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granny Squarelovers and chatters

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Hello everyone.

Not much happening here. We had some heavy storms in the early afternoon and lighter but fairly steady rain for the rest of the afternoon and evening. We really needed the rain so I am not going to complain. 

Hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

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I finally got some rain last night. Quite a show with the lightning and thunder too. It was crazy but was I ever happy. The birds were happy too. Earlier there was a big puddle on the asphalt by my sidewalk and if was full of birds playing in the water. What a sweet sight to see.  DD1 lives only 1/2 mile away and they got only a sprinkle. Go figure.

Happy, Happy, Happy!

Take care.


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Weatherwise it was a lovely day especially for this time of year.  High in lower 80's, slight breeze and humidity not bad.  We took advantage of it and went to the zoo.  My back was bothering me some so I spent a lot of time watching the sea lions and elephants as they are my favorites to watch.  Dh wandered off some.  I packed sandwiches so we werent rushing back for lunch.  

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Gee! I wonder where everyone is. Only 2 posts show today: What's for Dinner and Daily Giggle folders. I enjoy the cartoons. Thank you, Tina!

We had a huge storm last night with massive rain, thunder, lightning and 60-70mph wind gusts. The power went off twice during the night, but the most surprising of the whole storm is it went from 102°F to 67° in about 20 minutes! And back up to 102° today. We're still under a severe weather watch but if it means more rain, I'll be grateful.

I hope and pray everyone is okay.



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I am now all ready for John to come home.  The bed is here and made, the wheel chair is in the other room along with the Hoyer.

He will be picked up about 11:30 and brought home.

I should be back to normal on the Ville after tomorrow.

Happy thoughts.

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Mary Jo I've been praying for you and John that all would go well for you!!! SO glad to hear he's coming home.  I wish all the best for both of you!!!:hug

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On 7/22/2024 at 4:22 PM, Lacycrochet said:

If you have been relying on fermentation for pickles without an acid, you have been lucky so far in my opinion.  Not a risk I would be willing to take.  Aflotoxin is a liver killer. 

Let me see if I understand:  you are saying that the ages-old practice of putting cucs into a jar with water, garlic, salt, dill & maybe spices is a dangerous practice?  I think we may be talking about two different things here.  What I describe is lacto-fermentation and it has been found to be safe.  Yes, you have to refrigerate the jars of pickled vegetables. 

Canning is a whole 'nother subject and that is what you are recommending a pressure canner for.  My mother just smirked when she heard the advice to get a pressure canner!  She grew up on canned vegetables, meat, fish, whatever (and so did I) and that was long before pressure canners.  I don't can, so I don't care either way. It's too much work, not to mention that subjecting vegetables to such high temperatures probably ruins all (not just some) of the nutrients.  Thanks for your reply in any case!  


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All that preserve or can in whatever way have way more energy than me. The rewards are great but it's a lot of work. I've never canned a lot but always used the vinegar hot bath method. I don't have the refrigerator space to dedicate to jars.

Mary Jo, I know you are so excited. Glad everything was delivered and hope John improves faster being at home.

Reni, I've always enjoyed watching the birds play in puddles after a rain. 

We're still having 80's but have the humidity too. A chance of rain every day but so far just a couple of very small showers.

I'm having a major issue with the new BP med. Trying to get in touch with the cardiologist but no call back Monday and a call late yesterday that was disconnected.  I did not take it yesterday or today and I'm keeping an eye on my BP several times a day. If there's no call first thing this morning I'll send a message thru the patient portal. Talking to someone is so much easier than that. Very frustrating.

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25 minutes ago, greyhoundgrandma said:

All that preserve or can in whatever way have way more energy than me. The rewards are great but it's a lot of work. I've never canned a lot but always used the vinegar hot bath method. I don't have the refrigerator space to dedicate to jars.

Mary Jo, I know you are so excited. Glad everything was delivered and hope John improves faster being at home.

Reni, I've always enjoyed watching the birds play in puddles after a rain. 

We're still having 80's but have the humidity too. A chance of rain every day but so far just a couple of very small showers.

I'm having a major issue with the new BP med. Trying to get in touch with the cardiologist but no call back Monday and a call late yesterday that was disconnected.  I did not take it yesterday or today and I'm keeping an eye on my BP several times a day. If there's no call first thing this morning I'll send a message thru the patient portal. Talking to someone is so much easier than that. Very frustrating.

I do also unless it is a non vinegar base preserve.

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Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is happy and healthy. 

Mona, hope you get a hold of a person soon, BP is nothing to mess with as you know. Hope you are ok.

It cooled down here thankfully.  Today we are off to a friends farm to pick up of pickling cukes.  I need to make dill pickles and relish.  That will keep me out of trouble for a couple days. 

Update, no pickling cukes today, they are the size of field cukes, too big.

I think DH will be happy to go back to work.  It has been a busy vacation for him. lol

Have a great day.



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It's back to hot again today at 102° and not much of a chance for rain until around 8:00pm and that's real iffy.

I looked through some more of my many crochet magazines last night hoping something would jump out at me to crochet, but nah. It's nice to look through though. I told my DD1 after I die to donate all my crochet supplies and yarns to the senior citizen center. She seemed to think I'd use it all up before then! 🤣

Have a Happy Day!

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Oh if they only knew Reni.

Well, everyone is where they belong.  John is sound asleep in the living room in front of the TV.  Right now there is a soccor game on.

With the people looking out for him, I am able to make 2 Dr. appointments.  One tomorrow and on next week.  So that is something.  Not to sure of the 24/7  Turns out they are just care takers, not nurses.

Oh well, as long as I can get him turned and changed and washed, that is good.  I may change in about a week,  to only a couple of hours a day, instead of the 24/7.  We shall see.

So I am back and almost ready to be here every day.

Happy Thoughts

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Mary Jo, I'm glad to hear John is home.

I picked up 3 of my grandkids yesterday and the 4th one will be here today, they are all staying with me until next Wednesday. It's going to be busy and fun around here. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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cshort sounds like you are in for some fin with the grandkids.

John's daughter comes in today, this should be fun.

I have a foot Dr. appointment today at 10.

Just fun and games in the neighborhood.

I just steppe dout side and it is soooooooooooooo hot.  It is one of those walking into a brick wall, instead it is a wall of humidity.  Oh fun.:rofl

Have a fun day and Happy Thoughts.

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Tina, thanks, I finally got a call back. Return to the old med until an apt Friday.

Mary Jo, hope you can find the happy medium between getting the help you need so you don't wear yourself out and having help there with nothing to do. Getting settled into a routine can take a while.

cshort, hope you've saved up some energy. Sounds like lots of activity and fun.

Stay cool out there!

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Back from the foot dr. and, ready for this?  I broke the middle toe on my left foot.  I am 74 years, and I have NEVER broken anything, only  a tiny fracture on an ankle, once a long time ago.

So I now have a reason to sit with my foot up and veg.

Well, it is a happy and sunny day.  Very little traffice.

Off to my corner.  Still no cojo.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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Mary Jo glad John made it home. Wishing you all a nice visit with John's daughter.  What did you kick to break your toe?  I stubbed mine last week on a chair and boy did that hurt.  They dont do anything for it do they?  Just tell you to stay off of it? 

Reni she does not understand our  affliction with SABLE---Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy and that It's a common term used to describe when someone has more yarn than they could possibly use in their lifetime. 

Mona glad you got the BP medication sorted out.

cshort have you been sewing?  I wish I liked sitting at the sewing machine and was half as good as you.  The grandkids outfits you showed us in the past were so cute.  

Tina hopefully dh made it thru the list and you all can do something fun for a few of his vacation days.

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I had a box with the hospital bed table on the floor for a week.  They had to move it, to get the bed and stuff in.

Dumbo, not looking walked right into the corner and bam.  You know what is funny, is that it did not hurt as much, till he said I broke it.:rofl

I just want a normal life.

I had to laugh when Reni said they thought she would use it all up before she is gone.

Well, I am off to my favorite store Amazon.

Happy Thoughts

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1 hour ago, Tampa Doll said:

I had a box with the hospital bed table on the floor for a week.  They had to move it, to get the bed and stuff in.

Dumbo, not looking walked right into the corner and bam.  You know what is funny, is that it did not hurt as much, till he said I broke it.:rofl

I just want a normal life.

I had to laugh when Reni said they thought she would use it all up before she is gone.

Well, I am off to my favorite store Amazon.

Happy Thoughts

Define normal, I want one of those also. lol

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20 hours ago, bgs said:

Mary Jo glad John made it home. Wishing you all a nice visit with John's daughter.  What did you kick to break your toe?  I stubbed mine last week on a chair and boy did that hurt.  They dont do anything for it do they?  Just tell you to stay off of it? 

Reni she does not understand our  affliction with SABLE---Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy and that It's a common term used to describe when someone has more yarn than they could possibly use in their lifetime. 

Mona glad you got the BP medication sorted out.

cshort have you been sewing?  I wish I liked sitting at the sewing machine and was half as good as you.  The grandkids outfits you showed us in the past were so cute.  

Tina hopefully dh made it thru the list and you all can do something fun for a few of his vacation days.

The honey do list is almost complete. 😄 Just carpets left to shampoo.  We have been squeaking in some fun here and there, but as he said, these big things need to be done.  He gets another 2 weeks in September so it will be fun then, at least until the gardens need to be harvested. LOL.  His two week xmas vacation will give him the down time with a shorter list. lol.

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I want that normal life, too! I thought retirement/old age was supposed to be restful and fun. HA!

If I did nothing but crochet for the rest of my life, I probably couldn't use up my yarn. Such a wonderful state to be in.

Off shortly to the post office, cardiologist, auto parts, lumber yard and walmart.

We finally got rain yesterday!!

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It's still hot here and will be for at least another 2 months. Before I moved here, I should have asked some of the old timers what it was like for them with the heat. It didn't use to bother me, but now? Even my GD's dog and my foster cat don't want to go outdoors. Why did I move to the desert? (Geesh, I must sound like a whiny brat)

Bills are paid, laundry is done, and DD is due in about 30 minutes to do the heavy house chores for me. Life is good!



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Reni, with those temps you are allowed even expected to whine. LOL

I got the cover all bases approach at the cardio apt. He doubts that the new med, would be a rare reaction, caused the rapid heart rate. Thinks possibly "something" caused a change in rhythm, so I'm wearing a heart monitor for 7days. In the course of the conversation we talked about my BP running lower that it had been. Evidently that could possibly cause the heart rate issue, so now I'm cutting one of my meds in half. What a great world it would be if medicine was an exact science.

It's raining again this morning. No complaints especially since it's a fairly slow one.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Popping in to say hello. The grandkids are keeping me a little busy.

I hope everyone is doing well.

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