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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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hello you squares you! Well, I don't think today was much cooler, and no rain yet, soo I washed my car today, most of the time I do that, it rains within hours, lol usually right on the way out of the carwash,ha ha, so Hey, Im doing my part to get our lawn some moisture!!!!!!!


that was just one of my errands, I also stopped at the bank, took a donation to the goodwill, got gas, and oh yes, I have three names on my mind, Vikingrunnergirl, Angelroselite, and uhhh, Owlvamp, and I don't know why, oh wait, I do know why, those are the three puffys i mailed on my errands today!!! Heads u p ladies, puffys away!!


Storms in the next county over, washing my car may still work after all!!


Estee, glad you have your friend! Sounds like he got you some goodies!!!!!!!


Kuddles, wow, if it works, yay, keep puppy, sounds like you hit upon the solution! 


oooh, blowing in some cloudiness,,,,,,come on rain, (would doing a rain dance here help, if so, please insert one!!)

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hello you squares you! Well, I don't think today was much cooler, and no rain yet, soo I washed my car today, most of the time I do that, it rains within hours, lol usually right on the way out of the carwash,ha ha, so Hey, Im doing my part to get our lawn some moisture!!!!!!!


that was just one of my errands, I also stopped at the bank, took a donation to the goodwill, got gas, and oh yes, I have three names on my mind, Vikingrunnergirl, Angelroselite, and uhhh, Owlvamp, and I don't know why, oh wait, I do know why, those are the three puffys i mailed on my errands today!!! Heads u p ladies, puffys away!!


Storms in the next county over, washing my car may still work after all!!


Estee, glad you have your friend! Sounds like he got you some goodies!!!!!!!


Kuddles, wow, if it works, yay, keep puppy, sounds like you hit upon the solution! 


oooh, blowing in some cloudiness,,,,,,come on rain, (would doing a rain dance here help, if so, please insert one!!)


Whoo-hoo!  Thanks for the soon-to-arrive puffy!


It was cloudy this weekend and sprinkled some.  I hate how muggy it was.  I survived the Pageant of the Masters on Saturday and then my goddaughter/niece's 16th birthday party on Sunday.  The sniffles are gone, thankfully.  I just have the residual congestion that takes forever to vacate.  Oh, and my taste and smell are still not completely back.  Today is just sunny and hot and not a pleasant day for me.  I need to move to Alaska!  lol

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LOL.... I'll tell my dh to stop complaining then!!! 




I am so looking forward to my vacation starting is almost a week!! I"m not going to do anything besides clean and organize but hey....it's work but not work. 

Ooooo enjoy!

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Serious thunder and lightening going on here in South West England, but only about 3 minutes of rainfall - what's that all about?! 


Been busy weaving in ends this evening, I feel a trip to the Post Office coming on tomorrow!! 

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Hi All!  We're having a fairly cool day today, well compared to what it has been, lol.  Still no rain though.  I haven't got much accomplished today, but hey, we all deserve those days every once in a while right? LOL


Kuddles, I'm glad it looks like you may have found a solution to keeping the puppy.  He is such a sweetie. A big Happy Birthday to Kiddles!!!! :birthday



Katie, you're funny!  I want a krispy cream now too! LOL!


Becca, sorry you had to deal with a jerk today.  It's nice that you had a friend nearby to talk to. 



Estee, how wonderful that you have a friend.  Sounds like he scored you some nice goodies! 



Pineknott wins the most yarn award!  :nworthy




I guess that's it for tonight.  Sorry if I missed anyone.  Have a wonderful evening.  I'll try to stop by sooner tomorrow.

Nighty night... :sleep

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Skoggy just made this Anglophile's day! First the royal baby, and then two lovely squares all the way from England! I am sooooo excited that I now have all my squares for my friendshipghan! :hug





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:bday  Kiddles!!!


I hope it's been a great day with your little girl, kuddles.  Oh, how I love children.  If I had been blessed with them, I would have had a whole gaggle of kids!


Skoggy just made this Anglophile's day! First the royal baby, and then two lovely squares all the way from England! I am sooooo excited that I now have all my squares for my friendshipghan! :hug



Lovely squares!  How exciting that there is another heir to the throne!  I was so hoping for a girl so that she would be the first to benefit from the new succession rules.  A child is a blessing, boy or girl.  Congrats to the new parents :)

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Yay, puffy coming! I haven't gotten anything done on squares this month. Just got burned out last month. I should dig some colors out, though; any color and any size offers a tempting canvas. :D Also very anxiously awaiting my new presser foot... I want to be able to sew again!


Whoo-hoo!  Thanks for the soon-to-arrive puffy!


It was cloudy this weekend and sprinkled some.  I hate how muggy it was.  I survived the Pageant of the Masters on Saturday and then my goddaughter/niece's 16th birthday party on Sunday.  The sniffles are gone, thankfully.  I just have the residual congestion that takes forever to vacate.  Oh, and my taste and smell are still not completely back.  Today is just sunny and hot and not a pleasant day for me.  I need to move to Alaska!  lol

Ok, I must ask: what is the Pageant of the Masters? I have a sort of vision of Arnold Palmer out on the links in an evening gown. A puffy one. It's pink. I'm not totally sure what Arnold Palmer looks like, though, so it's really just an aging white guy swinging a golf club. :lol


Congrats on getting some sleep, Kuddles! You held out longer than we did on bringing the dog into the bedroom! I think we moved ours in after only a couple of days. Not sleeping was not going to be an option! If you look around online for dogs and separation anxiety you should be able to find a lot of helpful hints... It can be a real problem and now is the time to nip it in the bud!


We had a milestone tonight! At bedtime, Little Viking stre-e-e-etched himself up the wall and turned his light on, then off again - without using the stepstool! I can't believe my little boy is tall enough to change the lightswitch all by himself now! He's getting so big! Won't be my little boy for much longer.... :(  :cry  :manyheart

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Skoggy just made this Anglophile's day! First the royal baby, and then two lovely squares all the way from England! I am sooooo excited that I now have all my squares for my friendshipghan! :hug



Those are lovely squares!!!!! Mandy, i will change your status to no more needed, if you have enough to finish that ghan! That is what we like to hear!!


Yay, puffy coming! I haven't gotten anything done on squares this month. Just got burned out last month. I should dig some colors out, though; any color and any size offers a tempting canvas. :D Also very anxiously awaiting my new presser foot... I want to be able to sew again!


Ok, I must ask: what is the Pageant of the Masters? I have a sort of vision of Arnold Palmer out on the links in an evening gown. A puffy one. It's pink. I'm not totally sure what Arnold Palmer looks like, though, so it's really just an aging white guy swinging a golf club. :lol


Congrats on getting some sleep, Kuddles! You held out longer than we did on bringing the dog into the bedroom! I think we moved ours in after only a couple of days. Not sleeping was not going to be an option! If you look around online for dogs and separation anxiety you should be able to find a lot of helpful hints... It can be a real problem and now is the time to nip it in the bud!


We had a milestone tonight! At bedtime, Little Viking stre-e-e-etched himself up the wall and turned his light on, then off again - without using the stepstool! I can't believe my little boy is tall enough to change the lightswitch all by himself now! He's getting so big! Won't be my little boy for much longer.... :(  :cry  :manyheart

Kids keep us young, right!


Viking, I have been meaning to ask you this for a long time, what is the picutre in  your icon of?? I just don't know what it is , lol so sorry if it obvious, but I don't really know.....I need to know, please let me know, lol


Well on wednesday or so, I will randomly run the numbers for a new queen! I might have some trouble as so many have not checked in for a long time, if you are reading this now, and have not checked in lately, please let us know you are alive and well, ok, thanks!  If the number generator picks someone that has not been active for a while, I will try to email to see if he or she is still interested, if no answer or the answer is no, or not given in a respectable amount of time, so I can email another choice winner, I will then move on to another run of the numbers!


smith, vacation, great, don't forget to keep us posted on the puffys you have/will receive, we love pics, and your reign is coming to an end soon. YOU still have some time left, so keep us up to date! thanks.


Got my friendship ghan trimmed, now will wait til a sunny day to photo it for you all that made it!!!!!!


I don't have anymore news Im afraid, heat and humidity drain me at times. lol but better in here still, than outside in it, you know.

I must have drank 3 quarts of water during the day today, lol not all at once, mind you, lol that would be something!


Guess IM off for tonight, and Ill see you all tomorrow, till then, enjoy your evening!

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Funny how all the way across the pond here we too are getting cooler temps! Today is cloudy and quite breezy, stilly muggy though (do you guys say muggy in your neck of the woods?!), think we may be due a storm later too. 


Becca x

As many have already mentioned, we do say muggy.  I chuckled when I saw you say it - I thought it was just a southern U.S. thing.  Now I know it's said in lots of places - not just the south.


Found some gold flakes in our flower garden, we think it might be gold, lol we're rich, we're rich, right!

Gotta stake a claim, put up a sign, get a gun to shoot any claim jumpers out among the Impatients and the marigolds!!!!!! :yay  :no  :cry So say your prayers you dirty rotten claim jumpers!!!! lol

Oh my goodness - I laughed at this.  I didn't realize that claim jumpers were still such a problem in Nebraska!  :)


I was volunteering at a local kids' race this morning, and when I got back about 11:30 I discovered that my husband was reorganizing my yarn for me!  :thair  He emptied out the box that had been designated "yarn most likely to be used in the next few months, including all the skeins for my rainbow-ghan" and PUT the rainbow-ghan in it, and then stuffed all the other yarn into a bin that was almost full so now that bin couldn't be closed. And he put yarn and fabric into a container that I'd taken outside for Little Viking to use as a water table yesterday - that had been brought back in but not cleaned out.  :2nono  He means well, but we drive each other nuts with that. He can't stand that my mental organization frequently includes "Ok, so this project is currently living on the back of the couch, that one is in a paper bag half under the bed...," and when he tries to clean things up I go nuts because then I can never find anything. Earlier this year I finally found a box of quilt squares that I'd literally been looking for for years, ever since he put them in the shed without checking with me (actually, the one I got the penguin batik fabric for). Fortunately for him, the mice had not gotten to them! Of course, now the bag of fabric for the appliques has ended up in storage who knows where....  :reyes  Sigh. There's still plenty to do with that one until I find the rest of the fabric, though.

I asked my DH if he would ever try to organize my yarn.  His answer?  "Only if you left me a very specific chart of how you wanted it done because I'd be afraid I'd do it wrong."  He knows me so well - I think I'll keep him.


HAHA  Fanny Pack............  It is not the same in American english As in English lol

Ok - I'm sure there is a website somewhere that gives info on English phrases.  I may just have to try to find it.  LOL


Just had to share this....If you don't know, I live in a mobile home community...I am not one of the involved citizens (meaning I don't go to community functions as I don't want to get involved in "park politics")...There is one disabled gentleman that I can call a friend...He is my "food fairy" in the sense that he is always bringing me items that he has purchased ie: almond milk... almond butter...L'oreal shampoo...pita bread...fruit spreads...greek yogurt..I could go on and on...He does not have a/c and it is a treat for him to come to my place and watch TV...We have our "date night" on Friday and on Sunday we watch Sunday Mornings and he is usually here for the duration of the day...I fix him a home cooked meal...We laugh a lot about us "sleeping" together...Him on the living room floor and me on the couch...When he came to visit yesterday he told me of a bunch of yarn and some material that had been left in the club house with a "take what you want" sign on them...He advised me to check it out...I went down to see what was what, but due to a function in the clubhouse I quickly returned to my place...Now to make a long story short, this morning I was awakened by a rapping on my door..I stumbled to the door groggily after putting on my robe...There was my friend with a bag of goodies...some fat quarters, some yarn and two plastic shoe boxes...I thanked him, invited him in for coffee, but he left...only to return a half hour later with a big box...Yeppp you guessed it, he took the remainder of the stuff and brought it to me...I can just see the people here wondering where he was going with that huge box on his bike handlebars...

   God has given me an angel in disguise...

What a sweet man!  It's always nice to have friends that want to help us and that enjoy spending their time with us.  It makes life so much more interesting!



Well, y'all...  My life has been somewhat chaotic since June 8th.  We have been travelling back and forth between South Carolina and Arkansas.  Well, I have been.  I was in AR with my whole family for three weeks, then SC with my older DS for three weeks, then back to AR for three days to pick up my DH, DD, and younger DS.  FINALLY we are all back in South Carolina with no plans to do any more extensive travelling until Thanksgiving/Christmas.  We drove I-40 through Tennessee today - such a beautiful drive even though it was raining for much of the day.  The most beautiful scenes were in North Carolina.  We live on a beautiful Earth.


In other news, I can't remember if I filled everyone here in yet on my new job.  I will be teaching geometry this year - my very first classroom!  I am so excited to have a teaching job.  Geometry is not the type of math I would have picked to teach, but I'm looking forward to it!  It will allow me to incorporate my love of crochet into my classroom.  I've seen several geometric patterns for squares that I can make.  I've thought about making pillows with some and simply sewing fabric to the back of others so they can be displayed...  We'll see.  Geometry is so much easier to decorate with that algebra!  :)  School starts for me on Aug 12th.  Can't hardly wait!


smith, I still plan to get some squares to you.  With all of our travelling, I haven't taken the time to find patterns.  I'll get those worked on this week so that I can get them mailed to you.


I hope you're all having a great week so far.  I'm off to sleep in my own bed.  Ohhhhhh - it's going to feel soooo good!



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Ok, I must ask: what is the Pageant of the Masters? I have a sort of vision of Arnold Palmer out on the links in an evening gown. A puffy one. It's pink. I'm not totally sure what Arnold Palmer looks like, though, so it's really just an aging white guy swinging a golf club. :lol

You had me in stitches!  Oh, the imagery  :rofl  I had never stopped to think of what inquiring minds might interpret from the name.  This is a link to the Pageant of the Masters.  If you were a fan of Gilmore Girls, you may have caught an episode about this live recreation of art.  They have different themes every year.  It's maybe my favorite event of the year.


We had a milestone tonight! At bedtime, Little Viking stre-e-e-etched himself up the wall and turned his light on, then off again - without using the stepstool! I can't believe my little boy is tall enough to change the lightswitch all by himself now! He's getting so big! Won't be my little boy for much longer.... :(  :cry  :manyheart

How sweet!  Then he's going to start turning the switches on and off at all times, and when he starts opening doors... lol.  I have seen the milestones my 13 nieces and nephews have reached and surpassed.  Many are teenagers now, and some are young adults.  It's incredible to me every time, and every child is the smartest child ever.  They never cease to amaze.  Blessings to your little clan :)



Well, y'all...  My life has been somewhat chaotic since June 8th.  We have been travelling back and forth between South Carolina and Arkansas.  Well, I have been.  I was in AR with my whole family for three weeks, then SC with my older DS for three weeks, then back to AR for three days to pick up my DH, DD, and younger DS.  FINALLY we are all back in South Carolina with no plans to do any more extensive travelling until Thanksgiving/Christmas.  We drove I-40 through Tennessee today - such a beautiful drive even though it was raining for much of the day.  The most beautiful scenes were in North Carolina.  We live on a beautiful Earth.


In other news, I can't remember if I filled everyone here in yet on my new job.  I will be teaching geometry this year - my very first classroom!  I am so excited to have a teaching job.  Geometry is not the type of math I would have picked to teach, but I'm looking forward to it!  It will allow me to incorporate my love of crochet into my classroom.  I've seen several geometric patterns for squares that I can make.  I've thought about making pillows with some and simply sewing fabric to the back of others so they can be displayed...  We'll see.  Geometry is so much easier to decorate with that algebra!  :)  School starts for me on Aug 12th.  Can't hardly wait!


smith, I still plan to get some squares to you.  With all of our travelling, I haven't taken the time to find patterns.  I'll get those worked on this week so that I can get them mailed to you.


I hope you're all having a great week so far.  I'm off to sleep in my own bed.  Ohhhhhh - it's going to feel soooo good!



Congratulations!  I loved math up to trig/pre-calculus, but the one year I just hated was geometry.  It still makes me shiver!  I could have done without the proofs.  I'll measure anything for you and do anything but proofs.  On the bright side, I learned some nice little shorthand ways to write "therefore" and other stuff, but that's where I draw the line :lol  Have fun preparing your classroom, and I hope you get all quiet, studious students that turn their homework in on time, stay awake, and ace their tests.  Welcome back home!

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Congratulations on your new job! I wanted to be a teacher but can't afford the training etc. I want to teach English in a proper classroom. The UK gets so many exchange students and asylum seekers who need to learn English or, if I'm lucky, go back to Sweden to teach. :D:lol I miss that country so much!


Mandymae, I'm so glad they got to you ok. I can't wait to see your finished ghan.


Anyway, I have decided to work my way up from the bottom of the CAL list and send squares to everyone. So please look out for PMs. :hug

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Kuddles, I'm glad it looks like you may have found a solution to keeping the puppy.  He is such a sweetie. A big Happy Birthday to Kiddles!!!! :birthday

Thanks Ann!


Skoggy just made this Anglophile's day! First the royal baby, and then two lovely squares all the way from England! I am sooooo excited that I now have all my squares for my friendshipghan! :hug





:bday  Kiddles!!!


I hope it's been a great day with your little girl, kuddles.  Oh, how I love children.  If I had been blessed with them, I would have had a whole gaggle of kids!

Thanks much!!!


Congrats on getting some sleep, Kuddles! You held out longer than we did on bringing the dog into the bedroom! I think we moved ours in after only a couple of days. Not sleeping was not going to be an option! If you look around online for dogs and separation anxiety you should be able to find a lot of helpful hints... It can be a real problem and now is the time to nip it in the bud!


We had a milestone tonight! At bedtime, Little Viking stre-e-e-etched himself up the wall and turned his light on, then off again - without using the stepstool! I can't believe my little boy is tall enough to change the lightswitch all by himself now! He's getting so big! Won't be my little boy for much longer.... :(  :cry  :manyheart

Thanks! A second nite in my room (in the crate) and not a peep again! So yup, separation anxiety it was! And no piddle in the crate again! Whew!


Well, y'all...  My life has been somewhat chaotic since June 8th.  We have been travelling back and forth between South Carolina and Arkansas.  Well, I have been.  I was in AR with my whole family for three weeks, then SC with my older DS for three weeks, then back to AR for three days to pick up my DH, DD, and younger DS.  FINALLY we are all back in South Carolina with no plans to do any more extensive travelling until Thanksgiving/Christmas.  We drove I-40 through Tennessee today - such a beautiful drive even though it was raining for much of the day.  The most beautiful scenes were in North Carolina.  We live on a beautiful Earth.


In other news, I can't remember if I filled everyone here in yet on my new job.  I will be teaching geometry this year - my very first classroom!  I am so excited to have a teaching job.  Geometry is not the type of math I would have picked to teach, but I'm looking forward to it!  It will allow me to incorporate my love of crochet into my classroom.  I've seen several geometric patterns for squares that I can make.  I've thought about making pillows with some and simply sewing fabric to the back of others so they can be displayed...  We'll see.  Geometry is so much easier to decorate with that algebra!  :)  School starts for me on Aug 12th.  Can't hardly wait!

Wow! You have been busy! Huge congrats on the teaching job!



Well, gotta start getting ready.....last few days of summer hrs where I have to work 7 to 4:15 to get Friday off. While I like the Fridays off for 6 weeks, the Mon - Thurs is torture!


Kiddles had a good birthday, thanks again everyone!




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Congratulations on your new job! I wanted to be a teacher but can't afford the training etc. I want to teach English in a proper classroom. The UK gets so many exchange students and asylum seekers who need to learn English or, if I'm lucky, go back to Sweden to teach. :D:lol I miss that country so much!


I went to college to be an English teacher! Unfortunately, teaching jobs in my area are hard to come by. I'd like to go back to school to specialize in English as a Second Language. :)

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Congratulations!  I loved math up to trig/pre-calculus, but the one year I just hated was geometry.  It still makes me shiver!  I could have done without the proofs.  I'll measure anything for you and do anything but proofs.  On the bright side, I learned some nice little shorthand ways to write "therefore" and other stuff, but that's where I draw the line :lol  Have fun preparing your classroom, and I hope you get all quiet, studious students that turn their homework in on time, stay awake, and ace their tests.  Welcome back home!

If I'm completely honest, geometry wasn't my favorite math either.  I had it in the 9th grade and getting the hang of proofs was frustrating to put it mildly.  However, now that I've had some of the classes that I had to take in college to get my degree in math, geometry proofs and writing proofs in general makes more sense to me.  And keep hoping for those kinds of students - but don't hold your breath!  LOL


Congratulations on your new job! I wanted to be a teacher but can't afford the training etc. I want to teach English in a proper classroom. The UK gets so many exchange students and asylum seekers who need to learn English or, if I'm lucky, go back to Sweden to teach. :D:lol I miss that country so much!

I've wanted to be a teacher since I was in the 4th grade (about 10 years old).  The year that I was in the 4th grade was the year that the old copy machines that used blue ink and had to have time to dry were replaced with the newer versions that we're used to.  (Black ink that dries almost instantly)  She had TONS of worksheets that were copied in the blue ink.  I stayed late on the last day of school to help her clean up in her room (yeah - I was that student) and as my reward, I got sent home with a big box FULL of worksheets.  Needless to say, my stuffed animals and dolls had a proper education that summer!


As for paying for the training ~ I'm going to be paying back student loans for a while.  Thankfully I'll be able to get some of them forgiven if I teach in a low-income area school for five years.  That will be a huge help.



Speaking of teaching, I'm headed off to the school today to work with another geometry teacher on lesson plans and whatnot.  I wonder what the chances are of me getting the keys to my classroom today.  I want to decorate so badly!

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I went to college to be an English teacher! Unfortunately, teaching jobs in my area are hard to come by. I'd like to go back to school to specialize in English as a Second Language. :)


I have the "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" qualification and looking at doing a further one (CELTA or TESOL). Its all about money these days. Can't get any government funding for those kind of courses. In the UK, there is quite a bit of help for parents trying to get back to work or gain qualifications but it seems that is apart from English teaching stuff which is a HUGE shame. :( Ah, maybe I will win the lottery and afford it. I love languages!!!

I'm not too good at Maths. Although I got a high grade at school, these days it alludes me. I preferred trig to stuff like algebra. :)

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Hello Squares!  Well we finally got the rain and it has just stopped.  The sun is now shining brightly and the humidity is high.  I feel like there is a elephant on my chest. Crazy weather.  I guess that I'll just have to sit and crochet all day again. Oh the suffering we must go thru :lol  I think that I'll look at our list and see who I can make a square for here.  I ran out of my main color on my mysteryghan and now I have to wait until my order arrives before I can do any more work on it, so frustrating!  Hmmm, I think that's all I have for now.  Have a great day all! :hug

Skoggy just made this Anglophile's day! First the royal baby, and then two lovely squares all the way from England! I am sooooo excited that I now have all my squares for my friendshipghan!



Very pretty!


Ok, I must ask: what is the Pageant of the Masters? I have a sort of vision of Arnold Palmer out on the links in an evening gown. A puffy one. It's pink. I'm not totally sure what Arnold Palmer looks like, though, so it's really just an aging white guy swinging a golf club.

Aww, what a big boy!  Treasure each and every moment.  They grow so fast.


Viking, I have been meaning to ask you this for a long time, what is the picutre in  your icon of?? I just don't know what it is , lol so sorry if it obvious, but I don't really know.....I need to know, please let me know, lol


Well on wednesday or so, I will randomly run the numbers for a new queen! I might have some trouble as so many have not checked in for a long time, if you are reading this now, and have not checked in lately, please let us know you are alive and well, ok, thanks!  If the number generator picks someone that has not been active for a while, I will try to email to see if he or she is still interested, if no answer or the answer is no, or not given in a respectable amount of time, so I can email another choice winner, I will then move on to another run of the numbers!


smith, vacation, great, don't forget to keep us posted on the puffys you have/will receive, we love pics, and your reign is coming to an end soon. YOU still have some time left, so keep us up to date! thanks.


Got my friendship ghan trimmed, now will wait til a sunny day to photo it for you all that made it!!!!!!


I don't have anymore news Im afraid, heat and humidity drain me at times. lol but better in here still, than outside in it, you know.

I must have drank 3 quarts of water during the day today, lol not all at once, mind you, lol that would be something!


Guess IM off for tonight, and Ill see you all tomorrow, till then, enjoy your evening!

Wow, hard to believe it's time to pick the new square queen already!  This month has flown by.  I've tried to enjoy each moment of it since I spent most of last July in the hospital. Looking forward to those pics of the ghan!!!


I asked my DH if he would ever try to organize my yarn.  His answer?  "Only if you left me a very specific chart of how you wanted it done because I'd be afraid I'd do it wrong."  He knows me so well - I think I'll keep him.


Well, y'all...  My life has been somewhat chaotic since June 8th.  We have been travelling back and forth between South Carolina and Arkansas.  Well, I have been.  I was in AR with my whole family for three weeks, then SC with my older DS for three weeks, then back to AR for three days to pick up my DH, DD, and younger DS.  FINALLY we are all back in South Carolina with no plans to do any more extensive travelling until Thanksgiving/Christmas.  We drove I-40 through Tennessee today - such a beautiful drive even though it was raining for much of the day.  The most beautiful scenes were in North Carolina.  We live on a beautiful Earth.


In other news, I can't remember if I filled everyone here in yet on my new job.  I will be teaching geometry this year - my very first classroom!  I am so excited to have a teaching job.  Geometry is not the type of math I would have picked to teach, but I'm looking forward to it!  It will allow me to incorporate my love of crochet into my classroom.  I've seen several geometric patterns for squares that I can make.  I've thought about making pillows with some and simply sewing fabric to the back of others so they can be displayed...  We'll see.  Geometry is so much easier to decorate with that algebra!    School starts for me on Aug 12th.  Can't hardly wait!


smith, I still plan to get some squares to you.  With all of our travelling, I haven't taken the time to find patterns.  I'll get those worked on this week so that I can get them mailed to you.


I hope you're all having a great week so far.  I'm off to sleep in my own bed.  Ohhhhhh - it's going to feel soooo good!



Wow, you have been busy!  I think I knew this but it didn't really sink in until I just read it, lol. Enjoy being back home and have fun/enjoy your teaching position!  Math and I never got along very well, but I tried my best. :lol



Anyway, I have decided to work my way up from the bottom of the CAL list and send squares to everyone. So please look out for PMs.

How's your little one feeling today?  I hope she's doing better. :hug


Thanks Ann!


Thanks! A second nite in my room (in the crate) and not a peep again! So yup, separation anxiety it was! And no piddle in the crate again! Whew!


Well, gotta start getting ready.....last few days of summer hrs where I have to work 7 to 4:15 to get Friday off. While I like the Fridays off for 6 weeks, the Mon - Thurs is torture!


Kiddles had a good birthday, thanks again everyone!




Glad Kiddles had a good birthday and you had a good night with the pup!


If I'm completely honest, geometry wasn't my favorite math either.  I had it in the 9th grade and getting the hang of proofs was frustrating to put it mildly.  However, now that I've had some of the classes that I had to take in college to get my degree in math, geometry proofs and writing proofs in general makes more sense to me.  And keep hoping for those kinds of students - but don't hold your breath!  LOL


I've wanted to be a teacher since I was in the 4th grade (about 10 years old).  The year that I was in the 4th grade was the year that the old copy machines that used blue ink and had to have time to dry were replaced with the newer versions that we're used to.  (Black ink that dries almost instantly)  She had TONS of worksheets that were copied in the blue ink.  I stayed late on the last day of school to help her clean up in her room (yeah - I was that student) and as my reward, I got sent home with a big box FULL of worksheets.  Needless to say, my stuffed animals and dolls had a proper education that summer!


As for paying for the training ~ I'm going to be paying back student loans for a while.  Thankfully I'll be able to get some of them forgiven if I teach in a low-income area school for five years.  That will be a huge help.



Speaking of teaching, I'm headed off to the school today to work with another geometry teacher on lesson plans and whatnot.  I wonder what the chances are of me getting the keys to my classroom today.  I want to decorate so badly!

Hope you get the keys today!  I know my DIL likes to have the summer to decorate at her leisure.  I remember her first year they were cramming to get every thing done in just a few days!.

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Thanks Ann. She is doing fine. Still getting high temps but have been told just to keep on with the meds. :hug


How's your little one feeling today?  I hope she's doing better. :hug

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Viking, I have been meaning to ask you this for a long time, what is the picutre in  your icon of?? I just don't know what it is , lol so sorry if it obvious, but I don't really know.....I need to know, please let me know, lol

Now, last but not least! (working as I do from the bottom up on multiquotes :D) My avatar image is a picture of our gas chromatograph autosampler at work. I'd just taken the picture when I made my account and decided to use it pretty much just because I liked it! I have here a video I took of it one day that I shared on facebook for really no reason at all except that all of us here love the autosampler. One coworker theorizes that the manufacturer could have made it run quietly, but they left the noise in just because it sounds cool. In the video, you see the autosampler loading a syringe with sample from one of the tiny vials, then injecting it into the instrument, and then cleaning the syringe out with solvent before going back to standby position. This thing really is great - we can queue up a whole bunch of runs, hit start, and then the machine does everything for us!


We live on a beautiful Earth.

We most certainly do!!  :rose  :2sheep  :turtle  :cat  :earth


In other news, I can't remember if I filled everyone here in yet on my new job.  I will be teaching geometry this year - my very first classroom!  I am so excited to have a teaching job.  Geometry is not the type of math I would have picked to teach, but I'm looking forward to it!  It will allow me to incorporate my love of crochet into my classroom.  I've seen several geometric patterns for squares that I can make.  I've thought about making pillows with some and simply sewing fabric to the back of others so they can be displayed...  We'll see.  Geometry is so much easier to decorate with that algebra!   School starts for me on Aug 12th.  Can't hardly wait!

Decorating a geometry classroom with yarn! That sounds like an excellent idea, and so much fun! Hmmm, other ways to incorporate it... yarnwork is all about the maths, after all. :D


You had me in stitches!  Oh, the imagery    I had never stopped to think of what inquiring minds might interpret from the name.  This is a link to the Pageant of the Masters.  If you were a fan of Gilmore Girls, you may have caught an episode about this live recreation of art.  They have different themes every year.  It's maybe my favorite event of the year.

Ooh, I have heard of this before! That must be amazing to see in person. The skill it must take to participate!


Well, gotta start getting ready.....last few days of summer hrs where I have to work 7 to 4:15 to get Friday off. While I like the Fridays off for 6 weeks, the Mon - Thurs is torture!

Yow! Those are some rough days.  :2eek I don't know if I could keep that up for six weeks without going crazy! Well, I mean, I probably could if I had to. But I might go crazy. You said you're almost done with that shift cycle? Going back to shorter days might help some with the pup!

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I don't know if I can manage to multiquote and keep on top of all the posts!! Instead I'll just try and write my replies, and big apologies if I miss anything! 


VikingRunnerGirl - That machine sounds so awesome! What is your work where you get to use something so exciting?! A few months back our hospital invested in a robot pharmacist, from the ward you stick the prescription in a tube and then it gets sucked along this vacuum maze thing which chucks it out the other end in the pharmacy. Then a real human pharmacist checks it, and programmes what they want into the next robotic phase, which is like a giant arm on wheels that moves around the stock room picking the drugs that have been requested - it is so cool!! 


Skoggy - so glad to hear that little one seems to be on the mend. High temps in the current weather must be a nightmare for you and her, and especially because little ones can't regulate their own body temperature properly. I really hope she fully recovers soon x

And it would be such a great thing to teach English - have you seen there is a documentary coming up on Channel 4? I think its tonight at 9pm, and is called 'Why don't you speak English?' 


GrannyAnnie - Oh no, you have to sit and crochet all day!! Don't you just hate it when that happens?!! Still, I hope the humidity doesn't cause you too much discomfort, especially on the chest, difficulty breathing is so horrible. Have you ever tried grating ginger root into hot water? (You can improve the taste with honey and lemon) - It is supposed to be a natural decongestant and open up the airways. My ex hubby was a pro sportsman and most decongestant meds include banned ingredients for sports, so I discovered this and he swore by it. 


crsheridan - CONGRATULATIONS on the new job! Well done you, and not long until you start either. Wishing you lots of success with it. An understanding of geometry would really help me out when designing my patchwork items I'm sure - unfortunately it isn't my forte, in fact maths in general isn't... but a good teacher is invaluable, and I bet you will be just great! I hope you got your hands on the classroom keys and have been able to start decorating!


Mandymae - that must be very frustrating when there are few jobs in your area doing what you love. What about remote learning, is that something you could see yourself doing? I did a writing course with the open university and I loved the flexibility of it, I guess the tutors must enjoy that too. 


Kuddles - only 2 more days til Friday yay!! Keep going hun!! 


Katy - that's great you've got the 'ghan all put together - how exciting! Can't wait to see it! 


Ok I think I'm all caught up - sorry again if I missed anyone! 


News from SW England... massive thunderstorms all through the night! The thunder woke me up around 5am, it was so loud and close the house shook! And boy did we have some rain. Then within a couple of hours everywhere was dry as a bone again and its gone back to being warm and muggy. Not as hot as previously though, which is a blessing as in some areas the lightening started some fires. 

The 6pm news is on and it sounds as though we're about to see the Royal baby for the first time, very exciting. To think in their Kensington house they'll have two future Kings living under one roof! Such a lovely couple, and I'm so pleased they've been blessed with the safe arrival of their little one. 


My other news is that I left the house all by myself today! I went across to the Post Office to send some exciting little packages to the USA! Apparently they'll take a week to ten days to arrive, and hopefully they'll bring a smile to some faces :) Just want to say in advance remember I'm very new to crochet so if there are any little quirks in the squares I do apologise. It's been really enjoyable and actually therapeutic for me, so thanks for letting me contribute to your friendship 'ghans :) I also couldn't resist another skein of yarn while I was in the Post Office, but I restricted myself to just the one, which I think is very well-behaved of me!! 


I'll leave it there for now and watch the TV awaiting for the appearance of the latests HRH! 


Have a lovely day/evening everyone 


Becca x 

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Hi everyone!!!


Becca, how fun to be watching for the first pic of the baby! We get excited about it over here too! Wonder who the baby will look like!


And we won't care one bit if there is some buggaboo in your crochet cause that happens to all of us and the love we feel coming off the square, made just for us, is all we need!


Wow, that was a bit sappy for a Tuesday! LOL


Later Squares!


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Awww he's officially been shown to the world, well the top and side of his head and his little hands anyway! And I love that his Daddy drove him home!! 


Just thought I'd share this lovely little pic with you, of my littlest cat Mika who is herself due to give birth very soon, although not to Royalty! In fact the father is unknown and the pregnancy completely unexpected (hence the shaved tummy, they opened her up to spay her when they discovered the babies!!) ... so very different!! 



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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww she is adorable! Make sure you share pix when the little ones are born!



Awww he's officially been shown to the world, well the top and side of his head and his little hands anyway! And I love that his Daddy drove him home!! 


Just thought I'd share this lovely little pic with you, of my littlest cat Mika who is herself due to give birth very soon, although not to Royalty! 



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Kittens!!!! How far away from Newcastle is Wiltshire?! :lol Miles, I know :P

:lol  According to Google, Newcastle to where I live is about 4.5 hours drive!! Shame though as they spotted at least 4 inside her and I want to give them to people I trust to look after them!! 

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