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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good Morning Everyone! Just popping in to wish you all a wonderful day!


Mama K, any boss today?


Have a great day my friends! :hug


:clap back at ya!


He is here this morning but will be gone this afternoon! Woot!


YOU have a great day!


Mama K

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Went to work for 2 hours and came home. I didn't sleep at all last night. So stuffed up. :( Going to eat some lunch and go to bed.



Awww, hope you've been getting some good rest this afternoon. Sounds like you need a good dose of homemade chicken soup! Hope you feel better soon.


:clap back at ya!


He is here this morning but will be gone this afternoon! Woot!


YOU have a great day!


Mama K

Wootie, Woot, Woot! :yay

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Sue - hope you were able to rest some today. I agree with Ann - get some good chicken noodle soup.


Mary - I hadn't thought of ebay. If I can't find one soon, I may try it although I'd love to have it for Christmas.


Had another busy day - youngest DD called and said she had car trouble again. Had to have it towed back to the place that worked on it. They are still trying to figure out what happened. She has my van and I still have the rental.


DD's best friend had her baby today. There were complications and they had to do a c-section. Mom is doing ok, baby is in NICU as he had some breathing problems but he should be fine. Don't know his weight and can't remember his name. I'm just glad he's here!!


Have a wonderful evening.

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Good morning!

Sue- Hope you got a lot of sleep and feel a little better today!


Sherry- I sure hope that they can figure out what is wrong with DD's car. Glad to hear that her friend's baby will be ok


Had a lovely visit with my sister-in-law and of course, DD and GS!! Today I'll leave work at 1 and my oldest DD will be here shortly after!!! WOOT!!!!


Have a wonderful Friday!!!

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Quiet here- I got out at 1-- DD's arrived around 2--and now they just ran to the store to pick up some things for middle DD's Christmas get together tomorrow night. When they get back they are going to start baking cookies.


Hope all is well with everyone! Hugs to all!

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Still sick as a dog. :( Came home from work and laid down for a hour. Just finished dinner and ready for bed again. I've already missed the Christmas party at work (it was Monday), now tonight one of my co-workers is having his 40th birthday party that I'll have to miss. I did send him a bottle of Jose Cuervo though. He won't miss me with that in his hand. :lol



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Howdy all! Not one of my best days. I see it is a slow day around here too! Everyone must be busy getting ready for the holiday. DH had a dr's appt first thing this morning then we did a few errands. After we got home I crashed on the couch for an hour or so! :lol I really need to get my hooks moving now just need to find the energy.


Sue, sorry to read that you still aren't feeling good. Maybe you should have kept that Jose Cuervo for yourself! That probably would knock that germs out of you! :lol


Joanne, WOOT! Enjoy the time with your DD in town!


Sherry, hope they can figure out and fix what's wrong with DD's car. WOOT for the baby being born!!!


Mama K, hope your having a good day! It's Friday, is that movie night?


Hugs to everyone!:hug

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dumb cold won't go away..sigh... But I've been across the mt pass twice this week. Probably isn't helping :D


Spent time with my dd, ds and ddil. DD and I went yarn shopping..Ok I went yarn shopping. We hit Hobby Lobby, a new Joanns that has a better selection than mine, and a Walmart with a pitiful little selection of yarn. A gal told me another store had a better selection. Was ok..I killed my stash score the way it was!


Also went shopping for GD as we figured we had enough for GS, but not his sister. So at least a lot of the shopping was done awhile ago, just not all!


Drove home today... still feel like a truck ran me over..did anyone get the license plate??

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Still sick as a dog. :( Came home from work and laid down for a hour.



My poor baby! :hug from Mama! Sure you start feeling better today!


Hope all is well with everyone! Hugs to all!


Hi Joann! :clap


Howdy all! Not one of my best days. I see it is a slow day around here too!


Mama K, hope your having a good day! It's Friday, is that movie night?


Hugs to everyone!:hug


Hope you feel better today! Didn't do movies last nite, House Hunters (which she loves for some reason).


dumb cold won't go away..sigh...


Ugh! Something is sure going around!!!


Off today to visit family.......just a dusting of snow here so should be fine....


Have a super day all!


Mama Kuddles (and Baby K)

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Good morning and hugs and get well wishes for all those who need them!!!


Had a fun time last with DD's and BF- we watched the Devils hockey game and the ceremony honoring Scotty Niedermeyer. The Devils retired his shirt. I was crocheting- DD wanted a warm hat--so made an ugly but warm hat for her. The 2 girls spent the evening baking and my middle DD took most of the cookies home with her for the party tonight!


DD, SIL and little guy are coming over this morning for breakfast at 9:30- so I'd better get a move on here!

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Morning Everyone! It's a brisk 28 degrees this morning, BRRRR!!!!!! At least there's no snow! They are supposed to get some down on the Cape. They can keep it! :lol Today's schedule: wrapping and crocheting! I've decided last minute that I wanted to make each of my boys a hat. I've got one half way done. It's the first time I've made this pattern, so we'll have to see how it comes out before I know if I like it! Oh, why do I do this to myself! :lol Better get move on if I'm going to get things done. Have a great day everyone!


dumb cold won't go away..sigh... But I've been across the mt pass twice this week. Probably isn't helping :D


Spent time with my dd, ds and ddil. DD and I went yarn shopping..Ok I went yarn shopping. We hit Hobby Lobby, a new Joanns that has a better selection than mine, and a Walmart with a pitiful little selection of yarn. A gal told me another store had a better selection. Was ok..I killed my stash score the way it was!


Also went shopping for GD as we figured we had enough for GS, but not his sister. So at least a lot of the shopping was done awhile ago, just not all!


Drove home today... still feel like a truck ran me over..did anyone get the license plate??

Sounds like you got some great shopping done! I hope you can kick that cold now! Feel better soon! :hug


My poor baby! :hug from Mama! Sure you start feeling better today!



Hope you feel better today! Didn't do movies last nite, House Hunters (which she loves for some reason).



Off today to visit family.......just a dusting of snow here so should be fine....


Have a super day all!


Mama Kuddles (and Baby K)

I don't think I've ever watched that show. I watched a Charlie Brown special! :D


Good morning and hugs and get well wishes for all those who need them!!!


Had a fun time last with DD's and BF- we watched the Devils hockey game and the ceremony honoring Scotty Niedermeyer. The Devils retired his shirt. I was crocheting- DD wanted a warm hat--so made an ugly but warm hat for her. The 2 girls spent the evening baking and my middle DD took most of the cookies home with her for the party tonight!


DD, SIL and little guy are coming over this morning for breakfast at 9:30- so I'd better get a move on here!

Sounds like you are enjoying your family time! Have a great time today!

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Good Morning Everyone!!! Where is everyone today? I slept in until 9am, yes, you read that right. :lol It's one of my more challenging days and I just couldn't get out of bed, so I thought for sure I'd have some catching up to do in here! Everyone must be super busy since there's only 1 more week 'til Christmas! :ctree I managed to finish one of the hats for my sons last night, so one more to go! It wasn't the fastest pattern,(super easy though) but I like the way it turned out and I learned a new technique! I'll try to post a pic later. Hope your all having a great weekend!


Sue, hope you're feeling better today!


Joanne, still having a good time with the family? :)


Mama K, doing any fun Christmas stuff this weekend?


Mary, hope you're feeling better too!


Tonya, hope you are in better spirits :hug


Hugs to all :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ann, I am in better spirits.

its the one week left push to get everything done. I am edging the blanket i have been working on. have 1 scarf to finish, 1 to totally do, and 2 hats to make. and then put a fork in me, im done. I passed my class and start back on the 4th.

its been really crazy at work. they put me in charge the other night, really me? I was not to happy since im not totally comfortable but what could i do. next time i will refuse though i am just not ready for that.

hope everyone has a great day.

i shall be slaving over this blanket...ugh it is like the never ending blanket of all time.:lol

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Good afternoon!!!


Had a wonderful time yesterday! DD and SIL and Ryan came over for breakfast and we had a great day- SIL left around 12:30 since he had to go to work at 2. DD and Ryan stayed till about 4:30- and she and my oldest decided to bake brownies with nutella in them and also made a baked brie with brown sugar and walnuts to bring with us to the party at middle Dd's. We had a great time!


Now it's time to watch some football and do some crocheting

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Good morning ann, I am in better spirits.

its the one week left push to get everything done. I am edging the blanket i have been working on. have 1 scarf to finish, 1 to totally do, and 2 hats to make. and then put a fork in me, im done. I passed my class and start back on the 4th.

its been really crazy at work. they put me in charge the other night, really me? I was not to happy since im not totally comfortable but what could i do. next time i will refuse though i am just not ready for that.

hope everyone has a great day.

i shall be slaving over this blanket...ugh it is like the never ending blanket of all time.:lol

Oh, I'm so glad that you are feeling better! It is a crazy time isn't it! Just when I think I'm done, I think of something else to do! :eek Plus I'm trying to wrap things in between and I really don't have that much, but they just don't seem to be ending! :lol The hat I made for my son seemed like the never ending project too. Could be because I made an UBW hat just before it and those take no time at all to make! UGH! Good luck getting your projects done! :hug Good luck with work too! :hug:hug


Good afternoon!!!


Had a wonderful time yesterday! DD and SIL and Ryan came over for breakfast and we had a great day- SIL left around 12:30 since he had to go to work at 2. DD and Ryan stayed till about 4:30- and she and my oldest decided to bake brownies with nutella in them and also made a baked brie with brown sugar and walnuts to bring with us to the party at middle Dd's. We had a great time!


Now it's time to watch some football and do some crocheting

Sounds like a wonderful weekend at your house! Brownies with nutella? Mmmm, anything with nutella has to be good! :lol I'm curious about the baked brie. I've never made one, but I know that is one of DDIL's favorites. It sounds interesting with brown sugar and nuts! Is it hard to make?


Ok, time to get my butt off the computer and get some crocheting done! :hook See ya later!

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Hi everyone! I've missed you all. I have been really busy and haven't had much time for the 'Ville. Now that I've wrapped up Christmas shopping and crocheting, hopefully I'll be around more.


I wanted to let you all know I finished the market bags I made for my co-workers. I posted a picture in Show & Tell. Check 'em out if you'd like! :hug



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Love the bags Nicole! :cheer


Still yucky here. Ended up in Urgent Care this morning. Not sleeping because of the cough. On anitbiotics and cough syrup with codeine. I hope this helps. I'm so tired. :(


:bday Ducky!



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Hi All, I've been busy, yesterday I crocheted 4 dishclothes and I still have a few more to make. Got all the scarves done, just need to get some bags to put them in.


Sue - hope you're feeling better. DH hasn't been feeling too good either this last week.


Ann - hope you get to feeling better soon. Sounds like you've got a lot to crochet in the next 7 days!! Also, stay warm!


Joanne - Hope you enjoyed your time with family!


Nicole - lovely bags!! I'm sure they will be well used and loved.


Will need to go grocery shopping (a chore I don't like) and get all the stuff for the Christmas goodies and dinner. DS and DIL will be here this year for Christmas, so I need to get extra. Also have a few things left to get for presents. So, I guess I'd better go and get busy. Have a great weekend.

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Hello! Went yesterday morning downstate to visit my family for Christmas, just got back.


Sue! :hug to you honey! Yeesh! Hope you start feeling better soon!


Ducky, happy BD!


Anne/Joanne and the rest of my peeps - howdy!


Off to wash clothes etc.....


Mama Kuddles

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Hi everyone! I've missed you all. I have been really busy and haven't had much time for the 'Ville. Now that I've wrapped up Christmas shopping and crocheting, hopefully I'll be around more.


I wanted to let you all know I finished the market bags I made for my co-workers. I posted a picture in Show & Tell. Check 'em out if you'd like! :hug



The bags are wonderful!!!! So good to see you too!


Love the bags Nicole! :cheer


Still yucky here. Ended up in Urgent Care this morning. Not sleeping because of the cough. On anitbiotics and cough syrup with codeine. I hope this helps. I'm so tired. :(




Hope the meds work and you feel better soon. This has gone on too long! :hug


Hi All, I've been busy, yesterday I crocheted 4 dishclothes and I still have a few more to make. Got all the scarves done, just need to get some bags to put them in.


Ann - hope you get to feeling better soon. Sounds like you've got a lot to crochet in the next 7 days!! Also, stay warm!


Will need to go grocery shopping (a chore I don't like) and get all the stuff for the Christmas goodies and dinner. DS and DIL will be here this year for Christmas, so I need to get extra. Also have a few things left to get for presents. So, I guess I'd better go and get busy. Have a great weekend.

Sounds like you've been busy crocheting too! :lol I'm getting there :hook Good luck getting your shopping done. I used to love grocery shopping, not so much any more...


Hello! Went yesterday morning downstate to visit my family for Christmas, just got back.


Anne/Joanne and the rest of my peeps - howdy!


Off to wash clothes etc.....


Mama Kuddles

Hi Mama! :hug


Happy Birthday Ducky! :birthday

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