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FCEC felted bagalong


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I want to say it took me about 8 hours total (hard to say since I didn't keep track). It's very easy, but the 54 rows of single crochet are mind-numbing.


Yes, I "watched" two videos and took it with me in the car doing errands and I'm still not done. I had to have hubby rewind the DVD a few times because I would miss the scary parts, lol:eek

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As I previously posted, I am having a hard time finding 100% wool here in town. I'm wondering if 50% wool would work. I came across some Lion Brand (I think) Landscapes which is 50% wool and 50% acrylic. It says right on the label that this can be used for felting... If this is cool I'd rather do this than on line. I can hide yarn I buy in the stores from my hubby a lot easier than I can if I buy it on line... THANKS!


Use only 100% wool! 50% might not felt or might not felt as well. Its best to stick to 100%!!

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well--i think i'm gonna go for it! I went to tehdentist today and now that novacaine has all worn off...i don't feel very well! The dentisist put a big filling in my left top wisdom tooth and said it'd be sore for awhile--but if it doesnt start feeling better they're going to yank it. It certainly doesnt feel good right now and i might even get enoguh sympathy from the hubster that he won't care i spent another 20$ on yarn!

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I'm going to check one more place tonite and see if I can find 100% wool... If not I'll have to use the 50% as my hubby won't let me get away with buying more yarn right now... If I go to a local store, I can use cash that I have on me that he doesn't know about... Since he does checkbook, I can't sneak anything on cards! LOL Has anyone tried felting with 50% wool??? The label on the yarn says it's specifically for felting... Thanks all!!!

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I would like to know if I could dye the bag with koolade while it is felting in the washer. Has anyone tried this?


Hmmmm. I don't think you can dye the wool in the washer during the felting process, but it surely can be done before crocheting the bag.

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As I previously posted, I am having a hard time finding 100% wool here in town. I'm wondering if 50% wool would work. I came across some Lion Brand (I think) Landscapes which is 50% wool and 50% acrylic. It says right on the label that this can be used for felting... If this is cool I'd rather do this than on line. I can hide yarn I buy in the stores from my hubby a lot easier than I can if I buy it on line... THANKS!


Donna, yes that yarn is unique because of how it's wrapped around the acrylic; it sort of "chokes" it I guess. I have had good results with one particular tote project of Marlo's at www.marloscrochetcorner.com using this exact yarn. I believe it's called the felted country market tote or something like that. It's under her for sale patterns if you'd like to take a look at the picture. I think your bag would look beautiful with this yarn.

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ALERT ALERT ALERT:yell Ok, I am almost done. As I got done with the 53rd round, I started feeling short on yarn, so I started working the tab on the other end of the yarn. After the main color was done on that I didn't have a lot left, so I went ahead and made the 4 circles, too and had to rip back almost one whole round on the bag. So I have 52 complete rounds. Should I just leave it at that? I think so as I don't want to alter the overall "look" . If I were to make another one, I might make a larger band of the complementary color at the top, but this will do, I think. Ok, just a little bit more to do, but might have to wait until after dinner to shrink it.

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So I have 52 complete rounds. Should I just leave it at that?


That would be fine. In fact, I thought the bag would almost work better a little "shorter". And you are not alone, there was at least one other person other than me that ran out of the main color. I even checked my gauge and I was spot on, so who knows what happened.

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I posted a picture of the progressing tote on my blog; it's not a good picture, but it does show :) I'm on row 30 and the second skein of MC. Do you think I'll make it?:hook

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I'm on row 30 and the second skein of MC. Do you think I'll make it?:hook

I think if you made it to round 30 on the first skein you will probably make it, just to be sure, I wouldn't cut the end until you knew for sure. This was a close call for me. I used an I hook and my gauge was still a little small and still didn't get the total 55 rounds.

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oh dear, i am a little intimidated by all the comments here on this project...but i am fresh back from new york with the magazine in hand (sadly, i didn't make it to the yarn co.). i'm going to go get my yarn now and try to slog my way through this...i must get better, really, because i must be able to, at some point, make the dress in this magazine! ;)

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alright-- i can't wait to start this. I got dark green for the main color and parika for the contrast. I'll be sure to do a wider band of parika at the top of the bag so I won't run out of the green....or maybe even an sc stripe 1/3 of the way up the bag?

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Ok, well I'm going to go for it with the Lion Brand Landscapes yarn. It is 50% wool and 50% acrylic but after some other posts about it and checking it out on the Lion Brand site, it appears as though this is specifically made for felting. I guess the wool is wrapped around the acrylic. Unfortunately this yarn only comes in varigated colors, not solids so I'm not sure how that will look. I'm just hoping for the best.


However, since I have seen the posts about the 54 rows of SC... UGH! I'm already dreading it and haven't gotten there yet!!! Oh well. I'll hopefully get started on it tonite!!!!! Wish me luck!!!!

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I was going to order my yarn from Knit Picks, but decided to wait and go to JoAnn's (in person) and scope out what they have on the shelves. I was thinking Peacock and Chestnut for my colors. Hopefully, they'll have what I'm looking for.

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Donna, I think that the landscape colors will look great. But on the Lion brand web site it says that this yarn wont felt like 100% wool and may need more washing to felt fully. So I am curious to see how yours comes out and how long it takes to felt all the way! Good luck!!

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I was going to order my yarn from Knit Picks, but decided to wait and go to JoAnn's (in person) and scope out what they have on the shelves. I was thinking Peacock and Chestnut for my colors. Hopefully, they'll have what I'm looking for.


The JoAnn's here in Ocala, FL had NOTHING 100% wool. Nobody in town does... Well, there is one place that probably does but I won't go in there. There's a specialty yarn shop in town that's completely overpriced. I cannot imagine buying yarn for the amount of money the lady in there wants.


Let me know if you find something! The manager at my local Jo-Ann's said they've been asking corporate to send 100% wool for awhile but haven't gotten any yet... GOOD LUCK!

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Donna, I think that the landscape colors will look great. But on the Lion brand web site it says that this yarn wont felt like 100% wool and may need more washing to felt fully. So I am curious to see how yours comes out and how long it takes to felt all the way! Good luck!!


Yes, I saw that. Hopefully it will give the desired effect, I just may have to work harder to achieve it! I'll let you all know how I'm doing on it once I get going!!!

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Just got home from AC MOORE Ka-ching, Ka-ching!!!! For anyone looking, they do carry PATON's 100% Merino Wool (for 4.99 not on sale.) Mine didn't carry all of the colors, but a lot of selection. I bought a couple because I want to make some felted flowers from FCEC and LB website.


I have one more strap of my bag to sew on today, hopefully. I will post before and after photos asap!:hook

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I think my JoAnn's carries Teh Paton's 100% Merino wool skeins. I just don't remember what they cost each. But I figure I'd spend less there than the $30 minimum (to get free shipping) I would spend at Knit Picks even if they're $5.99 each. Maybe once I actually get hooked on felting, I'll be at Knit Pciks everyday!! LOL

Hmmmmmmmmm, which got me thinking......my best friend in MN is a student again. I could make her a FELTED BOOK BAG for Christmas!!! Oh my goodness!!! That would be SOOOOO cool!

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WOW! That's amazing! I hope mine turns out even 1/2 as good as yours!!!



I started mine today! I have the first 15 rows done and it took almost 1 1/2 skeins of the 50 gram skeins I bought!!! I think it's going to take a lot of yarn. But I tend to crochet loosely so that may contribute to it. Since I don't need it to be a certain size persay I'm not worried about gauge, however this little bag will cost me a lot! At $5.99 a skein (buying one at a time with a 40% off coupon, it may end up costing me around $25...



Oh, since I'm using the varigated yarn, anyone have suggestions for the trim color????? Maybe one of the darker varigated colors????


I think if this works even half way decently I may start using Knit Pics too! Around Christmas time my hubby gets generous and may let me buy some stuff!!!


Well, it looks like I'll be starting on the dreaded SC rows from hell tomorrow! Wish me luck!!!!

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