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Facebook & CPC


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I've had quite a few people suggest that CPC should be on Facebook.


To me, it was just another thing to set up and keep track off, but since it seems to be an awfully important and popular thing to do...


CPC is now in on Facebook. If I understand the rules right (go easy on me, I'm a newbie to creating pages!) I need at least 25 'friends' or 'likes' or something like that before I can apply for a direct link to CPC's Facebook page to share with you. So, for now, just log into Facebook.com and search for: Crochet Pattern Central


That is, if you're interested. No pressure. :hook


EDITED TO ADD: CPC now has 25 'likes' so I think this new direct link should work! Yay!


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It's always an eye-roll for me when others "insist" that something be put onto FaceBook.


1) Mark Z has plenty of money; he doesn't need more of us "hitting" his site.


2) He has shown time and again that he and his staff *cannot* be trusted with our personal information. They alter privacy settings without notice and make privacy settings difficult to set the way that users truly want them to be set.


3) What's wrong with independent websites???


I am not now nor have I ever been nor do I plan ever to be a member of FaceBook.



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Thanks for the heads up on your Facebook addition! I do enjoy Facebook. It is a great way for me to keep up with family & friends that are spread across the country and sometimes beyond. It is so easy to use that most anyone can enjoy it.


Your site is a great stand-alone site though, one that I use OFTEN! I greatly appreciate all the work you've put into the Pattern Directory! Thank you!


I've "liked" your page and will look forward to any updates. :)

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It's always an eye-roll for me when others "insist" that something be put onto FaceBook.


1) Mark Z has plenty of money; he doesn't need more of us "hitting" his site.


2) He has shown time and again that he and his staff *cannot* be trusted with our personal information. They alter privacy settings without notice and make privacy settings difficult to set the way that users truly want them to be set.


3) What's wrong with independent websites???


I am not now nor have I ever been nor do I plan ever to be a member of FaceBook.




I do understand your points. :hug


Facebook isn't everyone's cup of tea.


But for those who are already use it, they'll be able to "like" CPC as they have requested. :)

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I fb mostly because that is where my kids are :rolleyes and my friends from around the country. I raise and show rabbits and travel to the big convention shows every year. Often I've met people at shows, but never get a chance to know them well. FB allows that. Even if it is to know them better to realize I really don't necessarily want to know them better :rofl

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I went over and liked you and while I was at it I Plugged for you on my wall!!! as well as for Crochetville. I have discoverd thru FB that SEVERAL of my Highschool friends CROCHET!!!! and I never knew this. ONE I just discovered Yesterday she crochets! and she dose awsome work!!! I'm hoping a few of them join us here on the ville!! they are great girls.. I've known them since Kindergarten!

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I found you:cheer & "Liked" you on FB! I've been using FB for my blogs & website for quite a while now and I've found that more people find me that way than via the web a lot of days. I'll put in a plug for you in a bit when I have a little more time!

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I was #3! I used to be a FB hater. Then I joined figuring I could always un-join (which you can). I found an old high school friend who crochets! She mostly does embroidery and quilting though. I also get to talk more often to my brothers and sisters (all 8 of them) who are all over the world (my biggest sis is in Turkey right now). I also found my sister who was put up for adoption too. I don't do too much with FB but for those reasons I'm glad to have it.

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