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Help! I don't want to crochet!

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I think your just in one of those "I'm tired of this project" moods. Do something else for now - unless you are working on a tight deadline.


:lol I find that if I dust or do something constructive (hehe) like that - usually that will MAKE me want to sit down and crochet.

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Boy, do I know how you feel! I posted about the same thing in 'Off Topic' just the other day. It really helps to let it out. The C'villagers help give you a boost and let you know it's 'OK' to have off days. Do as they suggest. It works. :hug

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Big projects are so daunting. Whenever I'm working on something large I like to take a break and finish something little so that I feel like I'm accomplishing something. Whether it's a crochet article or a cross stitch or a general craft with the kiddos. Sometimes a project is so big that it just feels like you're not getting anywhere with it.

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Sounds like burn-out on your current project. I would do as others have suggested and find something small and easy that you can finish so you have a sense of accomplishment and then go back to your afghan. It sounds like an overwhelming project and would be easy to lose your focus on.


Another idea would be to set a daily goal of how many squares you can sit and do and once you are done with that number go to a different project. Even 2 squares a day is a good goal, if you feel like doing more, go for it, but don't overwhelm yourself. Having another project on the side that is totally different usually helps. If I am working on a blankey, I'll have a doily or something else nearby that I can fall back on.


Variety is the spice of life.

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Good advice so far, what I do is I change to do another type of needlework........or just keep looking at what others are doing and get so jealous that you haven't made that yet :devil You'll come around, crocheting and Crochetville are both addictive.....:hook

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I hear ya. I just finnished a project i was guilted into making and I didn't want to crochet. I finally put it aside and mde a doggy poo bag holder and 4 hats. I felt much better afer that and moved back to the project. Now its done and I love to crochet again.

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I would agree with everyone else. I learned the hard way. My first big project was for my daughter and I had to do a bunch of squares for this afghan. I didn't do anything until I finished it. Big mistake, it took me forever, and I still hate looking at that afghan. Now I have a few things going at once, so I can switch back and forth. Keeps you on your toes.



Start something else for a bit, something for you, and I'm sure you'll get back to your squares soon.

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I totally agree! I tend to stick with shorter projects for that very reason! I do have a blanket (double strands, big hook) that is on hold at the moment while I work on craft fair items, but even when I go back to it, Ill have a small project to fall abck on when I get bored with the repetitiveness of it (and I will after a few rows rofl)


It's not that you don't want to crochet at all I bet, it's just that you don't want to crochet *that* so find something else for a break =)

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I agree...you're dealing with project burn out...

I usually pick up a really short project or two...complete them and then try again. If it doesn't work...another short project...or pick up a good book if you like to read. By that point, I'm usually itching to pick up that project again.

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I find myself going through stages where I am totally addicted to crochet and all I can think about is yarn, yarn, yarn! Then there are times when I am not all that interested in actually making things. I think my biggest problem is my yarn stash and UFO's. :devil I feel gulity sometimes thinking about all the projects I have started and not finnished, and don't have any desire to finnish. I also thing about all the yarn I have that I have no idea what to make with it. Its usually then that I don't want to crochet much. After about a week or two, I usually fall back into the crochet addiction again.:c9

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I agree with the others who spoke of working on another, smaller, project for awhile. I keep 3 or 4 totally different types of crochet projects going at the same time. I do this to avoid the inevitable "burn-out" you describe, and also to help my hands rest. I find when I change projects, the "new" pattern stitches give my hands a break and allow me to continue without getting too tired too soon. Plus, doing a smaller quick item, like a hat or neck pouch, gives a feeling of satisfaction faster, which is nice, too.

Lots of great advice here. :-)

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Ok put the hook down and step away.:lol



Now That I have your attention, get a cup of coffee, tea, soda or whatever you drink, sit back, put your feet up and relax.


When this happens, I grab a good book and read for a while. :book Before you know it you are looking at the crochet and saying, maybe just one square. Then after that, you go back to reading and whamo, you are back to the squares.


Smaller projects do help, but walking away sometimes helps more, especially if you have a good book to occupy you.:hook

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Big projects are daunting to me also. That's why I stick with squares (or motif by motif) and make them take-a-long projects. I often can get more done at appointment or games than I can do at home and I never truly get sick of it until I'm actually sewing it together. I've now finished THREE 'appointment' afghans, all of them well-covering a full-sized bed.


Now, of course, what I haven't told you is that I have multiple hobbies and tend to do my quilting at home and crocheting and knitting elsewhere! I gotta work that cross-stitch back in there some time too.:blush



Who is still trying to decide what project to take on vacation next month!

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I get that way too from time to time.Especially if the project is a particulary lengthy one. Everyone is right, stop with the project and find something else to do. You will want to get back to it soon. I hadn't picked up a crochet hook since my miscarriage in October until june, but now I am a crocheting fool lol! Plus now I am really excited about my business venture. Good Luck and I hoped we helped:manyheart

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I go in spurts. Sometimes I'm wanting to crochet all the time (and I do) and other times I just work on my crochet web-site and look at projects. I haven't crocheted all week, but now I have several bag ideas I want to do. Maybe I'll make my first hat.

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Ok, somebody give me two million years, nineteen sets of sturdy, steel AND regular hooks, two tons of paper and one of ink, a recliner, enough dogs in succession to last two million years, eighty truckloads of yarn, sixty-five of thread, 18 of chocolate, and I might be able to crochet every pattern I link to! :lol


No seriously, I'm planning a shrug. And a handbag. And I did a poncho not too long ago.

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Oh, I get in those moods too. Especially after I finish a project...I don't crochet for a few days. Everyone is right, start something else. Try bookmarks if you do thread, or dishcloths. Something easy with instant gratification. If you don't even want to do that, it's ok. Give it a few days, you'll come around.:hook

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I get like this every so often too! I'm working on a sampler afghan, a doll....christmas decorations. For me, I took about a week off, and then my DH gave me $20 (all my money was for bills) to go to Wal-Mart! lol. I kind of bugged him into it. Funny Story. I was bored at home, and he gave me $20 to go get something from the store for dinner. Then I asked if I could go to wal-mart. I was pouting, becuase I was bored. He was playing the PS2. You know those hair stick things, like chop sticks? I was wearing those. (those are great by the way, I love them!) I took them out and started poking him. Yeah. It was entertaining! So, he gave me $20! lol. He asked if i was going to pay him back....i just said that i'd make him something. :-) So, I ended up buying a 16oz ball of red heart, and some small plastic rings, and........some buttons. I got a bright idea, from the post about the yellow yarn whooper, and I made some handcuffs! They're pretty fun! made with black thin yarn, with silver in it. I didn't even spend all the money either. I got home, and said that I still had 5 more wal-mart dollars! :-) :cheer:loco

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Thanks for all the great advice everyone. I think you're right, I'm tired of working on this project. I've been so gung-ho to get it done for my mom for Christmas, since I promised it to her two years ago. Her health isn't great, so I worry that I won't have it done for her.


I've taken a hiatus this week. I've played computer gaimes intead. I tend to crochet better with the TV on, and there are 3 dvd sets I want...maybe I'll splurge and buy one so I get get going again next week!

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that happened to me also..

i worked on this afgan my mom wanted me to make for my little bro ( i already mde one for my other little bro) so she bought me the yarn and we picked the pattern....it is finally finished. took 4 months (sigh) and it is huge. i didn't adjust the pattern for chunky yarn. that afgan is almost 6 ft long and 4 ft wide. i finally just finished it. now i am working on a little baby coat:clap , easy and quick:c9

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