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Crochet Works Christmas Angel


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This is one of the four angel patterns offered at the Crochet Works website. The dress is hard to see, but it's actually a deep Christmas green. Her eyes are made with green glitter glue so they sparkle, and instead of crocheting her halo I hot-glued one made of gold cord. I think it took almost as long to get a semi-decent picture of her with this camera as it did to make her, so please pardon the murkiness.



I changed the hair from what the pattern suggested because I couldn't figure out the directions. Instead I knotted individual strands of yarn onto her head like fringe, but was thrilled to discover what happens when you separate the 4 plys in a strand. It makes beautiful curly, crimpy hair!


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Thank you, everyone. I think if I make another one I'll turn the face smooth side out so her features will show up better. I'm so happy with the way the hair turned out. Now I don't have to worry about keeping the ends from unraveling.

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Thank you.


Kelle, it's not complicated at all. The directions were easy to follow. I did it in one evening, but I don't remember exactly how long she took. The biggest challenge (which really wasn't a challenge) was sewing the head, arms and wings to the dress. Oh, and attaching the hair and unraveling it was easy but maybe a little time consuming.

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