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Working a full day gives you rashes?? I don't understand. :rofl


Apparently seeing you gives me a rash too...:rofl


I think it's from the gauntlet. Other people use it wearing perfume, etc and then when I put it on...fun times. :(



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MIL was in the hosp for a short time this morning. She has had diarrhea for almost 3 weeks off an on. The )#*$& dr office didn't give us the result of the urine culture last week, nor of the x-ray they took. Found she was on the wrong med. She is now in contact with her regular dr. PTL the stool sample (I know TMI) I took the back to the hosp was enough for them to run some tests on it. whew...


Almost done with my pineapple afghan. Just have to find where I put the book so I can get the other end directions. Planning a new afghan, probably a log cabin one. I've been looking forward to making this one.

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MIL was in the hosp for a short time this morning. She has had diarrhea for almost 3 weeks off an on. The )#*$& dr office didn't give us the result of the urine culture last week, nor of the x-ray they took. Found she was on the wrong med. She is now in contact with her regular dr. PTL the stool sample (I know TMI) I took the back to the hosp was enough for them to run some tests on it. whew...


Almost done with my pineapple afghan. Just have to find where I put the book so I can get the other end directions. Planning a new afghan, probably a log cabin one. I've been looking forward to making this one.

Praying that everything goes well now that MIL is on the right meds! Looking forward to seeing your afghan! I can't seem to make a pineapple no matter how hard I try! :(


Anne - yippee for the twins arrival! Saying prayers all goes well!


Mary - hugs to you!


Have a good nite all!


Mama K

Thanks for the prayers for the twins! :hug

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Quick pop in!

Never made it to Craft club since when I got home the landscaper guy was here and I wanted to make sure all we asked him to do was done. So, the weeds are all gone, the bushes trimmed, one half dead one removed, mulch down, lawn thatched and new seed planted. Supposed to get rain today, which would be great!


Yesterday they started the moves in my dept. Moving cubicles so that each 'team' is together again. Today is my turn- not fun! :(


Ann- That's great that the twins are going good- they are a good size for coming early. My DD's sis-in-law goes to the doc today. She is 24 wks and still holding on. Prayers she holds them till at least 30 wks!!!


Here's hoping you ALL have a good day!


BTW- Sue- LOVE your craft room!!:manyheart


Kuddles- How was your 'easy' day at work?


Mary- Glad that they got MIL on some meds and prayers they do the trick!

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Morning All! I'm looking to make it a great day! We're going to JoAnn's today! :hook:cheer I had just rec'd a 50% off one item coupon in my email so that's packed and ready to go! Sure wish I had more of those! :lol Now I just have to stay awake too since I've been awake most of the night. Only got some sleep between 4:30am and 5:30am! :morcoffee I'm sure the "smell" of the new yarn will wake me up! :lol Have a fab day everyone! :hug

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Good morning!


Ah Joanne, yes moving. My boss and I will be moving in July from one side of the building to the other. We have tons of cabinets with state files in them.....not gonna be pretty! So I understand your pain. Let us know how it goes!


Sue, when Joanne mentioned it, I went to find your craft room pictures. Outstanding!


Ann, have fun with that coupon! I got one too!


To everyone else, hi!!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

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Morning all! Just a quick pop in to say hi and wish everyone a great day! I am off to a late start and should be working already. But since I'm in an office by myself, no one can see what I am working on.

Ann - can't wait to hear what you get at JoAnn's. Enjoy the shopping day!!

Sue - where can I find these pics that everyone is talking about?

Toodles for now!!

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Oooohhhh, that's not good! :(:hug


No. Stinks when you are allergic to stuff people use so much. :(


Prayers for the twins too! :hug


MIL was in the hosp for a short time this morning. She has had diarrhea for almost 3 weeks off an on. The )#*$& dr office didn't give us the result of the urine culture last week, nor of the x-ray they took. Found she was on the wrong med. She is now in contact with her regular dr. PTL the stool sample (I know TMI) I took the back to the hosp was enough for them to run some tests on it. whew...


Almost done with my pineapple afghan. Just have to find where I put the book so I can get the other end directions. Planning a new afghan, probably a log cabin one. I've been looking forward to making this one.


I hope you MIL is feeling better. :hug


The afghan is GORGEOUS!!


Yesterday they started the moves in my dept. Moving cubicles so that each 'team' is together again. Today is my turn- not fun! :(


BTW- Sue- LOVE your craft room!!:manyheart


I hope the move goes smoothly. And thanks! I love it too! :)


Sue, when Joanne mentioned it, I went to find your craft room pictures. Outstanding!


Thanks Mama! One day you'll see it in person. :hug


Sue - where can I find these pics that everyone is talking about?


Off topic. Or just come over and see it yourself! :)



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small vent...


Took mom last Monday to the dr office for the 2nd time,. She felt constipated, but had diarrhea. In my last post I mentioned the office didn't give us the results from the lab and x-ray? Well her regular doc is now on the case and he called his clinic as he was on call all weekend and not in the clinic..guess what the x-ray showed?? She WAS constipated and the x-ray showed she was. This poor lady has been in misery for a week and it could have been prevented or at least fixed, but for the dr office screwing up. I know they are practicing medicine..but come on...


ok vent done.

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small vent...


Took mom last Monday to the dr office for the 2nd time,. She felt constipated, but had diarrhea. In my last post I mentioned the office didn't give us the results from the lab and x-ray? Well her regular doc is now on the case and he called his clinic as he was on call all weekend and not in the clinic..guess what the x-ray showed?? She WAS constipated and the x-ray showed she was. This poor lady has been in misery for a week and it could have been prevented or at least fixed, but for the dr office screwing up. I know they are practicing medicine..but come on...


ok vent done.

Feel free to vent anytime, Mary. Your friends are here for you.

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I'm sorry Mary, but I understand your need to vent. I was in the ER years ago with abdominal pain. They did all sorts of tests including a CT scan. They said they didn't find anything and thought it was a reaction to the antibiotics I was on. I got a call from my dr. a couple weeks later asking what the GYN said. Said? Said about what? She said the CT showed I had a golf ball size fibroid on my ovary. It required surgery. Idiots. :hug



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I'm back!!!!!!!! I had a wonderful time shopping today! :cheer I ended up with 14 skeins of yarn (various types), 4 purse handles, some beads, 2 Clover Soft Touch hooks (H & I), some magnetic purse closures, and 3 books! The best part is that most everything was either on sale or on clearance! :woo


Joanne, hope the move went well today! :hug


Mama K, Ugh, that's right, you'll be moving your office later this year too! Good luck! Hope your day went well!



Sue, I looked for turtle fleece for you, but they didn't have any. Frogs, yes, turtles no! :(


Mary, feel free to vent away! I've had my share of dr's making mistakes. :hug

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What a great shopping trip you had today Ann!! :clap Worth the trip (and lack of sleep last night) for sure!!!!


Mary- No apologies for venting.:hug


Kuddles- The move went ok. I moved from one cubicle to another- and packed up some stuff in a box that didn't get unpacked!! I'm going to bring it home. I only put out my plants, pics of my DD's, my GS, DD and SILs dog and my sign that says "I'm Having a Good Day- Don't screw it up" Oh, and my other sign that says "Just another Day in Paradise". ;)


Jana- I would love to have my own office. I'm in cubicle land!:lol

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Morning glories! Happy Hump Day!!!


Ann- Have fun playing with your new yarn. Can't wait to see what it decides to become!!! Hope you get a nice long nap in today, too!!!


Busy, busy, day on tap- (I know, what else is new?):lol


Praying for all the people affected by the latest earthquake and possible Tsunami in Indonesia!!!!


Make it a good day and :hug to all!

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Good morning! Like Joanne, prayers goes out to those in need!


My boss is back today.......but I like him, so it is okay! I am super busy today too Joanne!


Ann honey, hope you get a nap AND that yarn becomes something wonderful!


Just saw posted on facebook that Lion has a new yarn: kitchen cotton. The colors are wonderful! Has anyone seen this in stores yet? Mama gots ta have some!


Have a great day all!

Mama K

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Ann ~ You will have some much fun playing and rolling in your new yarn. The yarn I bought this weeked is still sitting in the JoAnn's bag, patiently waiting on me. :lol


And Mama K - I saw the same thing on FB. I'm sure Sue will find it first since she seems to shop for yarn daily.


Today is just another day at the war zone, then school tonight. Doubt if there will be time to play with yarn. But there is always hope :)


Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!!

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Morning glories! Happy Hump Day!!!


Ann- Have fun playing with your new yarn. Can't wait to see what it decides to become!!! Hope you get a nice long nap in today, too!!!


Busy, busy, day on tap- (I know, what else is new?):lol


Praying for all the people affected by the latest earthquake and possible Tsunami in Indonesia!!!!


Make it a good day and :hug to all!

Oh no, not another earthquake? Guess I should look at the news once in a while instead of waiting for DH to fill me in! He's out getting new tires put on the van and getting an inspection sticker. BLEH!

Will pray for everyone affected. I've got most of my new yarn put away, but just couldn't bring myself to put all of it away yet! :lol I got some RH Love and it's just so soft! I LOVE it! :D


Good morning! Like Joanne, prayers goes out to those in need!


My boss is back today.......but I like him, so it is okay! I am super busy today too Joanne!


Ann honey, hope you get a nap AND that yarn becomes something wonderful!


Just saw posted on facebook that Lion has a new yarn: kitchen cotton. The colors are wonderful! Has anyone seen this in stores yet? Mama gots ta have some!


Have a great day all!

Mama K

Hmm, I was on FB earlier but didn't see that from Lion. :think I miss everything! :lol Will have to check it out because I didn't see it at JoAnn's yesterday. :no


Ann ~ You will have some much fun playing and rolling in your new yarn. The yarn I bought this weeked is still sitting in the JoAnn's bag, patiently waiting on me. :lol


And Mama K - I saw the same thing on FB. I'm sure Sue will find it first since she seems to shop for yarn daily.


Today is just another day at the war zone, then school tonight. Doubt if there will be time to play with yarn. But there is always hope :)


Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!!

Hope you get to have some fun playing with your new yarn! Yes, I have been having fun just rolling in mine! :lol No definite patterns with any of it yet.

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Jana Said:

And Mama K - I saw the same thing on FB. I'm sure Sue will find it first since she seems to shop for yarn daily.



If she does, she better send her Mama one of each color!


Mama KI

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Hmm, I was on FB earlier but didn't see that from Lion. :think I miss everything! :lol Will have to check it out because I didn't see it at JoAnn's yesterday. :no




I think it is so new, it isn't even out in any stores yet! I'll be stalking!


Mama K

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Just saw posted on facebook that Lion has a new yarn: kitchen cotton. The colors are wonderful! Has anyone seen this in stores yet? Mama gots ta have some!


I saw it at Joann's on Sat (Jana was there, but I think the Mosaic distracted her! :lol ). The only one's they sold were in cones and selling for $20!!


And Mama K - I saw the same thing on FB. I'm sure Sue will find it first since she seems to shop for yarn daily.


Just because I live closer to the stores than you. :lol



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