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Hook Jar


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I saved a few plastic Chocolate coffee creamer jars not knowing why- then last week decorated this one for a Hook Jar. It was fast, easy and when I get a chance I will do the same with the 2 others in different colors to hold other styles of hooks. And it still smells so good when I open it- just like Chocolate! :P

Oh- and the little cookies are Oreos I made for the little ones tea set I made her for Christmas


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Great hook jar! I have to say, the "oreos" stole my heart. What an adorable idea!

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Very nice!! I have a large 3 inch diameter metal pencil case w/ zipper I use for extra hooks/pencil grips for my hooks/extra stitch markers. But great idea when you don't have a pencil case :O) I also use a large sun glass case for my current in-use hooks/markers/scissors when I am working on project!

But love the OREO!!!

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