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Our House Part Two


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I did it! I did it! I did it! :woo :woo the tea cozy is DONE, DONE, DONE and instructions are in trash. I will NEVER make another one. I don't have a teapot to take picture on so the photo is a flat one and I haven't uploaded it from camera yet.


Also, finished this morning, my stash buster tote. Picture still in camera, but it's finished. Feels good, two projects finished this morning and worked a couple of hours.


It's to cold and damp and dreary and windy to work in yard :( so I crocheted. Now racing is coming on, so will work on the flannelghan's final panel. Maybe get the borders started tomorrow.


:yay:clap:woo:jumpyay:party:dance:bounce:2rock WTG TONI!!!!!!:hook

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I did it! I did it! I did it! :woo :woo the tea cozy is DONE, DONE, DONE and instructions are in trash. I will NEVER make another one. I don't have a teapot to take picture on so the photo is a flat one and I haven't uploaded it from camera yet.


Also, finished this morning, my stash buster tote. Picture still in camera, but it's finished. Feels good, two projects finished this morning and worked a couple of hours.


It's to cold and damp and dreary and windy to work in yard :( so I crocheted. Now racing is coming on, so will work on the flannelghan's final panel. Maybe get the borders started tomorrow.



Cant wait to see pics when you get the chance!!



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Hope your team wins today ! We have lousy ugly weather here today too . Really grey and raining off and on all day .

We got the Simpson's version of Clue, which has the exact same rules, just different rooms and weapons, so we played it about 10 times. I won once. Cam is a real whiz at board games-- probably because we play so many of them up here. I am a little old fashioned and like kids to use their brains and play the old board games rather than video games all the time. He has them all home .

He now wants the Real Clue, so I got that for him this afternoon after dropping him at Steph's,so we will be playing it the next time he comes up,which he said is tomorrow-- we'll see if Steph calls again then or not .



Great job on completing 2 projects ,and maybe 3 if you get the FG done today ! Have fun watching the race .



Just filled Joanne in on the games,so wont repeat it all ,but Cam left happy, and will be coming back happy with the original clue game to play .

Hope you get all your errands completed today !

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The Yankees won!!!:clap


And as if I don't have enough WIP's, I started another project! I'm working on a Stash Buster Tote (Mary 2 and Tammy (and maybe Toni?) made one- designed by Sue (Turtlelvr). I think I'm catching crochet ADD!!!!:lol


I've got the Sixer/Miami game on now and am cheering along with Marisa for the Sixers!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Julie- I think I'm going to get Yankee Monopoly for DD's BF this year for his birthday! They both love to play board games and host game nights at their place. And since he is such a Yankee fan, thought that might be a good gift! Have you decided on colors for your house? Any idea when you may starting all your renovations?


Hope everyone is enjoying their day- and can't wait to hear about Wrennie's trip to HL!!

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Thanks everyone for the great comments on my babies.


Julie...I have 9 boys and 3 girls and love them all so much...its amazing how they can feel lie your own.Trentys full name is Trenty Merrie Grigartis and they named their son Wesley Billy-Bob Grigartis(we call him B-Bob)...yes you read that right...my son is nuts.


Tammy....i still have one at home to that's 15 so i know how you feel...hes a really easy one though and pretty much raises himself...hes home-schooled so i dont even have to get up early and he pretty much keeps my hours.


This is the closest i have to all of them together...the only ones missing here are 4 of my grandsons because they live down here and weren't up in WV to get in the photo and this was before my newest Elizabeth was born.


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Hi, ladies...


Marisa, Any day the Yankees win is a good day!!:D I hope your day is going well:hug

I'm nearly finished witht he border on the one small blanket my older friend gave me to finish. I kind of made it up as I went along.:)

I did it! I did it! I did it! :woo :woo the tea cozy is DONE, DONE, DONE and instructions are in trash. I will NEVER make another one. I don't have a teapot to take picture on so the photo is a flat one and I haven't uploaded it from camera yet.


Also, finished this morning, my stash buster tote. Picture still in camera, but it's finished. Feels good, two projects finished this morning and worked a couple of hours.


It's to cold and damp and dreary and windy to work in yard :( so I crocheted. Now racing is coming on, so will work on the flannelghan's final panel. Maybe get the borders started tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing everything, Toni!:clap


Off to have a cuppa...it's so windy rainy and cold out there. I wish the weather would make up its mind!

At least the Yankees go their game in.




Shay, the kids are so precious!!!

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Hey ladies :hi


Hope everyone's having a great day. I got my cleaning done, turtles cleaned, worked out, and just ate :D Watched my sixers lose :( But on the upside, they started well and ended well and didn't have their budorkases handed to them on a silver platter :lol Hopefully they'll pull out the win in the next game :xfin


Congrats to Judy and Joanne on the Yankee win :clap The Phils are rained out and will make up the game in June with a double header.


Julie - We always had a whole slew of board games as well :yes


Shay - Gorgeous picture :manyheart


Going to play ONE game and then head to my spot on the floor to do another portion of my map and then hopefully get a little hooking in after that on a square to mail out.

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Hey ladies :hi


Hope everyone's having a great day. I got my cleaning done, turtles cleaned, worked out, and just ate :D Watched my sixers lose :( But on the upside, they started well and ended well and didn't have their budorkases handed to them on a silver platter :lol Hopefully they'll pull out the win in the next game :xfin


Congrats to Judy and Joanne on the Yankee win :clap The Phils are rained out and will make up the game in June with a double header.


Julie - We always had a whole slew of board games as well :yes


Shay - Gorgeous picture :manyheart


Going to play ONE game and then head to my spot on the floor to do another portion of my map and then hopefully get a little hooking in after that on a square to mail out.


They almost looked like they might pull it out! It was an exciting ending- now if they can put 4 quarters together they'll be in business!!


Remember- ONE game!! then back to the map!!!:lol

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Here are photos of my accomplishments today.


The "bleepin" tea cozy that I don't have a teapot to stage it on




My version of the Stash Buster Tote from Sue:



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Joanne, :rofl on the time. I didn't even think about it being different cause you're only a keyboard away!


I feel so badly for all those who were in the path and lost loved one's and homes to the tornadoes. Was definitely what they predicted, a tornado outbreak night and it's not over yet.


Nothing wrong with crochet ADD, I've had it for a while now :lol Glad your Yankees won.


Shay, absolutely :manyheart the photo of the grands! How precious and amazing you got that many wee one's to sit long enough for a photo :lol


Marissa, ONE game, we know better than that! I can't play just one either :devil


Julie, have one more panel to make and the edging and the flannelghan will be done. I'll work on it tomorrow during the cup races. My guy won the Nationwide race today :yay


Okay, I hear my project calling my name. Back to the :hook



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Toni-:manyheart Love your *** tea cozy!:lol:lol:lol And really love the colors you used for the stash buster tote!!! We must have been on the same wavelength today since that is what I'm working on- and did a few rows on the baby blanket- and a few rows on the beach tote- and watched Yankees, Sixers, and now I'm watching the Bruins hockey game! (cheering along with DD!) Fun, relaxing day after all the cleaning and laundry and grocery shopping was done! Now if the weather will just clear up tomorrow, it'll be great!!!


Glad that your guy won the Nationwide race today:clap


Ok, back to the hook!!!:hook


I'll set up the coffee pot tonight since I'm going to need it in the morning!!! :D

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Joanne, I'll need that :coffee too! I'm testing another tote for Sue and I absolutely LOVE IT! I'm making it smaller so I can line it and use it as a purse.


Glad you love the !$%@!@ tea cozy, I don't and will never ever make one again. Those instructions were terrible. I'm just thrilled to be done with it!


Sounds like you and dd are having a good time watching all the games that are on today! The big race is for me tomorrow, after I come home from church. Thank goodness for DVR's :lol


Back to my :hook Y'all have a great night. I'm enjoying this tote don't want to take a lot of time away from it :lol


See you tomorrow sometime!

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Morning folks

Well, it's still dark out here so not sure what the weather has up for today. Hope not as much rain as yesterday. Feel so sorry for all the people getting hit by the storms down south. Stay safe Toni ! (and Linda-- I think one of the storms may have touched someplace in your state, if I remember the article I just read )



Yep,sounds like you are getting the Start-itis Fever . Seems to run rampant in the ville .. Lots of people start lots of items all at once , I used to do it myself ,when I still could . I wasnt good at finisshing anything though .



Those babies are absolutely precious! And your son did choose unusual names, but I like them ! Pretty cute ! Cam has 2 girls in his lass, one named Willow and one named Harley -- I think they are cute names but Steph isnt wild about them. The birthday party Cam went to yesterday was for a boy named Blaze .... Can't say I like that one much, it sounds like the name a Chippendale dancer would pick .



You've been getting lots of crocheting done. Glad you completed the tea cozy-- it did seem to be a doozy ,so at least it's out of the way .



Sounds like you are getting lots of sports into your weekend ! You really must love all sports. Are there any you don't like to watch ?



I figured you'd have the partially completed babyghan done quickly-- you sure get lots of them completed. Did the girl get to see the last one you made yet, or is it for a shower or something ? Wasnt she the one who you said was choost on her colors ? I think anyone would like it-- t was very pretty .


Well, not much new here. If the weather cooperates we need the back yard mowed today and Sam needs to spray for ants. We get them really bad here in the spring .... have every year we have lived in this house .


I'll try to lasso him into taking a photo of the lap quilt today too. He was gone all day yesterday and working on someone's mini laptop today -- and I mean MINI ! It is about 1/3 smaller than mine . Really cute ! He said he wouldnt recommend buying one, they arent very well made inside ..guess thats why it's almost new and broken already .


Tam- forgot to ask how your night out was last night ?


Will check in later-- howdy to all I missed .

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Good morning!!!

I woke up at 3:30 or so and was wide awake so came downstairs to work on the stash buster tote- and lo and behold, I had to frog 3 rows of it!:eek Yup- added stitches somewhere!!:eek That's what I get for paying attention to something else while I'm crocheting! I re-did those 3 rows and then went back upstairs and tried to fall back asleep- no luck there- but I did stay in bed for a while.


Julie- I like most sports. Baseball, football, hockey and baseball mainly! I don't watch wrestling, boxing or Nascar. Sometimes I'll watch soccer or golf. I know Toni is an avid Nascar fan, but I've never understood the fascination with watching cars go around and around a track- maybe if I knew more about the sport, it would make more sense to me. :think I was reading this morning about all those tornadoes - Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia! Praying for all those families affected by the devastation!


Toni- I wasn't watching sports with my DD- I wasn't clear in my post. I should have said "with" my DD- since she is in Boston and I'm here:lol She is a Boston Bruins fan so we were sending messages back and forth to each other during the game! So in a sense we were watching it together! And that is probably the reason why I messed up on the tote!


Wrennie- Eagerly waiting to hear about your trip to HL and lunch yesterday!


Judy- Will you be heading to the Orchard today? I picked up this yummy dark chocolate caramel dip that you can use with fruit or warmed on top of ice cream. I had it warmed on top of ice-cream last night and it was :drool


Linda, hope your weekend is going well and that Kim is continuing to do well.


Tammy- Hope you had a wonderful night out last night!!


Marlene- Are you staying home now or heading back to DS?


Mary2- Did you have any rabbit shows this weekend?


Dusti- How's the "single parenting" going this weekend?


Shay, Trish, Mary1, Cheeria, LeAnna, Val, Tab, Cindy, Marisa- Hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday


The sun is shining, the wind has died down and it is a lovely day outside so far- The trees are budding and the grass is growing and all looks right with the world outside my window (and now I can see the dust that I missed yesterday:lol)


Time to get ready and go get bagels- DD should be here around 9- and hopefully, I'll get some more done on the baby blanket and get the tote finished today while she is working on her paper.

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Morning! Just a quick drop by before getting ready for church and lunch with the mama and sister.


Julie, the last two storms we had, I crocheted through them. It's my yoga and keeps me calm during the eye of the storms. Thankfully, in my area, we just had some high winds and power outages. Further south of me is where the most damage and deaths were. So sad. And now the Carolinas are cleaning up from that storm.


Joanne, I have been a fan of NASCAR since I was very young, before it was popular and it was mainly a southern thing. Just love the roar of the engines! Me, I don't understand anyone watching pasture pool, uh, I mean golf :lol Guess that's why there are so many sports out there, different strokes.


I like arena football, it's rough and tumble like football used to be. Love watching the winter sports and extreme sports.


Anyway, need to get off of here and think about getting ready for church or I'll still be sitting here in my jammies when the sister pulls up to get me :rofl


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I already did my grocery shopping this morning and am sitting to have breakfast now, only not having breakfast :eek:lol I still had some leftovers from last week that I needed to finish up and since I just loaded up with new and fresh stuff, figured I'd better just eat it now :lol


Last night I finished that other 2 sections of map, which finished up that insurance company, now to mark of bc/bs and I can better make some determinations. I also did get to work on a square a bit and it's 8ish inches now, needs to be 12. I'm meeting my cousin for lunch later on so have time to clean up the veggies and fruit I got.



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I will be back, later this afternoon, to chat, but I wanted to get back to Wrennie, so she has time to peek at the pattern I used for the shrug. It is from a Leisure Arts booklet copyrighted 2005. "4 Stunning Crochet Shrugs" #4357 Designs by Kay Meadors. Here is a link to a copy of the book on Amazon. The shrug has size adjustments for 30"-42" bust size. I used about 16 ounces (4.5 skeins) of Patons Decor yarn (sold in 3.5oz skeins) in the Secret Garden Variegated colorway. This is the 5th time I have made this pattern, and it comes out perfect every time. I have used Lion Brand's recycled cotton, Red Heart's Christmas yarn with the shimmery thread running through it, and now Patons. I do the guage swatch to figure out which hook to use with each yarn, but the pattern is forgiving and a breeze to whip-up. Give it a try :devil


Oh cool! Thanks!


Wrennie- T- minus hours till HL!!! And Red Robin- and CTS (what is CTS by the way?- the first thing that came to mind was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Od course, I would think something medical:lol and then the next thing was the Cadillac CTS!! Enjoy your day tomorrow!!


CTS is Christmas Tree Shops.


We hit CTS first, shopped every aisle and left with 2 full carts between the three of us. I told Steph to join the email list so she could get a coupon for $10 off $50 or more. She said 'theres no way I'm spending that much there'. Well, she did! And then some. And yes she did print the coupon.

She's doing her kitchen in light house/ seashells. She found a bunch of stuff. Me & Deb both got a set of solar walkway lights for our gardens, I got some perrenials for the garden, astilbe and globe thistle. I got an enamel on iron dutch oven(pot), so I can get rid of the old potch marked, chipped, miscolored one that was my mothers. They got a bunch of table cloths and spring table runners. Other odds & ends too.

Then we hit HL, I got ILTY and ILTC, well, cause I love the stuff :lol I have a couple of tank style tops I want to make with it. Those projects have to wait till I finish altering Stephs fiance's pants for the wedding, and the doily ghan, and some other projects. I have too many going and it overwhelms me so I have to finish something up!

Steph didn't get any yarn but she found an iron bear coat rack/ row of hooks, and some little things for her nephew for Easter.

Then we hit up red robin (YUM) I had my favorite Cobb Salad. I wish someone around here would make a good Cobb salad.

On the way out of Poughkeepsie we stopped at a Tractor Supply because Stephs (soon to be) MIL raises goats and she needed nursing nipples for bottle feeding. Well their dogs all got something, I got some soil for my garden pots, and off we went for home finally. Just then..... it started to rain! Perfect timing, we were done!

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I'm glad you are able to deal with the bad storms without getting too afraid. We were down at Myrtle Beach one year when a real bad storm was coming in. Most of the people who lived there didnt seem any more afraid than if it was a rainstorm. They must just gradually get used to it, kinda like up here when we have blizzards and have to drive in them . Glad you stayed safe --feel so sorry for the people who got hit so hard with them .


You and Joanne are right about aprts -everyone likes to watch different ones. I think they'd all be entertaining if you knew the rules of them better . We sometimes watch football ,but very rarely anything else . I have lots of cousins who love Nascar and know all the cars and drivers, but I dont know much about it myself .


Well, gotta get off --Cam called first thing this morning and is here again,so gotta keep him occupied .


Will check in later today.

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hope you get your mapping all done soon so you can pinpoint a good location. That is probably a smart way to do it ! Hope you find the perfect place soon .




It sounds like you had a really full day of shopping and found some really nice things. I'm glad you got so many cool things .

That was funny that the lady with you thought she wouldnt spend that much. You could easily spend that much in a place with all those types of items ,couldnt you ?

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Wrennie--:lol:lol:lol Oh THAT CTS!! I love that store. I also had gotten some solar lights there about a month ago- but it was too cold to put them in- Just need to get some mulch to put down then I can put in the solar lights! They have a ton of lighthouse/seashell things so it's perfect for Steph's kitchen! My DD and I had bought bags of shells there in the fall for CHEAP and used them to make the centerpieces for her wedding reception. Easy- peasy- just bought glass hurricane lamps and candles at AC Moore on sale,some sand that is used in toy boxes and the shells. We put them together and they were beautiful and fit in with her wedding theme. She and my SIL were married down "the shore" - actually right by the bay- and the room where the reception had all glass windows overlooking the bay. Can't believe it's almost 3 years ago!!!


Glad you had a great day and your timing couldn't have been more perfect!


Toni- Have a good day today- and glad that your area was spared! We have a racetrack not too far from us at Englishtown Raceway Park- NHRA Supernationals will be held there in June. I live about 8 miles or so away and have never been. But there are lots of racing car fans around because of Raceway Park!


We had a nice breakfast- DD and SIL came over as did DD's BF. BF left and will be back on Tuesday to pick up DD. DD and SIL just left as well since they have an engagement party to attend this afternoon. I'm going to run out since I forgot to get eggplant and I promised DD eggplant parm! What was I thinking yesterday:think



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It sounds like you had a really full day of shopping and found some really nice things. I'm glad you got so many cool things .

That was funny that the lady with you thought she wouldnt spend that much. You could easily spend that much in a place with all those types of items ,couldnt you ?


I know you were asking Wrennie- but you can buy a TON of stuff in Christmas Tree Shops and before you know it, you are broke!:lol:lol Now they even sell the stuff Harmon does (cosmetics, toiletries etc) so it's even easier to go broke!


Enjoy your time with Cam! Mrs. Peacock did it with the candlestick in the study! :lol

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good afternoon, peeps!


Jules, I gave it to my friend and she said it was perfect - just the young couple's taste.

Well, we went to Delicious Orchards...mainly to get a pecan pie:D

I exchanged something at Modell's...and bought a lightweight windbreaker while I was there (in white):D

Took Sparkie for a walk...


And now it's time to sit outside with the furbaby and hook or read...:):):):)


Thankfully we still have our yard after lat night's horrendous storm!



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Hello everyone. Having a very lazy Sunday here.


Dh bought "us" a Kindle last night. He said it was for me, (he bought himself a new camera earlier in the week, and I think he was feeling guilty!), but he is reading on it at the moment. Its okay...I have my Nook Color. I think I like the Nook better, but there are things about the Kindle that I like as well. I like the buttons to turn pages, but I miss the touch screen for everything else. And the Kindle is much lighter than the Nook.


I haven't done much crafting this weekend. I went shopping yesterday, since I desperately need some new clothes. (I hate shopping for myself...) It was gloomy and raining, and it seemed every one in town was out shopping. I bought a $14 sweater, and some flan pans. I wanted to buy a skirt or dress, but no luck there. Very few skirts to be found, and most the dresses were way too revealing for an overweight 50 something woman. The styles that might have been suitable were in awful fabrics. Might have to make do with my old stuff yet another year.


Judy, your friends baby blanket looks very nice.


And the Christmas Tree Shop sounds fun. I don't think I've ever seen one. (I like that sort of shopping!)

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