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Do you ever find yourself not really liking a project so you procrastinate and then don't get anything done? That is my problem now. I no longer like to make stuffed animals or anything that requires any small manipulations because of my semi-lame left arm/hand/fingers. I can move them, but I have no feeling in my little finger or half of the finger next to it. So, small projects are no longer fun for me to do. But I have a neighbor's daughter who adopted a gorgeous little boy and grandma wants him to have a sock monkey. My oldest granddaughter also wants one so I have to make two of these. I adore them but am not liking making them. It is taking way longer than it should. A person ought to be able to make these in a couple of days each. But I have been messing around for almost a month now!


Meanwhile, I have a nephew and 2 nieces who just had babies and I have 2 grand-nephews and one grand-niece who are all owed an afghan. So, I need to get these monkeys off my back and get busy on my love -- afghans! I keep starting to get out the afghan yarns .... but then I tell myself, no, first the monkeys, then the afghans. LOL! I am such a hot mess! I need to get on the stick here and make my monkeys. So -- no more CV today -- I am shutting off the computer and promise to finish one monkey today! :)


Thought if I put this out there in writing, then it would have to happen. I don't want to have to hang my head in shame tomorrow and say I didn't get my monkey done. :) Wish me luck and see you tomorrow or when I get one monkey completed!

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Good luck on the sock monkeys!


My mom's been making sock monkeys for awhile now (actual sock ones not crocheted) but she's making them out of a lot of different colors and sizes of socks. I have one I call my baby zebkey. It's a small sock monkey made with zebra striped socks. :) Huge sellers at the store where she sells her purses, bags, etc.

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You might be better off making the larger animals instead the ami ones. Several of the yarn companies have patterns for animals that use ww yarn.

There is one, I am not sure if it is Lion Brand or Lilly, who have an elephant, that you could make to match the color of the afghan.

When this happens to me, I put that project away and work on something else for a while.:hook

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Is one monkey off your back? Maybe it's time to reward yourself, after that monkey, and do one of your 'ghans that you love, and then go back to monkey #2...sometimes projects are more agreeable if you put them away for awhile. I hope your hand starts to heal soon, too! :)

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Have to admit my monkey is not done but I have a good excuse and no shame. My good friend had bad heart problems yesterday and I spent most of the day at the hospital with her children and her. She had to have another angioplasty but ws feeling fine when I left. I was so tired by the time I got home, I didn't crochet a bit. I should have taken some with me but thought I should pay attention to the kids instead. They are grown but I knew they'd be worried about their momma. She has had ongoing heart problems.


So now I will give myself the weekend to finish one monkey. I will get one done and then follow the advice of you ladies and do something fun before I tackle the second one. I can't wait to do the Round Ripple Granny Star in girly colors for my niece and her sister-in-the making. :) I asked her if she would like her own and a different one for the baby. She was very excited to have them MATCH. She is going to be such a great big sister! So, I think I will make one of those afghans and then back to the monkey, and then finish the matching afghan. Some incentive for me.


Tampa -- I guess I should not call them amis as they are actually the full size sock monkeys -- Lion Brand has the free patttern for. Anything that requires some coordination of holding with the left hand is harder for me. I am a wimp to complain! I can do the straight afghans and such with no problem.

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Sometimes, you just need a little push to get it done. I had started an afghan in the summer, then it got to be too hot to work on. I found out I was having surgery in December, so that was the kick I needed to get it done so I could have it to lounge on the couch with. Sometimes, a push can help.



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Oh Debra Kay! I feel bad about your hand. I really hope it feels better soon. I wouldn't be too upset about the sock monkeys. A person can only do so much. Crocheting should be fun for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever do them, but I'm glad to hear you're gonna spread it out and get in some quality time with an afghan. You should feel proud to stick by what you said you'd do. My best friend is having a baby and I doubt I'll make a baby afghan like I wanted. :blush


As an answer to your question.... I have procrastinated on a LOT. Some things I can just get right through, but others I have to fight tooth and nail to get it done on time.


Congrats on the additions to your family! Take care

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Debra Kay, You wrote such a nice helpful response to my crochet funk thread I just have to reply to this and tell you that I have MANY times put certain projects off. I HAVE made that monkey you are talking about and it is just adorable. That being said....working on those little items can make my hands sore also. I think the idea of making a fun and easier item in between helps. My biggest procrastination item is anything that is made in two(mittens, gloves, slippers)........first goes well and I just dread having to make the other. lol........silly but true!

You are not alone. TC

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