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Good morning! Happy Hump Day!


Thanks Sue!!!:) Prayers and positive thoughts continue!


I worked on my afghan a little bit and then called it a night. My brain is on overload at work- so thank goodness for this 'brain-dead' afghan!


A friend at work who I had given a SBT to for Christmas said her DD has taken hers (she is 9) She asked me if I'd mind making one for her DD so she could have hers back! I guess that means she really likes it:hook. Thank goodness the SBT is such a great, easy pattern. Will have to whip one up this weekend!


Hope you all have a good day, whatever is on your agenda!

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Thanks to everyone for the prayers for Keri and the family. She is a fighter and she has so many people on her side. This is how I feel:

Some people hunt their entire lives to find their true love.Keri and my son have found each other. As much as I want to, I cannot doubt what God is doing and I cannot be angry at Him. But I can be thankful that He put Keri, Jake and Jillian (her children) into my son’s life and that Justin has been able to have that true love feeling in his heart

Sending hugs :hug and prayers out to Jana and Keri... I just read the update on Caring Bridge and they have not received the best of news; the fight continues... :ghug


Hugs, positive thoughts and prayers-so sorry to read this news!



Please let Jana know that I'm thinking about her and praying for Keri if you hear from her:hug


Good morning!


Sending up my own prayers for Jana......


Another Wednesday, just work and hockey game tonite.....


Love to all!

Mama K

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Morning! (or is it afternoon now, lol) thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate them. :hug


Jana, prayers and positive thoughts continue :hug


Joanne, that's cute that your friend's dd took her SBT! They are wonderful and it's nice of you to make her another one!


Have a good day everyone! :hug

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Jana, prayers for you and Keri and your son.


Joanne - glad you get to make another SBT!!


Ann - hope things are going well for you today.


Mama K - hope you had a good Wednesday.


Today was busy again as I try to catch up from being off on Monday. Thankfully it's not payday week!


Here's the latest RR that I finished last night. It's a baby afghan for DD's friend. It's double stranded, ILTY, in medium brown and camo. Have already started on the other one which will be green and camo. Hopefully I can get back to work on my shawler--maybe by this weekend I can work on it some.


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Jana, prayers for you and Keri and your son.


Joanne - glad you get to make another SBT!!


Ann - hope things are going well for you today.


Mama K - hope you had a good Wednesday.


Today was busy again as I try to catch up from being off on Monday. Thankfully it's not payday week!


Here's the latest RR that I finished last night. It's a baby afghan for DD's friend. It's double stranded, ILTY, in medium brown and camo. Have already started on the other one which will be green and camo. Hopefully I can get back to work on my shawler--maybe by this weekend I can work on it some.




Beautiful!! How big is it? It looks pretty big to me... :hug

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Hi everyone ,im always last to post I think. I have my sewing class tomorrow so I wont be home.

I hope everyone stays safe where all of the tornados are I hate them!

Here in northern utah they are getting snow , and some of the roads are closed, we are south so we dont get as cold as in the north.

Everyone have a good night

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Good morning!

I read about all the tornadoes-scary stuff- Prayers for all the families affected!


Sherry- That's a nice RR!!


Jana- Glad you popped in. Hugs for you and prayers for all!


March is here- and I'm hoping with the crazy weather it is coming 'in like a lion' and 'out like a lamb'-


Make it a good day.

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Sherry, love the RR! I've only done one.....it ended up a lap ghan since I am better at quicker projects. However, double strand? Me thinks that would work for me since it would work up quicker and use up some of this yarn that keeps multiplying instead of going away!


I also send up prayers for those affected by the tornados! So scarey! Here in Chicago, we've sure had bumpy weather! Yesterday started out going up to 60, then dropped 20 degrees for the end of the day. Tomorrow, again but this time IN the 60s but by late afternoon....SNOW! What the what is going on???


Everyone, please stay safe!


Ann, hoping you are feeling better....and you too Sue! Jana hugs to you.


Joanne, hope you have a good day and it goes by quickly!


Everyone else, Mama K sends her love to you as well!

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I'm getting an early start on Christmas presents with Sue's cotton market bag patterns. Sorry the pictures aren't too great--needed more light and less flash.


Hugs and prayers to everyone that needs them!





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Mona - beautiful bags!! I just love the new patterns.


Sue - get to feeling better.


Joanne - Glad you got to leave on time!!


The RR is on a double-sized bed. It's pretty good size but I like making them a bigger so they can use them longer. Thanks for all the nice comments.


Mama K - the double strand RR works up really quick. Wish I'd made mine a double strand--it would have been finished a LONG, LONG time ago!! :lol


We had 80 degree weather today, really weird weather for this winter. The Bradford Pear trees are all bloomed out! :eek


:hug:hug:hug to all who need them!

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Good morning and TGIF!!! You have no idea how happy I am that the weekend is almost here!!!!


Hoping to work on the SBT this weekend and also go check out a LYS that opened up about 20 miles away-they are having a grand opening this weekend!

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Good morning!! I'm sooooo glad it's Friday!!


Joanne - hope you get to go to the new LYS! Hope your day goes well.


It's gonna be a lot colder today, no 80 degrees, more like 55. My day will be busy again, still trying to get the filing done--it's taking over my office!! I have to get it done and moved out of my office!!


Have a great day all!

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Good morning and TGIF! I agree Joanne, so happy the weekend is almost here! LONG week!


Mona, great bags!


Sue honey, hugs to ya and hope your pain subsides!


Hey Mary, Sherry, Evelyn......have a great day!


As always in Chicago, if you wait a second, the weather will change! Today starts chilly, late morning rain, late afternoon will mix with snow to turn to all snow with a titch accumulating. What the what??


Found out that my boss and I will be moving into different offices mid summer, same floor, across the building. They are renovating and will be changing us over.....while doing construction! How are we supposed to work? Uh, guess we'll find out this summer! Not sure which offices we will 'get', but I will probably be in the one they call 'the coldest room in the building'! Ain't that grand! LOL


Well today is spring picture day.....Baby K has a new dress so need to get moving to make her gorgeous...oh wait, no need to try, she already is!


Have a great day all and SMILE!


Mama K

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I'm getting an early start on Christmas presents with Sue's cotton market bag patterns. Sorry the pictures aren't too great--needed more light and less flash.


Hugs and prayers to everyone that needs them!


Mona - Those bags look great!! Did you say something about getting an early start on Christmas gifts? Kudos to you for doing that!!


Just another day in paradise here. Thankful it is Friday. This is one pooped (emotionally and physically) crocheter. The bad part is that I haven't picked up my hoook in over a week. Ho Hum...

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Hi Everyone! Guess what we got yesterday? 8 inches of lovely snow! :eek In like a lion out like a lamb? I sure hope so! :lol I'm soooo ready for spring flowers! :flowerCrazy, crazy weather. I missed you all yesterday, but I just didn't have the energy to get on the computer. I did work on the afghan a bit. It's coming along slow but sure. Hugs to all that need them. :hug

Sherry, the RR is beautiful!!! :clap

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the tornados. How scary!

Mona, the bags look great!!! Good for you for getting a head start on Christmas!:cheer

Sue, hope you’re feeling better. :hug

Joanne, a new LYS!!! WOOT! Have fun!

Mama K, sounds like you’re in for a “fun” summer a work, lol! Best get to work on a sweater now in case you need one in that office! Picture day for Baby K today! I’m sure she looked beautiful!!! Oh, your latest tote is fabulous!!!

Have a great day all! :hug

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