink My oldest crochets but will not read patterns, says it is too hard. #2 Has no intrest. #3 loves to crochet and has a project going when she has the time. Also reads patterns. My boys, #4 Wanted to learn so I showed him and that is as far as it got. #5 Wanted to learn showed him and he started an afgahn and never finished.

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My 11 yr old son has shown a little interest in crocheting. He tried to learn to chain about a year ago, but gave it up when Dad came in (he'd challenged Dad to a video game earlier). I still have a hook and bag set aside for him, just in case.


My 13 yr old daughter learned to crochet about 5 years ago. She hates to follow patterns, but is great at creating her own stuff. She also helps me teach at a mid-winter blah buster program the school system sponsors each year. Together we've taught about 30 kids the basics over the past 4 years. Last night she found a filet graph of a wolf in my stash. She is trying to make it for a friend who loves wolves. It will be her second thread project. The first was a bookmark pattern that she made in size 10 instead of 30 thread. Came out a bit big for a bookmark, but she was soooo proud of herself!

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My 15 year old daughter has been crocheting since she was about 9 years old :think anyway, she makes granny squares for blankerts, scarves, little things to hold stuff. She'll put it down for a while then get her stuff out and start up again. She enjoys it.

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