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Our House Part Two


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Good morning ladies :coffee


Last night we went to boscov's again and I picked up a few things while there :blush Back tonight for our 3rd day for this week and they're having pocketbooks on sale :D We'll get a coupon to pick up a set of soup crocs for 2.99 next week for making the 3 days this week :clap We're in luck for next week, because all of the sales are pretty much men's stuff so I shouldn't spend anything while I'm out :xfin:lol


No crafting for me yesterday. It was getting late til we got back so I just sat on the couch and watched american idol :yes


Marlene - glad to hear about your bday and the kids :lol Hope all is going well :hug


Joanne - Have a great day in paradise and TGIF!!!!


Dusti - Sorry to hear you had to fix Annika's hat, but such is the life of a crafter :sigh:lol


Judy - How was book club last night and how's your wrap coming along?


Trish - I love chili and now I'm 'mysteriously' hungry for some :think


Faile - Sounds like you're moving right along with your socks :cheer


I guess that's about it for now


Joanne, Judy, and Cheeria - Only one day.........

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good morning, peeps!

Joanne...gorgeous work! The baby blankie looks especially squishy:c9


We had a fun time last night - I've switched to beer - less of a problem going to sleep, unlike wine!:lol


Been up off and on from 4 AM....finally, when hubby woke up at 4:45 I put on the TV to watch the Royal Wedding. I'll b feeling the short night later on today.


I'm an unashamed Anglophile:D


Marisa, my shawl/wrap is coming along. With thread it takes several rows before you see much progress...I'll bring it with me to meetup tomorrow.

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Julie I hope you feel better in all ways very soon!:hug


Wrennie ~ I do not think I know what a rose breasted grosbeak looks like, but it sounds pretty :lol And, I am all in favor of any sign of spring! Enjoy your hummingbird and other feathered friends. I hope the severs storms go right around your area.

Take a look He is gorgeous in person. Looks like black velvet! google images of rose breasted grosbeak


Who was talking about the baby birdie.......awwwww------I tried to nurse a lamb once and the dang thing died on me! They are all born in the early Spring and we ALWAYS get a couple ugly storms that get freezing rain and snow and then a lot of them die.

Me! It wasn't a baby. Glad it flew off!


If it didn't interefere with holding a wine glass and chips I would probably bring it to book club tonight:lol

:rofl :rofl :rofl


Wrennie- You really do love your birds. That's great that you saw a hummingbird! But sorry about the other bird! (the name escapes me and of course I'm posting from memory here:lol)


The one that is sleeping forever was a yellow warbler. Very pretty little bird. And when I say little I mean little.

Here he ?she is > Google images of yellow warbler


Happy friday everyone! Off to work. Its cooler today but at least the sun is shining. It's rained so much the past few days, and been warm, that I have to mow the grass already. IF the yard dries up enough. Or else I'll be soaked when I'm done.

My up the road neighbor stopped by last night on her way home. She kidnapped me to go see her daffodils. She has a hill she's slowly covering. There are hundreds. She also started lining her driveway and walkways. It is sooo pretty! I didn't think to grab my camera. Maybe I'll take a run up tomorrow.

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Good morning to you all on this coolish, grayish Royal Wedding day...missed the wedding, but saw the carriage ride...lovely dress, lovely couple, saw 1/2 a kiss of the two kisses on the balcony, but I'll be watching a repeat at our movie theater this afternoon (doors open for free, snack bar extra...)


Hope you all have a great day...Congratulations and best wishes to William and Kate!

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Good morning my friends. Yesterday was extremely hectic and I never made it on the computer at all. We are safe and missed out on all the excitement. We had a thunderstorm and rain, but that was the extent of it. All the nasty stuff was to the north, southwest, and west of us.


A lawyer that is working with John on updating wills, power of attorney for Kim, etc. came over last night to meet Kim and get an idea of how much she understands and how well she can communicate. That meant that the upstairs had to be spotless. I put away laundry, cleaned the walls of the fish tank (I found an ice scraper in one of the boxes I sorted this week and it really, really made the job a lot easier.), vacuumed, etc., etc. All this in addition to taking care of Kim.


That's what I thought, too. years ago our neighbor had a big pine tree in his yard and every night I'd hear an owl hooting! Kind of neat.....

They are mostly out at night, but you occasionally see them in the daytime.

Just dropping by to ask for prayers for my mom. My brother just called and said she had a stroke today. My sister in law is still at the hospital with her, so he didn't really have any details. Apparently she fell at home and my dad couldn't help her up so they called an ambulance. (My mom is a very small person, so her weakness must have been pretty bad.) My brother says she is able to speak though.

:hug :hug :hug Hope the stroke proves to be a mild one and that she will be home soon and in good shape. :hug :hug :hug

I finished my tote while watching my sixers lose :( Anyways, of course it's not lined yet (I'm not THAT good :lol ) It's going to be for my SIL :D

Beautiful tote. SIL should love it for it's gorgeous.


MARLENE is having a BIRTHDAY! Have a wonderful day!




Sorry to be a day late, but glad to hear you had a great day.

:birthday Happy Birthday, Marlene! :birthday

Yes, the garage sale pricing is the worst part! We're setting it up today and will have the sale tomorrow and Sat. Our weather is supposed to be nice, so that helps.

Hope you have a very successful garage sale.

Linda - Oh, it sounds like lots of cleaning out going on. Didn't you mention possibly downsizing? (or did I imagine that! :think) Are you still working on your quilt? :manyheart

Definitely downsizing. I've worked my way through about 10 boxes so far which puts a small dent in the pile. Took 3 boxes of books to the used book store and ended up with almost $250 in store credit.


My quilts are patiently waiting for me to work on them again.

Yesterday we got some flowers for the yard - 2 hanging baskets, too. One is a scarlet red begonia. I told hubby I wanted red in the hopes of attracting hummingbirds. I saw one through my office window a year or two ago, hovering over a red geranium on my front patio.


Years ago I filled out a form for the WWF...and got our yard certified asa Wildlife Habitat...we have all the things the birds and critters need...

That's fantastic. I didn't know you could get a yard certified as a Wildlife Habitat. Good luck attracting the hummies.

Hi ladies

Quick stop in .I will try to be short .

I got Bronchitis --back in the hospital--all asthma drugs stopped and a whole new list to try .

$$$$$$$$$ --- ridiculous .

Been fighting depression again due to all of this.

Getting VERY discouraged .

Didnt want to come in to moan to you guys once again,so havent posted,emailed, anything.

Just closed up my turtle shell and taken cover .

Oh, Julie! I'm so sorry to hear that things have been so rough. Hope you are on the upswing now and that they can finally get a handle on the breathing problem. :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug We're here for you.


::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*

*: (=' :') :::::::: Good Morning House :::::::::::

•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*... *...*



I have a few chariry items I need to mail out... a giveaway that is long over due... and tote bags/purses I've been designing trying to get patterns written up clearly!


showing off....

totes I've tested..........



Totes I've designed.......




Tammy, your work is fabulous as usual! :clap :clap :clap And the tote that you designed on the right is my favorite. Would love to test the pattern for you, if your need a tester. And would love to get that pattern for myself.

Here's a pic of Stashbuster Tote #4 and another baby blanket

Very, very pretty work, Joanne. :clap :clap :clap Love the colors in the tote.

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Afternoon ladies

I got up in time to watch the royal wedding. Wow , how pretty .Very interesting,seeing all the traditions they have ,etc .



It sounds as if you are enjoying the wrap from Herrschner's. I'm glad ,and hope it turns out just the way you want -- are you keeping this one for yourself ?

And yep, I am still plugging along on the lap quilt,believe it or not. I know I have promised pictures many times ... will see if I can lasso Sam to take a quick one tonite or in the morning .

I'm kinda using a system to make me stick with it. I got the other one in the mail that I ordered,but didnt allow myself to even open the package yet ,and not allowed til the first is complete .

Sounds like book club was fun . what is your next pick,and forgive me if you already mentioned it .




Are your socks crocheted or knit ? I couldnt remember if you said . I've never had any of them either,so not sure how they'd feel on your feet compared to store bought. I'd guess maybe thicker, but maybe it depends on the yarn and pattern .



Hi Trish

Good to hear from you,and i'm glad you had fun camping. We used to go,and always enjoyed it. Nice to get away and listen to the birds tweet .No phones and no way for anyone to disturb your peace !


Hi Joanne

You are going to town on the totes ! They are all pretty ,but must say that baby afghan is absolutely stunning ! Love the pattern ,it looks so soft and smushy .


Hi Marlene

I'm glad you had a good birthday .It's nice of you to save some cake for Maya --she must be like me and love cake too . Hope you get to go home soon so you can spend some time with her too. I bet she has really missed you guys .




Pocketbook shopping ? Now THAT ,I would enjoy . I am not a shopper for anything else, but have some odd fascination with purses. Dont care if I ever get new clothes or shoes,but cannot resist purses . Some type of addiction I think .


Hi Wrennie

Thanks for the backup support ,and you really DO love birds. It sounds like you know lots about them. I only know the basic ones like robins ,redbirds and bluebirds. Sam can tell some of them by their tweets,but I can't .

I hope you can take the photos of all the flowers-- they sound so pretty. It's nice to see signs of spring. Our yard sounds like yours-- needs mowed again,but it is sopping wet .


Hi Cheeria-- How's them grandbabies ? I bet growing up right in front of your eyes .



Hi LeAnna

Enjoy the movie theater version of the wedding. It'd be neat to see it on a big screen like that .



Hi Linda

I hope all the extra work slows down for you soon. Will you be getting some vacation time off again this summer ?

You will have fun choosing some new books with all your store credit . We have a bookstore about 30 minutes from here that does that,but I havent been there in about a year. I have been using the library or reading what I have here on hand .



Anyone heard from Toni since all them last bad storms hit down there ? Those things are nasty this year ..Wonder why there seem to be so many more than usual ?


Not much else to report .Still wheezing ,but the cough has lessened up some ,so that is a good thing .


Not sure what Cam has up his sleeve for the weekend . I will contact Steph to ask -- I really want to see him,but dont want him to get sick. I'll leave it to her to decide . We have his new game here he asked for ,for Easter . It is called Chuckin'Chickens or something like that. He played it at school one day on inside recess and talked about it all night ,so I told him I'd order it for Easter .


Will drop in later on . Hope you all have a good day .

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Jules, the shawl IS for me...which surprised Phil when I told him:lol He can't remember the last time I made something for myself.

I was working on the shawl while watch The King's Speech on tv. After watching the Royal Wedding this morning it seemed the perfect day to do that - and it was wonderful!!


The next book club selection is by Norah Ephron, called I Feel Bad About My Neck I read it years ago...and I remember laughing...

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Hi, Trish ~ Glad that your camping trip did not get washed-out. We camped every weekend as I was growing up, and, I agree with Julie, it is great fun to give up one's regular routine and spend some time out-of-doors. Hope it does not take you too long to get your chores finished. Mmmmm, chili in the crockpot, that's the way to do it!! Have a good one!


Dusti- I can't wait to see the pic of the hat you made!!!



Here's a pic of Stashbuster Tote #4 and another baby blanket

Ask, and you shall receive ;) I will post it at the bottom of my comments and rambling, here. Speaking of pics, your tote is wonderful, and that baby blanket looks soooo cuddly. Is it for your hubby's daughter? Very nice work :yes


Last night we went to boscov's again and I picked up a few things while there :blush Back tonight for our 3rd day for this week and they're having pocketbooks on sale :D We'll get a coupon to pick up a set of soup crocs for 2.99 next week for making the 3 days this week :clap We're in luck for next week, because all of the sales are pretty much men's stuff so I shouldn't spend anything while I'm out :xfin:lol



Dusti - Sorry to hear you had to fix Annika's hat, but such is the life of a crafter :sigh:lol

As you said, all in a day's work. :hook I finished it, though, and she proudly wore it to school, today. I am anxious to see what (how many) pocketbooks talk to you, when you are shopping, tonight. We'll see if next week is any better, or if there are deals that you just cannot pass up :lol Seems like some awfully good promotions to bring shoppers into their store.


Take a look He is gorgeous in person. Looks like black velvet! google images of rose breasted grosbeak



Happy friday everyone! Off to work. Its cooler today but at least the sun is shining. It's rained so much the past few days, and been warm, that I have to mow the grass already. IF the yard dries up enough. Or else I'll be soaked when I'm done.

My up the road neighbor stopped by last night on her way home. She kidnapped me to go see her daffodils. She has a hill she's slowly covering. There are hundreds. She also started lining her driveway and walkways. It is sooo pretty! I didn't think to grab my camera. Maybe I'll take a run up tomorrow.

Thank you for the rose breasted grosbeak photos -- I still do not think I have seen one of those around these parts, but they really are a pretty bird. In your free time...:think...I would be happy to gaze at pics of your neighbor's hillside of daffodils -- that sounds so lovely. We have wee little green shoots, where my daffodils and irises come up, but it has been too cold and wet for them, as of yet. We did get into the 50s, today, and it felt wonderfully warm. Maybe we are on the spring-ward surge, now. I hope so :yes Hope your day at work went quickly. Gardening plans on your agenda this weekend?


Just a fast fly through to say Morning House :cheer:cheer:hug

"Hi!" to you, too, Dear :hug


Good morning to you all on this coolish, grayish Royal Wedding day...missed the wedding, but saw the carriage ride...lovely dress, lovely couple, saw 1/2 a kiss of the two kisses on the balcony, but I'll be watching a repeat at our movie theater this afternoon (doors open for free, snack bar extra...)


Hope you all have a great day...Congratulations and best wishes to William and Kate!

Amen! Their story is so romantic, and they make a beautiful couple. I did not get to see any of the festivities, but I have been hearing bits and pieces of the details over the radio at the hourly news breaks. Watching it on the big screen at your local movie theater sounds like so much fun. Enjoy!!


Good afternoon to you, too, Julie :hug I hope Cam gets to come by for a visit this weekend. I have never heard of the game you mentioned, but I will have to run the name of it past Kyri, since she is the same age as your Cam -- maybe she has played it in school, too. There are lots of good games out there, available, aren't there?!


Well, without further ado, here are my projects for the week:


Annika's hat post-20536-135897654356_thumb.jpg.


It's been a good and busy week on this end, so I was a little surprised to realize I had more than one 'finish' for the week. DH is supposed to be home tomorrow :yay. I cannot decide if that will give me more time in which to crochet, or should I be doing more household chores...:think We'll see what the weekend brings :wink


Until I get back to this keyboard, I hope it is a good day/evening for YOU :ghug



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Beautiful, beautiful work, Dusti!:clap:cheer


Cindy - I hope everying is going okay with your mom:hug:manyheart


Signing off for tonight. A ballgame to watch and i need to relax and rest for meetup tomorrow!




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Hey everyone, I'm all dressed up and ready to go to the theater to see the Royal Wedding...am wearing my wedding shoes, and one of my crocheted hats that I had made for another wedding. Am wearing a linen suit, the top part I had worn with a skirt at that same wedding with the hat...am even taking one of my favors and my wedding program too...have a hat for a friend to borrow...can't wait...I'll tell you all about it when I get back...


And cute baby things that were posted...


Have a good evening.

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Beautiful, beautiful work, Dusti!:clap:cheer


Cindy - I hope everying is going okay with your mom:hug:manyheart


Signing off for tonight. A ballgame to watch and i need to relax and rest for meetup tomorrow!




Thank you, Judy. I hope your baseball game is a good one. And, I forgot that this is your weekend to meet-up with Marisa, Joanne and Cheeria. Have a wonderful visit :manyheart

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Hello house mates!!


I was happy to see your post Linda! :hugSorry that you had to run yourself ragged cleaning everything on top of taking care of Kim, but I'm sure John was happy that the place was in tip top shape!!! Wow- that's a lot of store credit!!! I should pack up some more books too- and I'll give them to DD for her to get store credit- I read more on my Nook or from the library now- that is when I have time to read- seems like I'm spending more time on my tote addiction now:lol


Dusti- Love the hat- such a nice vibrant pink!! And the pinafore and little sandals--adorable!! Your work is so nice:manyheart!!!! I'll bet you are happy to have DH coming home!!! Seems to me like yesterday he had left on his trip- I'm sure to you it seems like years!


Judy- Working on your shawl and watching the Royal Wedding sounds delightful! I didn't catch any of it since US companies didn't close so we could watch it!:lol Enjoy the game tonight- and I'll see you tomorrow!!!


Marisa- Have fun shopping --wonder how many pocketbooks will make their way home with you? ;) See you tomorrow!!!


Julie- Since you are working on embroidery---one of my co-workers brought in a needlepoint picture she made for another co-worker who is getting married- It is gorgeous- and I can appreciate how much work goes into something like that! I hope that Sam will be able to get a picture of yours soon!


Wrennie- Thanks for those pics of the birds- I don't think I've ever seen any of those around here. Both of them are really beautiful!!! The daffodils on the hill must be a wonderous sight!!! And daffy's sure mean spring!!!


Cindy- Praying that things are continuing on the upswing for your Mom:hug


Toni- I am praying that you and your DD are ok. The devastation in Alabama is just breaking my heart!


Off to get comfy for the Yankee game!! Will stop by again before heading upstairs!:hug

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That's great that you are finally making yourself something ! You deserve it !



Very cute little hat- I bet all the girls will want one. It looks very in style !

Love the little baby dress and shoes .



Hi Joanne

Glad you are off for a couple days ! Hope you get some fun time in .



How's your mom doing today ? I hope she is showing a little improvement .

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Hi Ladies,


Wrennie, Both of those birds are pretty! Your neighbors place sounds beautiful! I once turned down a side road and there was a house that there front lawn was all dark purple petunias. It was beautiful! I've popped by since then and they didn't do it again. It would be a lot of work to do it every year.


LeAnna, That would be nice to see the royal wedding on the big screen. How exciting to get all dressed up and to bring your own mementos. Have fun!


Linda, I'm so glad you guys are okay!!! It's a terrible thing that everyone is going through. Clean, clean, clean. It's paying off you have a huge store credit and your going to make a lot of people happy to get your books.


Julie, Maya did miss us a lot. Last weekend she and her Mom were up to are house and I had Payton and Jocelyn with us. I was in the bathroom and she comes in and starts talking to me. I guess she figured that was the only way we would get some alone time. I was cute. Reminded me of me and my cousins but we were much older. I will probably have her in June and July. I miss my time with her.


Dusti, Love the hat! Maya would like it to. The pinafore and sandals are adorable! I bet you and the girls are excited to have DH coming home tomorrow. My DH and I talk a couple of times a day but I still miss him. It's funny he isn't sleeping well at all. And I have no trouble sleeping. It use to be the other way around.


Marisa, Hope you found a couple of purses to bring home.


Judy, Glad your making something for you this time.


Cheeria, Hi!


Joanne, Judy, Cheeria, Marisa, have a great time at your meet up tomorrow.


Cindy, I hope all is okay with your Mom. Keeping all of you in my prayers!


Toni, I hope your only without power. Your in my prayers.


Today was kind of a lazy day here. I did do a load of laundry and sweep the floors twice. A dog in the house and laminated wood floors and sand outside makes for messy floors. He is a good dog though. He's great dane and black lab. They got him from the hospital where DIL use to work they have a program that they train dogs for the elderly. He turned out to be to big (of course) so she said she would take him. He doesn't bark though. But the 5 that are outside do. They all are good watch dogs.

I worked on my rr this week. But had to undo what I did at the begining of the week. I used the wrong hook. So I really didn't get much accomplished on it.

Tomorrow Payton has a soccer game. I have to take Jocelyn shopping for her birthday next week she will be 5. She wants a new swim suit and flip flops. Then I'm not sure what we will do. It is suppose to be in the 60's. Since I'm going home sunday there isn't no since of going tomorrow and have to bring the kids back or met there grandpa somewhere. Easier on me to stay here.

I'm off going to go watch nightline. They have a show tonight about the tornados this week. I did see on the news tonight that there is a company near Grand Rapids that asked for donations to take down south. They wanted 1 semi truck load full and got 11. Which is great, but they said it will cost them 10,000.00 to take it and come back.

Have a nice night everyone!

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As you said, all in a day's work. :hook I finished it, though, and she proudly wore it to school, today. I am anxious to see what (how many) pocketbooks talk to you, when you are shopping, tonight. We'll see if next week is any better, or if there are deals that you just cannot pass up :lol Seems like some awfully good promotions to bring shoppers into their store.

Well, without further ado, here are my projects for the week:


Annika's hat [ATTACH]38686[/ATTACH], and a baby pinafore and itty-bitty sandals for my friend's baby shower this summer [ATTACH]38687[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38688[/ATTACH].


It's been a good and busy week on this end, so I was a little surprised to realize I had more than one 'finish' for the week. DH is supposed to be home tomorrow :yay. I cannot decide if that will give me more time in which to crochet, or should I be doing more household chores...:think We'll see what the weekend brings :wink


Until I get back to this keyboard, I hope it is a good day/evening for YOU :ghug

Beautiful work, Dusti! :clap :clap :clap

Hey everyone, I'm all dressed up and ready to go to the theater to see the Royal Wedding...am wearing my wedding shoes, and one of my crocheted hats that I had made for another wedding. Am wearing a linen suit, the top part I had worn with a skirt at that same wedding with the hat...am even taking one of my favors and my wedding program too...have a hat for a friend to borrow...can't wait...I'll tell you all about it when I get back...


And cute baby things that were posted...


Have a good evening.

Your outfit sounds stunning, LeAnna. Enjoy.


It's been another busy day here. John will be going out to feed the local deer for a bit tomorrow, but otherwise the weekend is mine. I do need to get going on getting John's hat and mine put together for the Kentucky Derby party. And more sorting and clearing out, of course.


Catch you at some point in the weekend. Hope you all have a good one. :manyheart

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Hi Tam :waving What lovely work you do!!! I adore both patterns that you have designed, but the sage green (my computer monitor may show the color waaaay off from what you used :lol) one on the left is gorgeous. Will you let us know when/if you have it ready for purchase? I think I need that pattern :devil Hope you and your family are safe and dry this week :hug

Aww... thanks sweetie!

I am doing some cleaning up of the pattern and will let you know when its done! :hook

Family is doing well. Hubby goes for his last round of chemo next week.

Michael is still in remission and doing good.

My mom is almost fully recovered from her surgery!

We hardly EVER get tornado warnings around here, though NYC got one last year I think...our beig adventure can be hurricane season if they come up the East coast.


Gorgeous totes!!!:cheer

Thank you dear!!! :hug


Your totes look great, and I really love both the ones you designed.

aww.. thanks! I appreciate the compliment!!! :hug

~Cindy honey~---Prayers for your mom!! Hugs too!



~*Tam*~.......I can PM you my address for one of your totes---you said you were doing a "giveaway" weren't you?? lol---- LOVE EM!! GREAT WORK and love the color choices!


~~ Julie~~......what am I going to do with you?......Do I need to send you one of my doilies????..........hehehehe.......Get feeling better honey!


~*Marissa-*~--love your bag girlie!


Who was talking about the baby birdie.......awwwww------I tried to nurse a lamb once and the dang thing died on me! They are all born in the early Spring and we ALWAYS get a couple ugly storms that get freezing rain and snow and then a lot of them die.


~*Dusti*~---I'm excited to see your cute lil hat! I'm the hat makin queen! I LOVE to make beanies of all sorts- I am making my friend who flys in TODAY and her lil family from Austraila cute lil hats--the kids I'm makin the Owl hats! I'm excited.

you're such a doll!

you never know what I might be giving away... heheheheheheee


Can't wait to see your hat with the new yarn .It sounds really pretty . Pink is one of my favorite colors .



You are my inspiration ,little missie . When I grow up, I wanna be you . I think you have so much to teach us all -- no matter what life throws at you, you catch it and keep on moving .

I like all your totes -- I'm with Dusti--the green one with the shells is so pretty ! I like them all but it wins for my favorite too .



Glad you will have your far-away friends coming to visit. I hope you have a good time and that is nice of you to make them hats-- they will love them and treasure them I'm sure .

Thanks for the doily offer, but as old as I am, I'd lay it our on an end table ,so if you plan on making one of YOUR doilies (*) it wouldnt be used for it's proper purpose . .

Miss Julie..... you are such a sweetheart!!! :hug

Thank you for your love.. encouragement and compliments! You sure know how to boost someone!!!

hope all is well with you my dear!!!



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Hey ladies :hi


Another late evening. I started a square to mail out during my lunchbreak, which is the extent of my crafting for the day :lol I came home with 2 purses :eek They are very cute, one is a multi colored vertical stripes with a purple lining and the other is in a grayish with embroidered monkey's on it. I'll take a pic later tomorrow to share with you :yes After that we went to eat at a diner we passed last night that advertised 'possibly the best cheesesteak' :lol How can you pass that up? Usually they advertise being voted best, but possibly :think They were very good!!! We'll be going back next week to try some pizza. As we got there, we found out that it's a pizza shop, diner, and bar all in one :think Anyhow, the pizza looked and smelled so good and we already wanted the cheesesteaks, so we'll just go back :idea Monday is our next trip to boscov's since accessories are on sale and mary's mom needs a couple new belts because she 'outgrew' hers. Then we're going wed and thurs (thurs is fiesta night at our new diner with $2 margheritas.....again, how can you pass it up :lol )


Not getting anymore crafting in tonight. I have to be up early for an appointment at 7:45 about a half hour away and from there will head to Jersey to meet up with Judy, Joanne, Cheeria, and Judy's friend Phyllis :clap:yay


I may or may not make it here in the morning before heading out :c9


Dusti - gorgeous hat, dress, and booties :manyheart You do beautiful work

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Hi everyone!

Tammy- WOW, what can I say- ALL the totes are GORGEOUS!!!!:manyheart You really do inspire- with all the craziness and everything- you somehow keep it together and I love, love, love your positive outlook!!!! Thank you for that!!!:hug


Here's a pic of Stashbuster Tote #4 and another baby blanket

Thank you so much!!!! For the compliment and encouragement!!!

I LOVE your tote and baby blanket!!!!!

Hey ladies, on my nook so not going to do individuals but just wanted to check in.


I do need to comment on tam and joannes great work. Love both of your creations tam and am interested to know when they're available.

arent you a sweetheart!

Thank you!!! :hug

Good morning my friends. Yesterday was extremely hectic and I never made it on the computer at all. We are safe and missed out on all the excitement. We had a thunderstorm and rain, but that was the extent of it. All the nasty stuff was to the north, southwest, and west of us.


A lawyer that is working with John on updating wills, power of attorney for Kim, etc. came over last night to meet Kim and get an idea of how much she understands and how well she can communicate. That meant that the upstairs had to be spotless. I put away laundry, cleaned the walls of the fish tank (I found an ice scraper in one of the boxes I sorted this week and it really, really made the job a lot easier.), vacuumed, etc., etc. All this in addition to taking care of Kim.


Tammy, your work is fabulous as usual! :clap :clap :clap And the tote that you designed on the right is my favorite. Would love to test the pattern for you, if your need a tester. And would love to get that pattern for myself.

So glad you guys are safe!!!!

So.. how did the meeting go with the lawyer?

Thank you so much for the compliment!!! :hug

Afternoon ladies

I got up in time to watch the royal wedding. Wow , how pretty .Very interesting,seeing all the traditions they have ,etc .


And yep, I am still plugging along on the lap quilt,believe it or not. I know I have promised pictures many times ... will see if I can lasso Sam to take a quick one tonite or in the morning .

I'm kinda using a system to make me stick with it. I got the other one in the mail that I ordered,but didnt allow myself to even open the package yet ,and not allowed til the first is complete .

Sounds like book club was fun . what is your next pick,and forgive me if you already mentioned it .


Not much else to report .Still wheezing ,but the cough has lessened up some ,so that is a good thing .


Not sure what Cam has up his sleeve for the weekend . I will contact Steph to ask -- I really want to see him,but dont want him to get sick. I'll leave it to her to decide . We have his new game here he asked for ,for Easter . It is called Chuckin'Chickens or something like that. He played it at school one day on inside recess and talked about it all night ,so I told him I'd order it for Easter .


Will drop in later on . Hope you all have a good day .

would love to see a pic of your quilt!!!

I'm so happy you are able to work on something!

I'm glad the cough is fading! I sure hope you feel ALL better soon!

Did you get to spend time with Cam?


As you said, all in a day's work. :hook I finished it, though, and she proudly wore it to school, today. I am anxious to see what (how many) pocketbooks talk to you, when you are shopping, tonight. We'll see if next week is any better, or if there are deals that you just cannot pass up :lol Seems like some awfully good promotions to bring shoppers into their store.


Well, without further ado, here are my projects for the week:


Annika's hat [ATTACH]38686[/ATTACH], and a baby pinafore and itty-bitty sandals for my friend's baby shower this summer [ATTACH]38687[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38688[/ATTACH].


It's been a good and busy week on this end, so I was a little surprised to realize I had more than one 'finish' for the week. DH is supposed to be home tomorrow :yay. I cannot decide if that will give me more time in which to crochet, or should I be doing more household chores...:think We'll see what the weekend brings :wink


Until I get back to this keyboard, I hope it is a good day/evening for YOU :ghug

OmGoodness.......... I love it all!!!!!! Those Sandals are so sweet.



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Marisa- See you in the AM!!! Can't wait to see the two purses (if you bring them to show off- or else pics later in the day) I had a cheese steak for lunch today!!! I've been wanting one for a while- and it was delish! Guess it was a cheese steak kind of day!:lol


Tammy- Will keep DH in my prayers that all goes well with his next round of chemo!!!


LeAnna- I forgot to comment before that I hope you have a "royal" time at the movies watching the wedding all decked out in your finery!!!!


Marlene- Have fun at Peyton's soccer game tomorrow and shopping with Jocelyn! Hoep you will get a little time to yourself. How's your wrist doing?


Linda- Glad to hear you'll have some time to yourself this weekend! Good luck with the decluttering.


Mary1- Good luck with the garage sale tomorrow!!!!


Bottom of the 9th and not looking good for Judy and my Yankees---oh, well tomorrow is another game!!!

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Good morning, peeps!

I can't believe I'm the first one on here:eek


Toni, Wrennie, Mary 1 and 2....I hope all is well with you guys!:hug


Marisa is probably on her way up here now!!:D


Hey everyone, I'm all dressed up and ready to go to the theater to see the Royal Wedding...am wearing my wedding shoes, and one of my crocheted hats that I had made for another wedding. Am wearing a linen suit, the top part I had worn with a skirt at that same wedding with the hat...am even taking one of my favors and my wedding program too...have a hat for a friend to borrow...can't wait...I'll tell you all about it when I get back...


And cute baby things that were posted...


Have a good evening.

I hope you totally enjoyed yourself.:)


Thank you, Judy. I hope your baseball game is a good one. And, I forgot that this is your weekend to meet-up with Marisa, Joanne and Cheeria. Have a wonderful visit :manyheart

They lost....but I fell asleep and missed the ending anyway :lol

Today was kind of a lazy day here. I did do a load of laundry and sweep the floors twice. A dog in the house and laminated wood floors and sand outside makes for messy floors. He is a good dog though. He's great dane and black lab. Sounds like a small pony:lol My Sparkie, a GSD, is only 105 pounds...

I worked on my rr this week. But had to undo what I did at the begining of the week. I used the wrong hook. So I really didn't get much accomplished on it.

Are you able to leave your hook with the work? I do that when I can so I don't forget which one I used - plus the brands are different!


Off I go for now...I'll check in later:hug:manyheart

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Good morning housemates. It's sunny out today. I'm off to the bank and Post Office in a little bit. I've got 4 boxes of stuff to send off to various people.


I missed Photo Friday, so guess it's Photo Saturday for me. The RR still needs it tails hidden, but is otherwise done. And this is the latest of the prayer shawls, which will be on its way to its new owner in a little bit. The Celtic Knot symbolizes friendship and the interconnectedness of people.




Aww... thanks sweetie!

I am doing some cleaning up of the pattern and will let you know when its done! :hook

Family is doing well. Hubby goes for his last round of chemo next week.

Michael is still in remission and doing good.

My mom is almost fully recovered from her surgery!








Good luck with the next round of chemo.


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Thank you for the rose breasted grosbeak photos -- I still do not think I have seen one of those around these parts, but they really are a pretty bird. In your free time...:think...I would be happy to gaze at pics of your neighbor's hillside of daffodils -- that sounds so lovely. We have wee little green shoots, where my daffodils and irises come up, but it has been too cold and wet for them, as of yet. We did get into the 50s, today, and it felt wonderfully warm. Maybe we are on the spring-ward surge, now. I hope so :yes Hope your day at work went quickly. Gardening plans on your agenda this weekend?


Well I'm not going to have a chance to get up there this weekend I don't think. I did find pictures of them from last year. heres a link to our valleys blog and her flowers




I did a little gardening. Dug up some strawberries for the library fair and some forget me nots. swung the gate closed and got a sharp pain in my shoulder. Same shoulder hurt yesterday afternoon, so rest for the arm now. How aggravating. It stinks not being 20 anymore :rofl

I do have more plans for the shovel and donations to the library tho.:yes


Wrennie- Thanks for those pics of the birds- I don't think I've ever seen any of those around here. Both of them are really beautiful!!! The daffodils on the hill must be a wonderous sight!!! And daffy's sure mean spring!!!


Warblers tend to stay in woodsy brushy areas. Grosbeaks love black oil sunflower on a platform feeder. I'd have to double check their ranges to see if they're common in your area.



I missed Photo Friday, so guess it's Photo Saturday for me. The RR still needs it tails hidden, but is otherwise done. And this is the latest of the prayer shawls, which will be on its way to its new owner in a little bit. The Celtic Knot symbolizes friendship and the interconnectedness of people.






Nice work!


Now back out into the sun for me!

I would crochet, but I forgot all about getting a certain color yarn for my kitchen swap buddy while out shopping earlier. Grrr. At over $4 a gallon for gas its going to have to wait. did I mention grrrr!

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Hi ladies

A little slow on the uptake today . I had some errands to get done this morning ,then Cam alled while I was shopping asking me to come pick him up,so he has been here with me since .

we have played Chuck it Chicken roughly 17 times ,then I also found Cam an old board game from Goodwill, all pieces included and never even played --called Vampire Hunter . He LOVES scarey stuff,so we played Vampire Hunter after the chicken game ...

Now we are watching Scooby Doo ..


I think we may try grilling out if the weather stays nice for awhile longer. It has been sunny today ,and fairly warm.

Not much else new to report on this end .


Will check in later to see how todays meetup morning went . ( If I am right,maybe that was next week, but I think it was today .

Hope all of you are doing well .


I saw on one of the other areas that Toni is ok -- her area was affected by all the storms,and she has no power currently ,but is physically ok . I dont know the lady who posted it,but I think it was maybe in the tote-bag area possibly ?


Will check in later --

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


In the tote thread, someone heard from Toni and said she is okay, but still without power and there is alot of devastation so they can all use prayers. Just wanted to pass on that info.


Looks like I'm the first one back from our meet up, which was great :D I just love sitting and chatting with you ladies and Phyllis is a sweetheart. I started a stashbuster tote while we were together. I stopped for groceries on the way home, so now I don't have to do that tomorrow :clap


I heard from my mom today and it looks like we'll be going upstate New York for the Cayuga wine tour next weekend :clap:lol They really enjoyed themselves when we took them last year. I'm excited.


Um what else..... oh, I took pics of the pocketbooks I bought at boscov's last night, so here they are..........



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