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crochet tote addicts CAL


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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.



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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.


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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.


Oh honey........:hug:hug

Mama K

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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.


So sorry about your niece. Your family will continue to be in our prayers.

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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.


:hug :hug :hug


I'm so sorry for you and your family Sherry! :(



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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.

I'm so sorry :hug

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Good morning! joanne, where are you? I'm never first to post!


Today starts rain, then snow and overnite we are to get up to 6 inches of wet, heavy snow! What happened! I thought we weren't getting any winter around here!


Just another day at work for me....have a good one all!


Mama K

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Hi all, thank you for your prayers. The viewing will be Saturday and Sunday, funeral on Monday. I will really miss her. My youngest DD is really taking it hard as she's been helping take care of their son. Not sure if she will continue to stay there to help out or not. If she does, she's gonna have to find a job much closer (she's driving an hour one way to work now) and gas is getting really expensive.


Mama K - stay safe in the cold and snow. We had wonderful weather yesterday, 77--today not so nice.


All have another good day!

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Hi all, thank you for your prayers. The viewing will be Saturday and Sunday, funeral on Monday. I will really miss her. My youngest DD is really taking it hard as she's been helping take care of their son. Not sure if she will continue to stay there to help out or not. If she does, she's gonna have to find a job much closer (she's driving an hour one way to work now) and gas is getting really expensive.


Mama K - stay safe in the cold and snow. We had wonderful weather yesterday, 77--today not so nice.


All have another good day!


Thanks hon....and continued :hug and :manyheart for you and your family!

Mama K

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Hi All! Been a slug today! I finished the baby dresses last night but haven't taken pics yet. I'll try to do that tomorrow. I still want to make some little booties to match too. This Mystery CAL is getting in my way too. :lol Although I'm not sure I'm going to stay with it. I'm getting frustrated with the gauge being so far off.



Good morning! joanne, where are you? I'm never first to post!


Today starts rain, then snow and overnite we are to get up to 6 inches of wet, heavy snow! What happened! I thought we weren't getting any winter around here!


Just another day at work for me....have a good one all!


Mama K

Stay safe! We're expecting some winter weather tomorrow morning, bleh!

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Hi all, thank you for your prayers. The viewing will be Saturday and Sunday, funeral on Monday. I will really miss her. My youngest DD is really taking it hard as she's been helping take care of their son. Not sure if she will continue to stay there to help out or not. If she does, she's gonna have to find a job much closer (she's driving an hour one way to work now) and gas is getting really expensive.


Mama K - stay safe in the cold and snow. We had wonderful weather yesterday, 77--today not so nice.


All have another good day!

Cont'd :hug and prayers for your family.

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Good morning! joanne, where are you? I'm never first to post!


Today starts rain, then snow and overnite we are to get up to 6 inches of wet, heavy snow! What happened! I thought we weren't getting any winter around here!


Just another day at work for me....have a good one all!


Mama K

Hi Mama!!!! I can't believe I forgot to wish everyone a good morning! It's been hectic at work and we had the company that we are using to convert to our new system on site the last few days and since I'm the proj mgr it's been very busy! Been working till 6 or longer most days:(...


Hope you had a good day---and we had 60 degree sunny weather today- amazing for Feb in NJ!!!

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Hi All! Been a slug today! I finished the baby dresses last night but haven't taken pics yet. I'll try to do that tomorrow. I still want to make some little booties to match too. This Mystery CAL is getting in my way too. :lol Although I'm not sure I'm going to stay with it. I'm getting frustrated with the gauge being so far off.




Stay safe! We're expecting some winter weather tomorrow morning, bleh!

I'm thinking the same thing about the Mystery CAL myself- I have enough stress at work and crochet is my stress-reliever NOT my stress-creator:lol

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sherry my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

I leave for home tomorrow. We are expecting 6 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow so driving from the airport should be fun. I really don't want to leave here I am seriously thinking of leaving MI for good in a few years and possibly moving to FL. I am leaving here burnt head to toe, literally the sun moved and I didn't lol. Sunscreen didn't even help.

hope everyone has a good night and good morning.

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Tonya have a safe trip home. Take care of that sunburn! Thanks for your prayers.


Joanne - the little one seems to be doing ok. Of course, he's stuck like glue to dad-which is to be expected. Our oldest GS will be going to the funeral to be with him. And we plan to have him over as much as we can to help and he can play with the boys.


Ann - I'm thinking I'd take my time on the mystery cal, I wouldn't stress out over it. Hope you're feeling well.


Stay safe all of you in the snow and cold! Hugs to all.

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Wow...... it has been a llllllooooooooonnnnnnggggggggg time since I have been on here! :whew

I have missed you guys soooooooooo much!!!

I'm so sorry I have been away... its been so busy here! With hubby's relapse and the boys in school... I've been one place or another! I havent been sitting still long enough to be on the computer... so I have kept my facebook as updated as I can from my phone with whats been going on with the boys and hubby so friends and family can know.

I'm obviously not even going to try and read back all through the posts... so I'm gonna try and start fresh from here.

I've been trying to stay busy with my knitting and crocheting... but with all that has been going on with hubby and school with the boys... its actually been hard to focus. I dont really have any 'me' time anymore... and I feel bad if I even think to take a long shower just to have a few more minutes to myself.

How is everyone?

please update me best you can on whats been going on.

I have missed you all so much!!!!

I'm gonna cut this post short.. and head off to other threads to see whats up.

catch up more later!




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Good morning and Happy Happy Friday!!! WOOT!!!!!


Tammy- So nice to see your post! You've been missed around here, but not forgotten that is for sure! I do hope you can squeeze in a smidge of time for 'you'---I can only imagine what a rough couple of months this has been. Continued prayers Ken!!! Stop in when you can!


tonya- Safe travels home today--and I sure hope you aren't burned too badly!


Sherry- I'll be thinking of you and your family this weekend. Big hugs to you all!:hug


Kuddles- Did you get any snow? Our temps yesterday- 60's and sunny - This morning- raining and 37! But at least it's not snow! Any plans on tap for the weekend?


Ann- Good morning! Hope you got some rest! I'm not feeling motivated to continue with the CAL- I'm going to think about it one more day....I do like the yarn, and may just have to make a different afghan with it. :think


Sue- How's things by you?

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Good morning! Continued hugs to all and hi Tammy!


Joanne, yes the snow came but we are only supposed to get around 2 inches on the south side here, north is getting up to 8! Whew!


Tomorrow I have lunch (without Baby K) with a friend from my old job. Haven't seen her in almost two years!


Other than that, I have sewing to do, crocheting to do (finishing up a crocodile stitch tote right now) and just getting thru the weekend with a bored 7 year old!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

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sherry my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

I leave for home tomorrow. We are expecting 6 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow so driving from the airport should be fun. I really don't want to leave here I am seriously thinking of leaving MI for good in a few years and possibly moving to FL. I am leaving here burnt head to toe, literally the sun moved and I didn't lol. Sunscreen didn't even help.

hope everyone has a good night and good morning.


I saw on the news last night that next year in FL there will 15,000 (not a typo) vacant RN jobs. Just saying. :D


Wow...... it has been a llllllooooooooonnnnnnggggggggg time since I have been on here! :whew

I have missed you guys soooooooooo much!!!

I'm so sorry I have been away... its been so busy here! With hubby's relapse and the boys in school... I've been one place or another! I havent been sitting still long enough to be on the computer... so I have kept my facebook as updated as I can from my phone with whats been going on with the boys and hubby so friends and family can know.

I'm obviously not even going to try and read back all through the posts... so I'm gonna try and start fresh from here.


I've been trying to stay busy with my knitting and crocheting... but with all that has been going on with hubby and school with the boys... its actually been hard to focus. I dont really have any 'me' time anymore... and I feel bad if I even think to take a long shower just to have a few more minutes to myself.


How is everyone?

please update me best you can on whats been going on.

I have missed you all so much!!!!


I'm gonna cut this post short.. and head off to other threads to see whats up.

catch up more later!





TAMMY!!! I've been thinking of you and meaning to send you an e-mail but I've been so busy it slips my mind. :hug


Good morning and Happy Happy Friday!!! WOOT!!!!!


Sue- How's things by you?


Not "Friday" here. :lol Same stuff, different day. Went to dinner last night with some of the gals from work. A volunteer had her last day with us yesterday so we went out. She's moving to the Keys to work at Theater of the Sea. That's one of the places we went last year when we were down there.


(finishing up a crocodile stitch tote right now)


I've been looking at some crocodile stitch patterns lately. Hard to do?



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Hi Sue honey!


Crocodile is very easy to do, once you 'get' it. I watched a short video on youtube and had the aha moment and was off to the races. Used a free pattern with tons of mistakes so just winged it after that.


Mama K

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Good Afternoon All! I just got the call that they are changing my formula and it will be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it helps! Maybe I'll even get some energy back. Wouldn't that be nice! :)


I leave for home tomorrow. We are expecting 6 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow so driving from the airport should be fun. I really don't want to leave here I am seriously thinking of leaving MI for good in a few years and possibly moving to FL. I am leaving here burnt head to toe, literally the sun moved and I didn't lol. Sunscreen didn't even help.

hope everyone has a good night and good morning.

Don't know if your home yet or not. Hope your trip is/has been a safe one! Take care of that sunburn! Ouch!


Joanne - the little one seems to be doing ok. Of course, he's stuck like glue to dad-which is to be expected. Our oldest GS will be going to the funeral to be with him. And we plan to have him over as much as we can to help and he can play with the boys.


Ann - I'm thinking I'd take my time on the mystery cal, I wouldn't stress out over it. Hope you're feeling well.


Stay safe all of you in the snow and cold! Hugs to all.

I'm trying not to stress, but well, ya know! :lol I really think I might just drop out of it and make a different ghan with it. I love the yarn! My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family this weekend. :hug


Wow...... it has been a llllllooooooooonnnnnnggggggggg time since I have been on here! :whew

I have missed you guys soooooooooo much!!!

I'm so sorry I have been away... its been so busy here! With hubby's relapse and the boys in school... I've been one place or another! I havent been sitting still long enough to be on the computer... so I have kept my facebook as updated as I can from my phone with whats been going on with the boys and hubby so friends and family can know.

I'm obviously not even going to try and read back all through the posts... so I'm gonna try and start fresh from here.


I've been trying to stay busy with my knitting and crocheting... but with all that has been going on with hubby and school with the boys... its actually been hard to focus. I dont really have any 'me' time anymore... and I feel bad if I even think to take a long shower just to have a few more minutes to myself.


How is everyone?

please update me best you can on whats been going on.

I have missed you all so much!!!!


I'm gonna cut this post short.. and head off to other threads to see whats up.

catch up more later!




Tam, so good to hear from you! :hug


Good morning and Happy Happy Friday!!! WOOT!!!!!


Ann- Good morning! Hope you got some rest! I'm not feeling motivated to continue with the CAL- I'm going to think about it one more day....I do like the yarn, and may just have to make a different afghan with it. :think


I couldn't even finish one square yesterday when I saw how far off it was and read how much trouble everyone was having. I don't like the idea of having to figure out which hook to use for every square in this ghan and they don't give stitch counts which is another one of my pet peeves. :lol I should have know because every Bernat pattern that I've made has had problems. I still haven't totally made up my mind, but I'm leaning towards leaving. :(


Good morning! Continued hugs to all and hi Tammy!


Joanne, yes the snow came but we are only supposed to get around 2 inches on the south side here, north is getting up to 8! Whew!


Tomorrow I have lunch (without Baby K) with a friend from my old job. Haven't seen her in almost two years!


Other than that, I have sewing to do, crocheting to do (finishing up a crocodile stitch tote right now) and just getting thru the weekend with a bored 7 year old!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

Hi Mama! Figures that winter is coming now that it's supposed to be ending! :lol We're getting a mix of snow, rain and sleet today. Yuck! Enjoy your lunch tomorrow! Sounds nice to get together with a friend you haven't seen in that long! Looking forward to seeing your new tote too!


Hi Sue honey!


Crocodile is very easy to do, once you 'get' it. I watched a short video on youtube and had the aha moment and was off to the races. Used a free pattern with tons of mistakes so just winged it after that.


Mama K

I was wondering about the crocodile stitch too. Glad to hear it isn't that hard. Hope I have that "aha" moment! :lol

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