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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Here are my latest projects.  The book marks and a scrubbie. 


attachicon.gifBook Marks000.JPG


Nice bookmarks!! Speaking of, Do you know any good patterns for bookmarks that don't call for thread? I just can not work with it well. 

Have had a nice relaxing weekend. Zoo Saturday with the oldest & youngest children, yesterday we built our nephew a bedroom onto the house, today we've done a lot of cleaning inside & out of the house. Getting ready to go play some basketball in the road I believe. Makes me thankful we live on a paved road with very little traffic and when there are cars, our speed limit is 15 and they know they have to follow it or the cop in our neighborhood will grab them lol. 

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roseie and mini, check your messages, pwetty pwease, i need your info again... and you too crochetfan, in fact, everyone check the first post yes again, to make sure you are in the proper month, and have the proper info up for sizes and colors.. thank you all I don't know how far to go ont he b day list for 2017, we will just see as we go hopefully we will have lots of new members to join us, right. lol   i am going to start tomorrow, to check the intro thread and invite everyeone to join us, lol    so prepare for a slue of newbies, ok. lol   all for now, gotta clean up my paper mess, as i was gahtering all the info i cold find for the new list revision, and i came up short on a couple people, so that is why to check your messages, lol  ok, i will check back in later... I am on the desk top stil, looks like things are going well so far with getting on the ville, with both devices... 

you can always tell with me, cause the desk top is windows, and i have these emoticons.....     :clap  :cheer and the different emogees with the ipad, that i can't show you right now, cause im not on it, but you know what i mean, right, lol   ok, all for now  my work here is done, till i hear back from you all,.. If anyone sees anything wrong with thiers or someone elses stats on thefirst post  , lpease let me know, the more eyes the better i always say.... thanks all, see you later. 

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whew i just lost that post, but on the desk top, my old friend saved content is back, i don't get that on the ipad... so that is too cool here, to have it again........

ok, night for now all, i may jump back on later, if I don't get too disttracted, gonna do some choc chip cookie baked off now, dough is ready.!!! :clap  :c9

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Good morning

its alread warm here,can't for the fall temps so my sinuses stop acting up.

DAV thrift pick up is at the curb.5 bags of books loaded into the car for the swap shelf of two libraries

all the kidlets start school today,hope they have a wonderful teacher and school year.

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Already the cadese(?) Those stupid bugs that make noise when it is hot, are singng away. 


Just got back from meeting my new Dr.  Not bad, deep Alabama accent and no blood test. Took my A1C at the office.  YEAH!!


Ok off to work on my snowman.


Have fun today.

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I received my Mary Maxim yarn for the blanket and am sooo disappointed that the worsted weight of it is thinner than the other Red Heart yarn. I have to make due the best I can, I guess.



I am pm'ing you, Miss Katie.



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#1 very pretty. Thats the downside of ordering things. It isnt always what you thought or hoped for.


Mary Jo the cicadas have been singing here since end of July and get really loud in Aug. Its our warning that summer is coming to a close. Glad you liked your new dr and I am confused. Did you mean that they drew the blood at the office for your A1C instead of having to make the trip to the lab to have it drawn or do they test something else for it now? I have been away from the lab so long and so much has changed.


Its on the hot side today. My allergies are in full swing between mowing yesterday and the ragweed. Maybe I can meet my daily quota of mini-stockings earlier in the day today.

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alergies at full run today too, they have primed our drive though, so it will get done today, they put the tack down, technicle term of asphalt laying i am told by handy,,, He usec to do that too!! anyway, so it will get done today, we are sure....... they swept the drive earlier,  then put the tyack down, (sticky stuff the asphalt can bind to) and the only other thing to do, is asphalt the dang driveway now. lol then I can call the stump removal people and get them out here next week to take out the remains of "tree".    


Hot one here today, too, and the cicadas have been going for weeks now.. When we first moved here, it was that seven year cicada cycle you know,where there is more than normal,  thing, and wow, all you could  hear  on the roads coming out with loads, was them.... I hate them, and i hate their noise..... lol and i am sick of heat and humidity too, used to be, when it rained in the olden days, it cooled things down a lot, now a days, it rains, and just makes it even more humid and sticky.... yukkk...


Have a small pot roast in the crock, so no prep for dinner tonight, cept maybe some potatos, or something to go with... I am craving fruit to, so will get some of that for supper, besides the remainder of the cookies i baked off last night, i don't really have anything else sweet for after supper, lol  


I found a chocolate scented jar candle, and some believe if ot not chocolate scented body./hand lotion, and have that set aside for the kid, next time she's here, shel'll like that, lol ill never use it you know but never find it again, im sure, so gotta get it when i see it lol  ok, off for now, i think after their lunch, the asphalt crew will be doing my drive, yay..... I hope they put cones or ropes and a flag across it, so no one tries to tu rn around in it while it dries. lol    :no that would not be a good thing, lol     ok, later squares, have a good one, and lets all take our alergy meds together, ready,    set     ok, take um.,...lol

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Back from my mid day jaunt to libraries,the shelves are so bare,my five bags of books didn't fill up all the holes in the area.

stopped at walmart to see if they had mom's winter jeans that she likes,well I looked and looked and I think the buyer for the store forgot to include plus size or womens,every area was juniors

Katie,the certificate came,thanks for the cards for both of us,she will like that,I will try and get it out to her by Friday

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I got some beautiful squares in the mail today :) Thank you to Mary Jo and Katy for them! 


In the 2nd picture, there actually ARE 6 squares, however there's 2 of each color so I stacked each color on top of each other. 


post-46820-0-39795600-1473197259_thumb.jpg     post-46820-0-87270800-1473197435_thumb.jpg

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hey you workker woman you, hows your work going  Did you enjoy at least a couple of days off over the weeekend???




Yes I did katy. But slept more of it than I wanted to. I've been so tired the last couple of days! no clue why. I think I'm going to try and get back on track with my yoga and weight loss. Hopefully that will perk me up. We will see!



Already the cadese(?) Those stupid bugs that make noise when it is hot, are singng away. 


Just got back from meeting my new Dr.  Not bad, deep Alabama accent and no blood test. Took my A1C at the office.  YEAH!!


Ok off to work on my snowman.


Have fun today.

I love the cicadas! They are one of my favorites. I am always picking theme up at odd plies and putting them where they won't be stepped on. We had one in the house the other day, and we kept hearing this really loud noise. We could not figure out what it was. Turns out that one of the bratty animals had ahold of one and destroyed it before we ever figured out what the noise was. I feel pretty horrible about it. I should have known what it was! So anyway he is sitting in my little cabinet of Curiosities if dead bugs and feathers and bones I have found and collected over the years....


Have a good night all, I'm getting ready to head out to work.


Talk to everyone tomorrow.

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Ho Linda k good glad it reached you no hurry Glad you liked the cards ll they were fun to do!!


No mail here for days now lol should have. Even full up with junk mail at least after this long weekend!!


Rai. Is coming and drive way is done! In less than a hour spent too so we have it barricaded off so no one drives I. Or backs up I to it. We will remove that tomorrow and be able to park up I. The drive now. I happy. Tomorrow I'll call the stump people and get I. Their waiting line again. Sigh. World o waiting you know. Seems we just get finished waiting for o e thing to get done and two more pop up


Yesterday I got tired of waiting for handy to move my old computer tower to the top shelf of my storage closet as sil said to save it for the mother board and stuff so I covered the tower with an old pillow case and hefted it myself and I did it but the thing was heavy. But this done now with no more waiting. Lol. It will be at least a month before he notices it's gone and another week or more after that to ask me what happened to itLOL. So it's done put my away and moving right along,,lol


Went through some more things I found related to passwords and ip adds and all that stuff when I was hacing ago much trouble. I changed most of my most used passwords too for Sept lol whe I worked for the state we HAD to change all our passwords e dry month faithfully. Kinda got away from that at home but it is a good practice so am going to start that up starting this month. So that is done.


Cleaned up my book on members and mailings too and sheesh we ha a lot more members back then. Some of the names I mean I remember them all lol.


ONe wonders whatever happened to them and maybe how many left not by their own choosing but perhaps couldn't get back.


Ah well all for now roast was really Tender and we have lots left for sandwiches or whatever. Will check back soon. ❤

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Jessica hope you can use them all in Your ghan. How close are you to the finish line ??? How many more would be required to complete it??? Do you know right off hand?

Inquiring mindsI want to know. Lol


I will be able to use them for sure!!     I need 42 total squares, and I have these 8. So I'm still needing either 34 6 inch squares or less if I get some 12 inchers thrown in! The 'ghan will be for Princess Rosalie, who's favorite color is pink! 

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Morning all.


THanks Jessica what color is the pink ?. I can't remember what I used I know it was re heart but they. Make several pinks. I am still out of the red heart white but will pick some up when I'm out one of these days and the grey I think is gone as well. So I will make you more for that little Rosalie before too much longer so you can finish that ghan!,


Linda termite inspection. Is that preventative or do you suspect you have them. Hope it is just routine preventative!!


BGs you are . A Machine woman!!! Turning out first baby ghans and now Christmas stockings in the dozens!! I suspect you do them in your sleep too lol!! Between snores!!!


Hope all is well with Tampa and things have evened out in the weather for all of you caught in those storms. We are slated for some

Rain Today but nothing serious or so they say.


Gotta call the stump people today. Stump stump go away!! I'm sorta caught up better now with the list on first post still waiting on Lea for her prefs but I think in a couple days she will answer my message.



I can't work on this iPad with something like that so I kept putting it off till I could get on . With the desk top. I just can't work in twoinches of page you know LOL. So now I think I am ok on both devices at last and hope that it does last!! Thanks for your patience and tolerance during my " down". Times on one device or the other.


I too wonder why my ip addy changes so often does everyone's... I have a link to check your ip addresses and everyone e should do this now and then. It is as follows.




your current IP address is In

Big letters at the top of the page and that is it. That's all you have to do!!


It's real easy. I. Going to keep track of mine and write down the date and the address and see how often and when it changes. Just to see. I am curious and then call my internet

provider and ask them some questions too lol. I just wanna know lol


Well all for now I guess I better do a few things around here today lol. Check in with ya all later.

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Morning all.


THanks Jessica what color is the pink ?. I can't remember what I used I know it was re heart but they. Make several pinks. I am still out of the red heart white but will pick some up when I'm out one of these days and the grey I think is gone as well. So I will make you more for that little Rosalie before too much longer so you can finish that ghan!,





You used a light pink. Any shade of pink or grey is great!

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