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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good morning fellow addicts!


I only worked on the baby RR last night! I'm anxious for it to become a finished project so I can reward myself with finishing up my SBT. Then, it'll be on to another baby blanket WITH SBT!!!!


Have a great Sunday- it's grey and rainy here in NJ- perfect day for some hooky time---after grocery shopping is done, that is......


:cheer:cheer Yippee good for you! Rah rah!


Rained here all yesterday and is grey. Again today! I get a big chunk of time to myself today without DD so I plan on working on a purse (sewing) I was commissioned to make for my mother's cousin. We'll see how that goes!


Good Sunday back at ya and to all!


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Here is SBT#4 . http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0008.jpg[/img]"]IMG_0008.jpg


Inside pic with the purple fabric I plan to line it with.



Outside pic, show the more true color pattern.


Stash buster tote #4 is done in rhss ocean and I am not sure of the purple color, I believe it is rhss, looks like maybe light plum but can't be certain (no label just two lonely balls of stash yarn, lol) The name if this tote fits, because I am definitely dipping into the stash to come up with these totes!!.


putting together color combinations I hadn't even considered before seeing all the lovely totes posted here.




You have a truly amazing pattern it has made me dip into the stash, think a little differently about color choices, and the most AMAZING part, I strongly dislike sewing of any kind, yet I am planning to line several of these totes(starting with this one). Unbelievable.:think:devil

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Thanks! I'm glad it is done! Did NOT start another project last nite, actually watched some TV without doing that! Unheard of!


LOL Well did ya work on the SBT you bad girl?


LOL Good one!



Of course!



So did you figure it out? :lol


nope fell asleep :lol


Outside pic, show the more true color pattern.


Stash buster tote #4 is done in rhss ocean and I am not sure of the purple color, I believe it is rhss, looks like maybe light plum but can't be certain (no label just two lonely balls of stash yarn, lol) The name if this tote fits, because I am definitely dipping into the stash to come up with these totes!!.


putting together color combinations I hadn't even considered before seeing all the lovely totes posted here.

Very pretty! I had about 30 skeins of the RHSS Ocean and I bartered most of it..now I think I wish I had kept some more!! It looks so neat in different background colors.

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I finished my first STB tote last night and I love it. I used RHSS Aruba and RHSS Oceans. I am planning on going to Joann's and finding some fabric to line this bag. The pattern was very easy to follow and worked up quickly. I am already thinking of other color combinations to make. Maybe a red, white and blue for the summer holidays? Endless combinations. Thanks Sue for such a fantastic pattern.


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Of course!




nope fell asleep :lol



Very pretty! I had about 30 skeins of the RHSS Ocean and I bartered most of it..now I think I wish I had kept some more!! It looks so neat in different background colors.


it does look neat. I wouldn't have thought to put it with a dark blue until seeing it here with this tote pattern. I only had a couple skeins of it in my stash, I thought it was a color I would only want in small quantities. I still want to work it up with a white or off white as the contrast color as well as maybe a navy or black, have to get more ocean only a very small ball left.....stashbuster is definitely the right name for this pattern!

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Just an fyi, over on the giveaway thread, I'm giving away my felted bag PLUS the free pattern for it! So if you want to be entered, make sure you go over there!


For today, I, kuddles, certify that I will NOT crochet except for what I must do.



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Stash buster tote #4 is done in rhss ocean and I am not sure of the purple color, I believe it is rhss, looks like maybe light plum but can't be certain (no label just two lonely balls of stash yarn, lol) The name if this tote fits, because I am definitely dipping into the stash to come up with these totes!!.



This is beautiful. I haven't had a chance to finish the one I'm working on. I'm not liking the color choice I put together. Well, dd went and picked the yarn for it. It is for my high school friend's mom. I haven't seen her in years but we got back in touch through fb. Her mom was always a sweetheart to me and still is via fb.


Had a full day of renaissance faire in OK yesterday. Drove 345 miles there and back. :eek I am so tired today. Hopefully can finish her tote up sometime today, just need more energy.


Whoever had the idea of a SBT with a baby blanket... that is great! They could use it as a non traditional diaper bag when they are making short trips. :)

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thank you, I bought that yarn at least a year ago thinking to use it in a round ripple (my other pattern addiction, not sure but I think I am up to 28 give or take a few) but it just didn't work with the color scheme so it got pushed aside in the stash bin. love the way it turned out. The name for this tote is a good description, because I just keep digging through my stash to come up with different color combinations, lol


Yes, I have some watercolors set aside for a RR myself! :) Great minds, eh? LOL I've never made a RR before, so eventually when I get ready to actually do it, I've already got the yarn... :lol

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Yes, I have some watercolors set aside for a RR myself! :) Great minds, eh? LOL I've never made a RR before, so eventually when I get ready to actually do it, I've already got the yarn... :lol



Round ripples are my favorite afghan pattern to use. I actually did a count (thank goodness for pictures, and photobucket!!) I am up to 36 round ripple...out of those 8(4 are planned gifts, just haven't made it to the destinations yet) are here, the rest have been given as gifts or donations to project linus. It is also a highly addictive pattern.:lol


isn't it lovely to have a stash....:devil

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Round ripples are my favorite afghan pattern to use. I actually did a count (thank goodness for pictures, and photobucket!!) I am up to 36 round ripple...out of those 8(4 are planned gifts, just haven't made it to the destinations yet) are here, the rest have been given as gifts or donations to project linus. It is also a highly addictive pattern.:lol


isn't it lovely to have a stash....:devil


:yes yes, yes it is... :yes:lol

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This is beautiful. I haven't had a chance to finish the one I'm working on. I'm not liking the color choice I put together. Well, dd went and picked the yarn for it. It is for my high school friend's mom. I haven't seen her in years but we got back in touch through fb. Her mom was always a sweetheart to me and still is via fb.


Had a full day of renaissance faire in OK yesterday. Drove 345 miles there and back. :eek I am so tired today. Hopefully can finish her tote up sometime today, just need more energy.


Whoever had the idea of a SBT with a baby blanket... that is great! They could use it as a non traditional diaper bag when they are making short trips. :)


thank you. I find it difficult to work on a project if I don't like the yarn colors together or if I feel pressured by a deadline. That's why I love making something as a gift that is a complete surprise. no pressure, no deadline

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Here is SBT#4 . [/url]IMG_0008.jpg


Inside pic with the purple fabric I plan to line it with.



Outside pic, show the more true color pattern.


Stash buster tote #4 is done in rhss ocean and I am not sure of the purple color, I believe it is rhss, looks like maybe light plum but can't be certain (no label just two lonely balls of stash yarn, lol) The name if this tote fits, because I am definitely dipping into the stash to come up with these totes!!.


putting together color combinations I hadn't even considered before seeing all the lovely totes posted here.




You have a truly amazing pattern it has made me dip into the stash, think a little differently about color choices, and the most AMAZING part, I strongly dislike sewing of any kind, yet I am planning to line several of these totes(starting with this one). Unbelievable.:think:devil

Love, love, love it!!!

Don't you just love it! You're hooked now! :lol

I saw it and love that bag! Wish I wasn't allergic to wool or I'd be signed up for sure! You are such a sweetheart to be giving away the bag and pattern!

Look out, RR's are addictive too! :lol

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:clap yes, you should reward yourself. Baby sweater, SBT, Baby project, SBT.



:yesYup, a few rows of SBT always gets the yarnie juices flowing. The only problem? You'll be thinking of what colors to make your next STB, not how to edge the blankie. :eek


No crochet time last night. I was called over to my son's house (2 blocks away) to see his new toilet. HUH??? Little did I know he and his girlfriend went to IKEA and bought stuff to remodel his spare bathroom. AND they also bought furniture for her daughter and son. I knew they were planning on having her and the kids move into his house in July. Nope, not July...next weekend!! They were trying to get everything ready to suprise the kids when they come back from their dad's this weekend.

I'll try and get a pic of SBT #4 today after church. It's made with Vanna's Choice in Colonial Blue and Denim Mist. (now my youngest son wants an afghan in these colors.)

Just add another WIP to your list:lol I made one (SBT#2) in Denim Mist and Colonial blue too! Love that combination!!!


Here is SBT#4 . [/url]IMG_0008.jpg


Inside pic with the purple fabric I plan to line it with.



Outside pic, show the more true color pattern.


Stash buster tote #4 is done in rhss ocean and I am not sure of the purple color, I believe it is rhss, looks like maybe light plum but can't be certain (no label just two lonely balls of stash yarn, lol) The name if this tote fits, because I am definitely dipping into the stash to come up with these totes!!.


putting together color combinations I hadn't even considered before seeing all the lovely totes posted here.




You have a truly amazing pattern it has made me dip into the stash, think a little differently about color choices, and the most AMAZING part, I strongly dislike sewing of any kind, yet I am planning to line several of these totes(starting with this one). Unbelievable.:think:devil

Beautiful!!! Seems like everyone is doing one with Ocean in it. Now I have to see if I have any of that left in my stash!:hook I don't like sewing either and just the other day I said to DH, that I'd like a sewing machine for my birthday or Christmas this year- he asked why? so you can line all those totes you are making? ;)


Can you share a picture? i love Aruba and Ocean- it must look very pretty!!!


Very generous!!! And how is the NOT crocheting except for what you MUST do coming along? I've been good so far- only been working on the RR- but took a long break to go to Trader Joe's with DH and then we went out to lunch!



Shell had the idea of a SBT with baby blanket which I agree is a super fantastic idea!!! That's a lot of driving in one day plus the faire!! I have a hard time with colors I don't care for- but since DD picked them out- she'll be thrilled when you get it done....that is if you can stay awake!!!

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Very generous!!! And how is the NOT crocheting except for what you MUST do coming along? I've been good so far- only been working on the RR- but took a long break to go to Trader Joe's with DH and then we went out to lunch!


Success! Because I started tidying and cleaning! Why oh why???? Why can't I just relax and enjoy myself when I'm finally alone for a short while? Cause I looked at the rug, and I was off and running!


So successful, but not having 'fun'. Drat!


TJs....yum! Lunch out....double yum!



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I finished my first STB tote last night and I love it. I used RHSS Aruba and RHSS Oceans. I am planning on going to Joann's and finding some fabric to line this bag. The pattern was very easy to follow and worked up quickly. I am already thinking of other color combinations to make. Maybe a red, white and blue for the summer holidays? Endless combinations. Thanks Sue for such a fantastic pattern.



Yeah she's toast..welcome to the club :lol


it does look neat. I wouldn't have thought to put it with a dark blue until seeing it here with this tote pattern. I only had a couple skeins of it in my stash, I thought it was a color I would only want in small quantities. I still want to work it up with a white or off white as the contrast color as well as maybe a navy or black, have to get more ocean only a very small ball left.....stashbuster is definitely the right name for this pattern!


I've thought of black or even the darker purple from caron


For today, I, kuddles, certify that I will NOT crochet except for what I must do.




:rofl ummmm ummmmmm:lol


Sounds like you were successful! at least so far...

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Sounds like you were successful! at least so far...


It's all over! Put a fork in me! I picked out yarn for THREE projects and put the yarn and patterns in my project bag by the couch. By the time you read this, I'll most likely be crocheting!!!



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Sounds like you were successful! at least so far...


It's all over! Put a fork in me! I picked out yarn for THREE projects and put the yarn and patterns in my project bag by the couch. By the time you read this, I'll most likely be crocheting!!!




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Just printed the pattern, picked out two colors from the stash, rolling the skeins into balls, then.... then... starting my FIRST SBT!


(amazing what working only 8 hrs can do for you. was just talking with the hubby, told him it feels strange to be home at this time of evening already lol)

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Just printed the pattern, picked out two colors from the stash, rolling the skeins into balls, then.... then... starting my FIRST SBT!


(amazing what working only 8 hrs can do for you. was just talking with the hubby, told him it feels strange to be home at this time of evening already lol)

Have fun making your tote! Can't wait to see a pic! :cheer

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Just as I'm sure he heard me and DH yelling from here!!!:lol:lol:lol they are getting a little painful to watch, so switched out my avatar for my new love- Stash Buster Totes!!!!:hook


:lol You Yankee fans are :loco:lol


Awww! I love the new avatar!! :hug


Here is SBT#4 . [/url]IMG_0008.jpg


Inside pic with the purple fabric I plan to line it with.



Outside pic, show the more true color pattern.


Stash buster tote #4 is done in rhss ocean and I am not sure of the purple color, I believe it is rhss, looks like maybe light plum but can't be certain (no label just two lonely balls of stash yarn, lol) The name if this tote fits, because I am definitely dipping into the stash to come up with these totes!!.


putting together color combinations I hadn't even considered before seeing all the lovely totes posted here.




You have a truly amazing pattern it has made me dip into the stash, think a little differently about color choices, and the most AMAZING part, I strongly dislike sewing of any kind, yet I am planning to line several of these totes(starting with this one). Unbelievable.:think:devil


Love the tote! And you're too sweet!!! :hug



YEA!!! I can't wait to see it. UR Welcome! :hug



I see the "no" crochet rule has been broken. :lol



YEA! Can't wait to see it! :)



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Just printed the pattern, picked out two colors from the stash, rolling the skeins into balls, then.... then... starting my FIRST SBT!


(amazing what working only 8 hrs can do for you. was just talking with the hubby, told him it feels strange to be home at this time of evening already lol)

So glad you "only" had to work 8 hrs!:clap Have fun with the SBT!!! What colors did you pick from your stash?


I've only got 1 row (maybe2) on the baby RR, then weave in the ends and then finally, I will allow myself to go back to the SBT!!!!:yay

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