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Do you know people who call Crochet Knit

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I know the answer to this because everyone who does not crochet or knit says oh you knit to me. There's a debate on etsy forums someone asked if they should tag their finished items with both knitted and crocheted. The truth for me is I never thought about it but so many people I know have no clue the difference and call all of it knitting. And some people from other countries pointed out that they call all of it knitting. Of course the knitters think you should never tag with both because that would mean crocheted things would be in their category. The more I thought about it the more I think people should use both terms when selling finished items because those who buy knit or crochet don't do either and don't really know the difference in the two they call it all knit.Of course there were those that said I would never break rules :lol But I don't know this is a very grey area another thing I never know is it gray or grey :lol The point of tagging is for the customer to find what they're looking for and many customers chimed in and said they don't know the difference and do call all of it knitting. I'd love to hear what others think about this and what's your experience with what people that don't do either call it.

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Yeah- I know someone- my husband and one of my DIL's!

And of course I gently correct them with just saying "Crochet" and they each get a "Oops" look on their faces.


I am one that believes knit and crochet should be distinguished between each other. They are completely different.:D

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I do too and yes my family all used to say that but no longer do because I made it very clear that I Do Not Knit I Crochet :lol But the point is that so many people don't know the difference so doesn't that leave a lot of crochet items out of most searches when buying if only tagged crocheted.

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I do both crafts. I don't feel offended anymore if someone calls it all knitting. I tried to educate when I was crocheting, but now I really don't care. I love both crafts equally, and it doesn't matter in the whole world if one is called the wrong craft. JMO



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I'm past it with my family they know by now:) With others I don't get upset.But again that's not really what I'm asking. If you sell crocheted items not speaking of patterns here and you know even half the population who will buy the finished items because they don't crochet or knit call crochet knitted then shouldn't use also use knitted to tag and item for search terms like for instance in google search etc..

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I dont know anyone personaly. but when My 2 girl-friends and I are at our coffee n crochet day.. ppl who are not regulars at the resturant will comment to us "OH your Knitting". I just reply with Yup but it's actualy called Crochet.. Knitting is 2 needles and crochet only use's 1. and I can't knit to save my life LOL!!!


It dont bug me as much as it use to. I do wish i could knit. but I just get to fustrated with it. I'll stick to my Looms when I want to "knit"

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it's an interesting question, I've never thought about it before. I think it would make sense to use both crochet and knit as tags if you are selling things. I agree, most people do not know the difference. there are many examples in fashion magazines and sites of crochet being called knit and vice versa, so that adds to the confusion too.

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I just don't see how I never thought about it before and now It's like a light bulb went off in my head :lol It's funny that mostly knitters don't like the idea of people using both as a search term :lol But as a crocheter I think it's obvious that so many people people who would buy knit or crochet have no clue what one or the other look like and call all of it knitted. It's a little like slippers for house shoes and flip flops some people call flip flops slippers and some call slippers house shoes so if your'e selling flip flops or thongs you might want to add slippers to the search terms and maybe some people will be searching for underwear :lol

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YES!! and it drives me nuts... I have a photo album on facebook with the projects I've made (which is a lot!!) and my family members (who I've made something for just about every single one of them) will make comments like "You're such a good knitter!!" I know they mean well, but sometimes I just want to blast them haha IT'S CCCCCCRRRRRRROOOOOCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHEEEEEEEETTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

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Here's my :2c worth. I correct people although I take no offense when they say knitting. I would tag the items what they are. Crochet if you have crocheted it and knit if you have knitted it. I would not tag an item both. When I am doing a internet search for crochet items I don't like it when knitted items are also displayed. That is not what I am looking for. I feel an apple is an apple and an orange is an orange.

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Yes. Quite a few people I know call crochet knitting. I stopped correcting them a while ago.


I think one should be distinguished from another, too. They look SO different to me. They may not look as different to others, though.

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Yes and I very gently correct them that I am crocheting. With all due respect, I take pride in doing what I do and like to make sure it is known.


Never had a problem with anyone having an attitude.


LI Roe

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