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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I mailed 5 puffys this morning and hopefully they won't take the long way around or go mia. They were sent to our Big Square of the month, crochetlady2012, ThatThunderbird, Snowflake5165 and tonyal, so be on the look out for them.


Good Afternoon from a very Soggy San Antonio,

I just wanted to let you know on here as well that I have recieved your sqaures. They are beautiful!

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Yup! 3 fit the width of my bed and 8 fit the length, I went with 5 across and 9 long. It won't be a lot of overhang, just over the edges. Is that a lot? I didn't think it looked like it was going to be that big when I figured it out.


Ok, if you say so, lol remember that each square once put together, might be a bit over a foot in itself, so 5 across, would be a little over 5 ft wide, and 9 foot, wow, long bed.........but you know, you can always adjust the size once you get a few more squares to work with, so I wouldn't worry about it, I think it will be breathtaking!!


and wow, i don't even think my queen bed is 8 foot long, dang, off to measure!!!!!!! he he he.....

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Yup! 3 fit the width of my bed and 8 fit the length, I went with 5 across and 9 long. It won't be a lot of overhang, just over the edges. Is that a lot? I didn't think it looked like it was going to be that big when I figured it out.


Good Afternoon from a very Soggy San Antonio,

I just wanted to let you know on here as well that I have recieved your sqaures. They are beautiful!


and Soggy in San Antonio, do you natives to San Antonio, say San Antonio, with the o, or do you say San Antone just curious! lol


cause I think in La. they don't say luu weez ee ana, they say Looooz ee ana, right... I dunno.....he he he.

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A twin mattress is 75x39. That would be 3.25 squares wide and 6.25 squares long. So, she would need atleast 28 squares to cover the bed with a couple of inches of overhang on either side. More would be preferable.

Cindy is so smart! :hug I just needed that put into perspective, lol the 9 foot is what threw me, thank you! Im sure no matter what the size, it will turn out perfect for her! I think more hangover too, if i were doing it!

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I haven't got to post in a while. I've been very busy at work. I finally got CindysSweetThings squares in the mail one day last week I think. Sorry I didn't get it to you in June but I thought better late than never.:D I'm a little behind on who the "chosen one" is this month could someone update me please?

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I haven't got to post in a while. I've been very busy at work. I finally got CindysSweetThings squares in the mail one day last week I think. Sorry I didn't get it to you in June but I thought better late than never.:D I'm a little behind on who the "chosen one" is this month could someone update me please?

sure, and welcome back, it's Distinctives123 this month!! Lee is the Biggest Square for July, and would like 8 inch squares in blues, and in purples for two different ghans! Lee is not online a lot so if you need an addy I have permission to pass it along! Happy Hookin!! :cheer

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Smith--I got your squares today. Thank you so much! I love all the yellow! They definately filled my heart with sunshine!


Katie--I don't have a grand total yet. I'm still waiting on 4 puffies. Hopefully they will all come tomorrow for my 9 year wedding anniversary! Hehehe!

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Smith--I got your squares today. Thank you so much! I love all the yellow! They definately filled my heart with sunshine!


Katie--I don't have a grand total yet. I'm still waiting on 4 puffies. Hopefully they will all come tomorrow for my 9 year wedding anniversary! Hehehe!

oooooooh, happy anniversary Cindy!!!!!!!

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TY AussiePaula for the lovely square I got last night! I haven't had a chance to take a picture of it yet, but as soon as I do I will post it! It is nice and bright, like my turquoise sweater!


I am almost done with my first square for Lee, need to work on my other one!

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well, TGIF for a lot of you, always good to reach the weekend in one piece, ha ha:yes

Hope the weather isn't being too naughty in your corner of the world, it's hot here, but really, sorta used to it, and bearing it ok.....;)


Thinned out some houseplants today, the one was getting too huge for it's pot, and the other, I call her Violet, as she is an African Violet, ha ha, she was just fine where she was, no thinning needed, and is getting more buds, she bloomed once already, and should a few more times, shouldn't she?? Oh well, wait and see, lol:P


Such nice squares everyone is making and sending! I have been sort of on a break, for lack of a better word, but will do some more squares for a ghan I have in progress, maybe today! I only have three rows, of four, 12 inch squares done, but they are alll finished off, weaved in, and put together, a little at a time, huh lol :cheerOh, and i wanna work on some squares for Kim's CrochetCleveland as well this coming weekend! She can use all she can get to reach her goal, so if you have spares, pm her for addy!!


Have a great Friday all, and don't neglect those hooks, they get a bit irritated if you forget them for too long!!!!!!!!:lol


Oh almost forgot, Emma, I have two squares to send you, for Isabella's blankie, but didn't make it to the POffice today, forgive me, will be on Monday going out though!!

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Oh almost forgot, Emma, I have two squares to send you, for Isabella's blankie, but didn't make it to the POffice today, forgive me, will be on Monday going out though!!


Wow! Ofcourse I forgive you! How can I not if I didn't know you were sending anything :D


I've been rather slow here atm with my hookin'. Kinda depressed which doesn't help. After the events of last week / weekend, I've been reflecting on quite a lot of things, probably unnecessary things, but they've got me down rather a lot. Only 4 months until little lady no2 joins us and I've got nothing... and I mean nothing! :eek Having trouble convincing Mr Skoggy that we need to start buying some bits n bobs.


I apologise for not having gotten squares out to many peeps but I will get back into the swing of things soon... I promise! :hug

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thank you for my two squares,they will go wonderfully

also thanks for the nice note,the damage in Va. is closer to DC,we are closer to NC,so far this year we have dodged the bullet

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Thanking you for the CrochetCleveland plug....we are 4 weeks into compiling the blankets together. So thankful for the wonderful group of ladies that are helping to put them together. I cant wait to post pics of the finished ones. Such vibrant and beautiful squares from so many generous people.



We certainly appreciate any you can send to reach our goal before Christmas. We are about 10 blankets in there so far.


Have an awesome day!!! Ladies I hear the heat is coming back! stay cool




:cheerOh, and i wanna work on some squares for Kim's CrochetCleveland as well this coming weekend! She can use all she can get to reach her goal, so if you have spares, pm her for addy!!

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Sat. Afternoon, too hot to go out, too bored to stay in, whats a hooker to do you ask!! Hook, of course, lol Spent the morning doing a couple of stray things crochet wise, and now, got my face on, and my hair presentable and Im dressed, so will probably be bearing the heat and running a couple errands. I will do a post office run on Monday, waiting for someone on ebay to paypal her payment, and then will combine mailings, and get it all out on Monday.


Gotta bring in another small box from my car as well, picked some up at Walgreens, and they work really well for the small things I send, and I have something to send to my daughter as well, that is the only one not packed up yet, lol but will be on Monday, or before to mail on Monday...


Well, hope all with you all is going tolerably, keep cool, if you can, possible storm moving in this aft, but probably will get a sprinkle on the hard crunchy brown lawns, and call it over, darn it!


Back later, have hook, will buy yarn!:hook:clap

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Just dropping by to say that I received 2 puffies yesterday! One was fromm kimgoodie and the other was from...uh...I need to find the package again to see! Thank you so much! I'll post pics later when I can upload them. Right now, my computer is in the process of being restored. Our online backup says it will take 4 days :eek I can't upload to dh's laptop because it doesn't have the program loaded onto it.

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