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My Stash

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One of these days I will actually get around to taking photos. Although my hubby is VERY supportive of my raging crochet addiction he DOES sometimes get frustrated by the fact that my stash was taking over most of our apartment.


He finally succeeded in getting me to move my stash out of the apartment, because it had gotten too large to comfortably live in the same place we did. Fortunately we live at the hotel I manage, so that gives me LOTS of rooms to play with, and we USED to have a restaurant here but no longer, so that meant that the kitchens are no longer in use. We have a GIGANTIC meat locker that is no longer doing anything, the refrigeration has long since been turned off, and it's just hanging out there at the back of the kitchen empty and forlorn. It's 12' X 15' with a lockable door. So I packed my stash into bags and boxes and hubby moved it down to the meat locker for me. Now when I need something I tell him "I'll be back, I'm going to talk to my yarn for a while" and I head down to the kitchen to hang out with my stash! I do have to admit, though, that some of it has found its way back to the apartment already. Four hefty bags worth, in fact. But they are the kind of bags you can kind of see through and I have all the yarn color-coordinated, so if you squint, they ALMOST look like beanbag chairs next to the couch in the living room.

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But they are the kind of bags you can kind of see through and I have all the yarn color-coordinated, so if you squint, they ALMOST look like beanbag chairs next to the couch in the living room.




I had to LOL at this. I love it!

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Gosh, I think I need to move where you are! What terrific storage! This a great example of thinking outside the box ~ perhaps I should say thinking inside a new kind of box!


I am not ashamed to say my stash is waaay up there too, in over 50 clear 58 quart bins. And being able to see the colors has turned out to be wonderful. The only problem with all of it is that it DOES take up the better part of a large room. Since you've got the unused kitchen there, hmmm. Maybe I should come to Texas and help you fill that kitchen! I've never even been to Texas, ever, so maybe my stash would like to come visit yours.


If only 4 hefty bags worth have found their way back to your apartment, that's not too bad. I noticed a lot of my stash tends to slither back out too, and I have a bad habit of not putting leftovers back before starting the next project. The next thing I know, yarn, hooks and notes are building all over the apartment. Maybe I need a New Year's resolution to "put away" once a week.


At any rate, I love your new storage solution!!!

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Love the beanbag chair thing! How about having a clear tote in the room for some of your stash.

I so find myself with too much yarn in the living room at times, I really half to learn to put away what I am not using. That and to not have so many projects on the go.


Real deal, I wish I could visit your stash! It sounds amazing! And to think I thought I had to many totes! Think I have eleven or twelve but they are not color sorted completely, not clear totes except one. Mine live in the basement.

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You gals should read Tampa Doll's recent post "On the Lighter Side" - it will have you :lol:lol:lol:lol all about our yarn stash dilemmas!

It's good we can all have a sense of humor about it all! ;)

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Ha ha! I just saw (Walmart? not sure) beanbag 'skins' and the beans sold separately...maybe you could just buy a a couple of 'skins' and on a rotating basis stuff with yarn? Yarn would probably get all pilly if you used the chairs, tho.

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I no longer have a large stash. I found that I had so much yarn and then when I wanted to start a new project, I never had the yarn I needed.


So I gifted most of it and now I have the yarn that I receive in swaps and it all has a purpose!!!

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You know ladies, the really nice part about a large stash, you can go through all these awful Winter months, and not have to shop for yarn. You just visit your stash, with a smile in your heart, knowing that you already have more than Walmart does. My selection is far better than Walmart has too!


When I was younger, I could never afford to buy more yarn than it took for each planned project. It took years to build a large stash through careful buying ~ $1 a skein sales, yard sales, even buying other people's stashes when they don't want to crochet anymore. One of my sisters and I bought another woman's stash for hundreds, but the final tally showed we spent about 87 cents a skein, for mostly full Red Heart Super Saver skeins, and even a lot of Caron One Pound skeins.


And once in a while you can catch a super sale by a big company, like when Elmore Pisgah sold out the entire warehouse. That was the time to drop $300 on cotton, at the super low prices we will never, ever see again. I will not have to buy cotton for the entirety of the rest of my life! And the quality is far better than the current Lily cotton.



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Wow...Next to you ladies I don't have a stash at all..I have a old chest full and 2 toters full and a couple bags..I think I need some more..lol...So I have a bit of stashenvy...

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Well, I figure that crochet is something I really love to do. I'm not rich by any means, but I don't spend money going to movies, or eating out much, or buying the latest in clothing every season. Yarn is something I do love and use. And there's other ways yarn has come my way too without laying out a lot of money. One of my sister's acquired a lot of fabric and yarn from Craig's List. She only wanted the fabric, but the lady getting rid of it didn't want the yarn either, so my sis got the fabric and surprised me with the yarn. But large stashes also take some good organizing.

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Once we get into our next house and I truly unpack (joy of the military family) I'll have to take a picture of my stash. Right now it's in a three drawer...thingy, a 9 cube thing, a huge moving box, the floor in front of the 9 cube thing, 2 bags in the living room, and a basket...LMAO!!! I LOVE my stash!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Real Deal, come on down! There's another walk-in cooler in the kitchen that's not in use, we can put your stash in there! :lol


I don't care how big my stash gets, I still can't stop myself from buying yarn when I see it on sale, be it in a store or online! I AM truly a yarn addict but hey, there's a lot of much worse things I could be addicted to, so I think I'll just go with it for a while. LOL!

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I have a large rubbermaid tote and a 4 drawer thing and a small rubbermaid thing. My stash moves on its own, acually its my cat who keeps taking it and bringing it down. Right now my stash is in a bathroom we don't use (except for the toilet) because the bathroom is so old (its our master bathroom) but one day I'm going to remodel the bathroom and my stash is going to have to find a new home, which dh will not be impressed.

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