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63 Wannabe Club


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I give up. I have a lot of learning todo before I can do something this hard and enjoy it. So for now back into the closet it well go. :hook On to better things that fit my talent abilities.:yay

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Woo Hoo Celeste !!!


I know how you feel-- when you get THAT close to being done, you almost get frantic-- you want to just keep working and working since you're so close ! That's about where I fouled up -- I forget the number of square I repaced with something else,maybe the star stitch ,I'd have to look it back up in my book ,but I was too impatient to keep on trying on that one. I just wanted it to be DONE !!!

You're doing great-- I bet you'll have all the squares done by the weekend sometime !

I too have the 35 Granny Squares-- maybe if it's a little easier , we should do that for our next --- along project, THEN tackle the next 63 .

I guess we'll take a little survey here and see if any of you are interested in doing another -along, and what you'd like to do next !

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Hi, I made this afghan a long time ago with K-Marts Color Match yarn. What bothered me most about the pattern was that the squares were different sizes, espcially the ones worked in the round. I found I had to use many different hooks. I think I used from a G to a K. But it is a good way to hone your skills and tear your hair out at the same time!



The afghan I like of this genre is the Granny Square Sampler by LA.


It works up fast, the 35 squares are simple but interesting and it's a quick gift for the bride's shower.It looks nice in 2 monochromatic colors, like off-white and beige.




is that book still available?....is there a link for it online?

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Hi All

For anyone interested in ordering this booklet, this is where I have placed orders in the past-- the lady is very nice and on the ball with her orders-- she is also helpful in finding anything you are searching for. The 35 grannies ia available from her. I also like ordering from her since she accepts checks and money orders. I don't have a credit card and don't WANT one --- that's another long story, but I would highly recommend this lady :



LA2755 35 GRANNY SQUARES COMBINE TO MAKE A GRANNY SAMPLER AFGHAN ($5.50) by Martha Brooks Stein; 35 8" variations on the granny square with instructions for an afghan, all in worsted wt. yarn


She also has the 63 MORE ---- #2146


There is a printable order blank you fill out and mail in -- simple !

I am thinking of ordering another one myself -- I like the one pictured here --


2864 - 52 patterns stitch a week afghan .

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Hi, Celestial, I have made that pattern at least 8 times! I learned a lot about the granny square, especially using a dc or a hdc as the last st to join, therby eliminating the ugly sl st across. Martha Brooks is a granny square genius!


I made the monochromatics 4 times, Buff and Aran Red Heart. Everyone likes that because it's neutral. I also made a pink and white, lilac and soft white, black and scraps, and all white.


The spine of my pattern book has been taped a few times!

Whenever I'm stumped for a gift, they get that afghan!



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If we decide to use the 35 grannies as our next crochetalong, would you be willing to either make one with us, or drop in and be our advisor if we have any trouble or get stuck ? It sounds like you are an expert at this one !


Do you have photos of any of them ? I'd like to see the black and white especially, that sounds really different !

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Hi, Sure! I have one done in the neutrals. As soon as my battery re-charges, I will make the attempt to post a picture. What I like about this pattern is that it's not boring or frustrating and the squares all turn out the same size!

Let me know when you're ready.



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Sounds great, Pagan --

We'll wait and see what kind of response we get today when people check in -- if they'd like to do this one next, THEN do the 63 MORE -- It sounds like Celeste is about ready to wrap hers up and Sue isn't far behind . We'll see how many people would like to start the Granny one next as an -- along project.

Ready to see your photos anytime !

By the way, can I ask what your real name is ? That makes it a little easier to get to know everyone .

Thanks -

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The granny one sounds good. . . my checkbook is excited about it too! I can use that one as a gift for my g'pa. . . he's coming to live with my parents in the spring, and they just redid my old bedroom as a guestroom in chocolate, tin, and red. . . very southwestern, and totally gorgeous! I'd probably work it up in brown, red, and cream, or do the Moroccan one I showed you, Julie. . . either way, I'm game for another -- along :) Love this board too much to be done!

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Wow, Celeste


Those colors sound SO pretty . How about that Ranch Red in Red Heart ? that sounds sorta like the color you might need, then what shade of brown would you use ? It already sounds GORGEOUS and you haven't even started yet !


Your grandpa will love it and it will make him feel so welcome in his new room if he has something handmade by you !:c9

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Sent you a pm, Celeste. Great job, BTW, you're almost done! :yay


I'd be cool with either 'ghan; 63 More or 35 Grannies. Although, it might be nice to take a break from 63 and work on grannies. Either way, this CAL is too much fun and I'd love to stick with it! :) I have no idea what color or colors I'd use yet but the neutrals sound very pretty.


Julie, thanks for the link! :)

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OK, I took a few photos of the 35 Granny Sampler. I went to Photobucket to sign up. Do I leave everything checkmarked? there are 2 checkmarks, one says something about <img for direct linking and the other is for private something. What does that all mean? I hope I can get it right the first time with a little help!




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OK, I took a few photos of the 35 Granny Sampler. I went to Photobucket to sign up. Do I leave everything checkmarked? there are 2 checkmarks, one says something about <img for direct linking and the other is for private something. What does that all mean? I hope I can get it right the first time with a little help!





I signed up with photobucket awhile ago so I don't recall all the detail but after signing up, it all worked okay so I guess you can leave everything as is if you simply want to post your pics at Crochetville. If you want to create an album of squares like mine for public viewing you'll need to click "yes" to everything in "album options" in your account information. I hope that helps, I'm lost without my IT professional, aka DH!


Remember you must resize your pics if you want to post them at C-ville. If they're over 480X360, they won't show. Check out this thread for how-to's. OR check out this website to resize your pics. OR I see that you can resize at photobucket if you click on "edit" after you upload your pic.


Maybe someone knows how to do all this better but it seems to work for me.

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OK, Folks, I opened my photobucket account, and uploaded the pictures. Now they are in a slide show type thingy. How do I get them here as the photos???? I saw where the tool bar has an Insert image, I would like to have the actual picture. I did re-size.


Hope someone can help me!






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Hmmmm..... I've got a massive decision now. I was at Wal-Mart tonight and cruising through the yarn and pattern section, funny how addicts do that. :P And low and behold there is this pattern book and really inexpensive... somehow it manages it's way into my basket, sack and home. :) Just when to start as most any crochet/knitter/crafter there's about half a dozen or more projects on the go..... and it's before Christmas, thus presents will need to be made.... but I will eventually start, I just hope this is still going by then. Sigh.... besides did I mention that this site alone is an crochet addicts nightmare (or is that fantasy).

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