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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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sitting around enjoying the quietness of the day....thunderstorms and humidity. I don't know how your ladies on the east coast do it!  :yuck  :yuck   Been working on some squares this morning, watching QVC in the AC. I've got to venture out to the grocery store soon. My favorite new snack is baby portatbella  mushrooms stuffed with fresh salsa and cheese! 

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Oh my!!! You ladies are just too kind. I'm so happy you all received your squares!!!! You sure know how to make a girl feel good. Sending more out soon. Have I told you all that I'm so happy to be a part of this group!!! You all are wonderful people. I feel honored and priveleged. Thanks so much for being a much needed bright spot in my life. Be back later to comment on the posts. I just had to say this!!!

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I must share MY news:  AngelRoseLite gifted me the pattern for the owl cozy that I admired and that she tested!




She totally made my day and I needed it so badly!


I personally thanked her but wanted to thank her on here too!



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I got some beautiful squares in the mail today from Phoensix.  Thank you so much!  I will make sure they find an honored place in my friendship 'ghan.  :)  I will also try to get some pictures taken asap because these squares truly deserve to be shown off!!  So pretty and soft.


Thanks again!


oooh lucky you, we wanna see!!!


So sorry for your loss, Ann. :hug Such sad news.


I was happy when I got home today, because I saw a package in my mailbox and I've been waiting for a new presser foot for my sewing machine for three weeks now. But then I saw the return address wasn't a business, and I was sad. And then I went, "Wait, this means it's a puffy!" And I "got a smiley!", as the little guy would say. Ann got in a double delivery today - mine is a lily pad!! It's so cute! I almost want to put it in its own separate project, with some more lily pads and a few frogs to play with...! :D  :frog  :frog  No picture yet; I'll try to get one up tomorrow.


YAY, pics here needed as well missy!!!!

I got a text message from my DD today which read you got more patterns in the mail (granny squares) can I open them and look at them?  So I let her. lol


Thank you Ann for the puffy. My DD thanks u too she is really getting into this.


I will post pictures tomorrow

ohhhhh goodie, maybe a future Square??? in the making!


Your kitchen turned out lovely. Love the floor .

Wow that is a beautiful afghan.

Lots and lots of pretty blocks.

thank you dahlink!! (my Gabor accent!!)


I received four beautiful squares from Phoensix yesterday...Her handwork is amazing...WIsh I could post pix as I'm sure you would agree...WIll use them for the corners of my ghan...Thank you sooo much talented lady... :manyheart

Nice, i love it when i know right off, where they are going in a ghan, don't you!


sitting around enjoying the quietness of the day....thunderstorms and humidity. I don't know how your ladies on the east coast do it!  :yuck  :yuck   Been working on some squares this morning, watching QVC in the AC. I've got to venture out to the grocery store soon. My favorite new snack is baby portatbella  mushrooms stuffed with fresh salsa and cheese! 


hot here too, but not unbearable yet, i love stuffed mushrooms, with cheese, and i dunno, i think they had hamburger or something in them too, delish!!

Oh my!!! You ladies are just too kind. I'm so happy you all received your squares!!!! You sure know how to make a girl feel good. Sending more out soon. Have I told you all that I'm so happy to be a part of this group!!! You all are wonderful people. I feel honored and priveleged. Thanks so much for being a much needed bright spot in my life. Be back later to comment on the posts. I just had to say this!!!

We are happy to have YOU as one of US lol too.



oh wow, how nice of angel, isn't she just an angel, lol I need five more for my other five soup mugs, ha ha ha, jk... I have mine and any and all  others can just have plain old soup mugs, lol


Ann, I didn't hear of a loss, apparently missed something, Im sorry it made you sad though.whatever it was.....OH, there it was in one of y our posts, Im so sorry to hear of this....


Pheonsix, you are quite right, and you are one of the great people on the thread!!! Thank you for being a part of "we" lol

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So many pretty pictures of squares and the remodeled kitchen.  The copper jello molds look really nice on the wall and its neat that many of them were your mother's.  A handy man that cooks too, it just couldn't get much better!

Thank you brenda, often people comment about them, and how unique they are up there, but I have just learned they are a part of whatever kitchen Im in, lol Yeah, its a whole lot simpler letting him cook dinners, then having him underfoot, whilst I try! lol


Lovely! I'm using the same "pattern" ( :D) for a mega-rainbow afghan over on the any afghan CAL. Color play is what I love best about fibercrafts!

I wanna see pics of the ghan!! Sounds right up my alley.


Beautiful pics!  I have been reading all the posts in between running around and cooking all day and then running around again.  Pics are my favorite part of this thread.  So much talent!  Okay, actually, my favorite part is first the people and then the pics said people post.  Sheesh.  It's time for bed!


Thanks for sharing your kitchen pics, Katie.  It's looking fabulous!  The squares are lovely.  


Have a good night, everyone :)


thanks schweethart.....(My Bogie Impression)

Hi all, just checking in. I've been MIA again, I know. There's been so much going on since I've had Jazzie that it's unreal. I've moved back to my moms until we find an apartment. And then I found out that I have a non-melanoma form of skin cancer. Had that lazered off yesterday. Hopefully it won't come back, but there's a good chance it will. I'll deal with that later if it happens. Other than that, things are pretty good, I'm still crocheting :) working on a purse right now. When it's finished, I'll post a pic of it, it's going to be flowers! :D


I hope all are well, and I've missed you all!

:hug s for everyone!!!


welcome back to the fun that is Squaredom at it's best, we missed ya!

YEAAA!!! Ann made my day!! Looks what I found in my mailbox...aren't they wonderful!!

wowzers! Stunning!


Well, I lasted my entire shift (6 hrs), but it was a mistake.  I wasn't so much in pain afterwards as I was completely exhausted.  I came home and slept most of the day.  Went to my Bible Study potluck and came home after and just went to bed.  


Just can't concentrate.  Tried knitting on an oddball blanket for Ravelry.  It was garter stitch, mind you.  I am off by one stitch.  Don't know where it went.  After recounting the stitches, I just frogged it for another day.  FRUSTRATING!!

Poor baby.....hugs!!

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I got a puffy!  Woo-hoo!  They're from grannyannie.  My, she's been busy!  I'll post pictures either tonight after getting home or tomorrow.  Actually, tomorrow is better so I can take advantage of the sun.


Hugs, everyone!



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there, i think i commented about everything, i didn't know I had missed some posts, usually i click on last post read, guess I missed one, lol


Ok,the topic of my new idea, is as follows.....


What if I opened a thread, dealing with color combos......anyone that wants to join can, and it will be a place to show maybe unusual color combos of grannies, or maybe make it an exchange, where i will call the first color combo, and we all make one, if we want, and then another person on the list, that has made a granny out of my color combo selection, calls the next combo of colors??  Depending on how many come and join, we could then use our list, and randomly set each of you up with partners, like me to Mary, and mary to me, (fictiional name I think) what ya thunk about this idea, don't be afraid to rain on my parade if you don't like it, lol it's ok, Ill think of something else!


Haven't worked out any details yet, just thinking about color combos, gave me kind of a flash of light from that light bulb inside my head, lol Not a steady shine, but a flash,none the less!!! WHEEEEEEE what say you, would it work!!!!!!

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Had fun at brunch today, there were only six of us this month, but I like it when it's smaller, cause then everyone hears what everyone else has to say, lol  Was a great Quiche casserole, fresh strawberries, home made kolaches, and bowls of nuts, and raisins,hot coffee and or tea, and diet coke for me, and one other, ha ha, it was  very tastey, and the company was fantastic!

I will try to get a pic of the two baby afs I made today, as well as a pair of pot holders for my kitchen, needed something for accent, lol  sooo stayed tuned! Eye candy to come!

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Hi Everyone,  thank you for your kind hugs and understanding.  You all have made me feel better.  This is the best group of people, I tell ya!  It's always a pleasure to come here.  I see that my squares are making it to there destinations!!!  I'm so glad that you are all liking them!  It was fun making them.  I went on a real square making spree, lol!  I have a couple more to mail, but I need to get addresses and more importantly hubby needs to bring home another paycheck! LOL!

Honex99 I think it was you that wanted to know about Pogo.  I had a long post all set and it disappeared into cyber space, lol.  Just type pogo dot com without the spaces.  You'll have to register, but can play for free if you want to deal with the ads.  I pay for a membership because the ads mess with my eyes.  I have to be careful around a lot of that flashy stuff that's all over the net too. geez what a pain (literally) that is!




Kuddles, that was so wonderful of AngelRoseLite to gift that to you!  I'm so happy for you!

Pheonsix, we're happy to have you with us, :hug

Katie, I'm not sure I fully understand your new idea.  I need to read it over again with a cup of coffee, lol.


Hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a wonderful day!

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ha, me either ann, I will give it some more thought, and try to explain it better!! I posted the two baby ghans i made for a local charity, that were hankerin for some smaller preemie type blankets, so here they be ! take a look if you like and see the pretty pastels!!!!!!


and here are my potholders I just finished the second one, before I left to go to brunch up the block this am. easypeasy! Needed something for above  the microwave, lol



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Had fun at brunch today, there were only six of us this month, but I like it when it's smaller, cause then everyone hears what everyone else has to say, lol  Was a great Quiche casserole, fresh strawberries, home made kolaches, and bowls of nuts, and raisins,hot coffee and or tea, and diet coke for me, and one other, ha ha, it was  very tastey, and the company was fantastic!

I will try to get a pic of the two baby afs I made today, as well as a pair of pot holders for my kitchen, needed something for accent, lol  sooo stayed tuned! Eye candy to come!

Mmmmmmmm all sounds good!


Hi Everyone,  thank you for your kind hugs and understanding.  You all have made me feel better.  This is the best group of people, I tell ya!  It's always a pleasure to come here.  I see that my squares are making it to there destinations!!!  I'm so glad that you are all liking them!  It was fun making them.  I went on a real square making spree, lol!  I have a couple more to mail, but I need to get addresses and more importantly hubby needs to bring home another paycheck! LOL!

Honex99 I think it was you that wanted to know about Pogo.  I had a long post all set and it disappeared into cyber space, lol.  Just type pogo dot com without the spaces.  You'll have to register, but can play for free if you want to deal with the ads.  I pay for a membership because the ads mess with my eyes.  I have to be careful around a lot of that flashy stuff that's all over the net too. geez what a pain (literally) that is!




Kuddles, that was so wonderful of AngelRoseLite to gift that to you!  I'm so happy for you!

Pheonsix, we're happy to have you with us, :hug

Katie, I'm not sure I fully understand your new idea.  I need to read it over again with a cup of coffee, lol.


Hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a wonderful day!


Here are some more :hug :hug  Just cause!



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Wow lots of squares anxiously awaiting the promised photos. 


Ann more :hug  :hug just because.


Phoensix glad you are a part of our group.


Honex99 :hug  :hug for you too.  You really mustn't overdo things right now and focus on healing.


Kuddles congrats on the owl cozy pattern.  It was awfully cute. That was so nice of AngelRoseLite.  She is a gem. 


Katie I loved your potholders and the baby afghans. 

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and here are my potholders I just finished the second one, before I left to go to brunch up the block this am. easypeasy! Needed something for above the microwave, lol

Blue on coppertone to go with the copper on blue! I love it! :rainbow


I showed my new square to the little guy today and he loved it. His exact response was to carefully lay it out on the floor and say, "Oh, dis is mine! Dis my too-pwise [surprise]." :manyheart Jumping on to my phone after posting this to edit and add the photo I took. Somehow managed to get one where the colors look fairly true, in spite of it being 10pm under artificial light!


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Oh heck, here's this one, too. I've finished another green and now I'm working on a sort of teal transition color (Knitpicks's Brava, called Peacock) that I got very excited about when I saw it online. Once I finish the second round of purples I'm planning to do a rainbow border of sc, one row for each color.




I like the idea of the color combo thread! Maybe pick a combination for each month and then have people post pictures of stuff they've already done or made new for the thread? That way you can jump in if it's a combination that appeals to you or sit out if it doesn't (or if you don't have the yarn for it!)

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sitting around enjoying the quietness of the day....thunderstorms and humidity. I don't know how your ladies on the east coast do it!  :yuck  :yuck   Been working on some squares this morning, watching QVC in the AC. I've got to venture out to the grocery store soon. My favorite new snack is baby portatbella  mushrooms stuffed with fresh salsa and cheese! 



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Kuddles congrats on the owl cozy pattern.  It was awfully cute. That was so nice of AngelRoseLite.  She is a gem. 

I know, she is an absolute DOLL! I'm still in heaven that someone thought of me this way!



Oh heck, here's this one, too. I've finished another green and now I'm working on a sort of teal transition color (Knitpicks's Brava, called Peacock) that I got very excited about when I saw it online. Once I finish the second round of purples I'm planning to do a rainbow border of sc, one row for each color.




I like the idea of the color combo thread! Maybe pick a combination for each month and then have people post pictures of stuff they've already done or made new for the thread? That way you can jump in if it's a combination that appeals to you or sit out if it doesn't (or if you don't have the yarn for it!)



My daughter tries to claim every square I make and every square I receive! I've given her tons of ones I've made and she still wants more! LOL


Off to visit family soon, so I'll just say have a great weekend and I'll check in when I return!



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Honex99.....fresh mushrooms from the store, rip out the stems, pam the bottom of the dish, stuff it with cheese, top of with a dollop of fresh salsa followed my more cheese (I like cheese)...oven for 15- 20 minutes or so on 350 until it looks done. YUMMY!! 


I have to get to work today, vacation time is coming in a few weeks!!!

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As I was falling asleep last night I realized I hadn't been on the computer all day. So I'm trying to catch up. Love all the eye candy, everything is beautiful. This week I've been finishing doors and door frames that were installed when we added on to the house 10 years ago, yeah I'm a little slow, not my idea of fun either. I'm tired today so after doing some odds and ends around here this morning I decided to take it easy for the afternoon and do some crocheting, I'm finishing a shawl and then want to start a baby afghan. Our weather is suppose to be stormy today and tomorrow, it's already raining and I can hear some thunder. My kids and grandkids will be here for dinner, which is always fun. Ok, enough rambling. Have a great day everyone.

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absolutely beautiful square, and ghan! Yeah, I like your idea of one color combo chosen each month, that's a great idea, thanks! Ill give it some thought...

Oh heck, here's this one, too. I've finished another green and now I'm working on a sort of teal transition color (Knitpicks's Brava, called Peacock) that I got very excited about when I saw it online. Once I finish the second round of purples I'm planning to do a rainbow border of sc, one row for each color.




I like the idea of the color combo thread! Maybe pick a combination for each month and then have people post pictures of stuff they've already done or made new for the thread? That way you can jump in if it's a combination that appeals to you or sit out if it doesn't (or if you don't have the yarn for it!)

have fun on your family visit kuddles and kiddles! how bout kiddles starts collecting squares for herself,,,,,,,, and mom can put them together, when she has enough?????


I know, she is an absolute DOLL! I'm still in heaven that someone thought of me this way!





My daughter tries to claim every square I make and every square I receive! I've given her tons of ones I've made and she still wants more! LOL


Off to visit family soon, so I'll just say have a great weekend and I'll check in when I return!




Honex, feeling better yet?? Hope you are, recipie sounds delish!




Beautiful afghan and blocks.



Blue on coppertone to go with the copper on blue! I love it! :rainbow Hey ya, thanks, i like those two colors together too, the only real choice i liked for the kitchen, was blue. lol

I showed my new square to the little guy today and he loved it. His exact response was to carefully lay it out on the floor and say, "Oh, dis is mine! Dis my too-pwise [surprise]." :manyheart Jumping on to my phone after posting this to edit and add the photo I took. Somehow managed to get one where the colors look fairly true, in spite of it being 10pm under artificial light!


its simply stunning!


As I was falling asleep last night I realized I hadn't been on the computer all day. So I'm trying to catch up. Love all the eye candy, everything is beautiful. This week I've been finishing doors and door frames that were installed when we added on to the house 10 years ago, yeah I'm a little slow, not my idea of fun either. I'm tired today so after doing some odds and ends around here this morning I decided to take it easy for the afternoon and do some crocheting, I'm finishing a shawl and then want to start a baby afghan. Our weather is suppose to be stormy today and tomorrow, it's already raining and I can hear some thunder. My kids and grandkids will be here for dinner, which is always fun. Ok, enough rambling. Have a great day everyone.

Ha well at least you are getting to it, someone once made me a round wooden circle, like a coaster, with the words painted on it,

TUIT, so I ca never say when I get a round tuit, cause now I have one.......GRRR, lol

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Honex99 I think it was you that wanted to know about Pogo.  I had a long post all set and it disappeared into cyber space, lol.  Just type pogo dot com without the spaces.  You'll have to register, but can play for free if you want to deal with the ads.  I pay for a membership because the ads mess with my eyes.  I have to be careful around a lot of that flashy stuff that's all over the net too. geez what a pain (literally) that is!


I have a free account there, but not really impressed with the games.  What do you play?  I like match 3 games.

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