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I haven't posted at crochetville yet, other than a brief intro, but thought today would be a good day to jump in, as I have my first bag in the washer right now, and am trying to type this with all fingers crossed. :D!


I didn't use a pattern, just fiddled around, and made the body of the bag in hdc. I used lite lopi yarn in a dark blue, with a burgundy as an accent. I don't know how to make the nifty yarn cords I see in some of the pics of other bags, but I did 2 straps using the colors, a couple rows of blue and a couple of red on each strap, and after they were crocheted I sorta twisted them each along their length, and they made a candy can spiral effect with the two colors of the strap. They stayed that way on their own, but I have some doubts they'll remain in a spiral during the washing, so don't know what kind of straps I'll actually end up with. I also crocheted a heart using the burgundy, to stitch on the bag as an accent, Hope it was ok to do all the pieces together in the same laundry bag -- they won't felt togther, will they? Guess I'll see shortly!


I don't have tons of the yarn left, but think I have enough to make one more bag if it is good sized, or maybe a couple little ones. The one I am doing now was intended to be fairly small, but since I don't know what the heck I'm doing, I may be surprised.


Guess that's all to say til I get the thing out and take a peek at it. I'm just so excited, I didn't want to wait to post. Silly, isn't it? At least I know I'm not the only way who feels this way.



If I can find the digital camera, I'll post a pic of the fininshed bag.



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Too cool! I really like the way it turned out -- just the way I'd hoped. After felting, I decided I wanted to add a button closure so attached a braided yarn cord to the inside of the front of the purse, and a button on the back of the purse, so the loop comes out and down to the button. It in essence makes the back look like another "front" and I have a "reversible"front purse, if that makes any sense. The camera needs to charge before I can snap a couple shots and have hubby help me post them here.


Now I can't wait to use the leftover yarn to make another one! LOL



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I can't wait to see it Lene'!


Please do find that camera... and post a pic! :camera


I am working on another one right now. Gray, lighter gray, red and black. AND... I think it's gonna be WOW! :spina

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Hmmm. Not sure what I did wrong -- I tried to post my pics last night and when I "previewed" my post, it showed up, pics and all. But it isn't here this morning. What would cause that, anyone know? I made sure the pics were the right size and they showed in my post at the time. Aaargh, computers.



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Ok, here are links to the pics, since I can't get them to show up in here. Hope this works, I'm not much at computers. <g>


the side with the button closure is the "back," although both sides work as a front, really.








BTW, the purse actually looks fuzzier and more felty in real life than the photos -- hubby says maybe the brightness of the flash shows up the stitching more, and in normal light it shows less.

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Thanks! I was pleased with it. I still have some of the yarn, and I think I'll try that "round winter purse" pattern. I suspect if it turns out well, my mom will snag onto it when she comes to visit in a week or so. LOL


I had fun doing the applique thing, so may try that again, (I'm thinking of a red bag with navy blue stars on it...) and I also have a little fun fur in a wild red/purple/pink palette. Thinking maybe a stripe or two of that running somewhere in the purse might be cool -- it won't felt, and will add a different texture to the finished thing. We'll see how it goes when I start fiddling with it.



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I ordered the lopi from Smiley's and it's called Reynold's Lite-Lopi, in Denim. The red is the same yarn, in Crimson. Wish I'd ordered more of it when I got it, but I think I'm going to have neough to do a couple more bags (which is good, since I want to keep some and give some away <g>) and after I run out of this, I'll have to pinch some pennies out of the grocery budget to buy some more wool of some sort. This whole fulling/felting thing is just too much fun.


Who has an addictive personality? Not me, I promise. LOL



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